Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 103

He loved her!

“Fuck yes,” he said as he captured her lips and pushed all the way inside her at the same time. She moaned into his mouth. Being full of both his tongue and his cock overwhelmed all her senses and nearly brought her to tears.

He kept the pace slow, almost leisurely, but deep. Now that they’d confessed their feelings, there was an intensity to his lovemaking that hadn’t been there before.

“Jesus, Hannah,” he panted after only a few moments. “Not gonna last. You with me?”

Was she with him? Her entire body popped and fizzled with electric pleasure, ready to come to a head. “So ready.”

He kissed her again. Her neck ached from the twisted position, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. JP picked up the pace of his thrust, pounding into her with intent. His fingers found her clit once again. As though they’d been together for years, he touched her in the exact way she craved. Seconds later, an orgasm so powerful her vision hazed slammed into her.

She ripped her mouth away, crying out his name.

He powered into her one last time, pinched her clit, and came deep inside her. His fingers still worked her clit, prolonging her climax all through his. When they finally calmed, plastered together, and breathing hard, Hannah grinned. She’d never been more satisfied or happier despite the problems waiting for her at home.

“Take a nap,” JP whispered in a slurred voice, heavy with fatigue. “Love you.”

Her grin grew into a full-blown smile. So she hadn’t imagined it. “I love you too.”

They dozed a short while until awakened by a hungry Kayla. After quick showers, they headed out for lunch and spent the day exploring JP’s small town. Though they didn’t do anything outrageous or exciting, Hannah couldn’t remember a more perfect afternoon. That night, after putting Kayla to bed, JP fulfilled his promise. He worshiped her with his tongue until her legs turned to jelly, and she was begging for release.

All in all, Hannah was floating around on Cloud Nine. Even her dreams consisted of wonderful scenes and steamy imagery.

JP seemed just as happy as she was. They fell asleep that night, exhausted and wrapped up in each other’s arms with smiles on their faces.

Until the phone rang at two in the morning, shattering any possibility of contentment for the foreseeable future.


A CHEERFUL RINGTONE sounded through the room. JP wrinkled his nose. What the hell was that? None of his phone’s sounds were that upbeat.

Beside him, a gasp had his eyes popping open.

Hannah sat up with a hand over her heart and a furrow in her. She grabbed her phone off his side table and frowned at the screen. “Why is my dad calling at two a.m.?”

Shit. It couldn’t be anything good. Who the hell called in the dead of night with good news? He sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Answer it, hon.”

Nodding, Hannah swiped the screen and held the phone to her ear. He couldn’t hear her father, but the way her face crumbled told him all he needed to know. The heaviness of dread settled in his stomach as he inched closer and rubbed a hand up Hannah’s back.

“What?” she said, utter shock coming through loud and clear.

He tapped her arm and mouthed, “Speaker.”

Nodding, she quickly pushed the audio button.

“—crashed her car head-on into a tree,” her father said.

Oh fuck. He slid his arms around Hannah’s shoulders and squeezed her close.

“How hurt is she?” Hannah asked in a frantic tone.

“Very bruised up. Broken nose and a mild concussion.” Instead of scared, her father sounded resigned and exhausted.

“So they’re keeping her in the hospital because of the concussion?”

When her father didn’t answer, JP’s stomach took a dive.


“Um, no. They said she was intoxicated. I guess they did a blood test to see how much alcohol and it was right around the legal limit. Based on some of the things she’s said since the ambulance brought her in, the doctor is worried she might be at risk for self-harm. They want to hold her in the psych unit she can be formally evaluated.”

“What?” Hannah asked on a gasp. “Do-do they think she crashed on purpose?”

Beneath his arm, she began to tremble. He wrapped himself as tight around her as possible and began to rock her as he did Kayla when she cried. His heart broke for the woman he loved.

Damn her mother and her refusal to seek help.

“They do,” her father replied with a weighted sigh.

“No,” she whispered. “What…why?”

“It’s too much, Hannah. Too much now that you are gone, too.”

Wait just a fucking minute.

Hannah’s head hung heavy. Tears fell from her eyes, plopping onto the phone screen. As JP was about to tell her father they’d call back later so he could make damn sure his woman didn’t blame herself for this, she said, “I’ll book the first flight out.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024