Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 2

We’re part of an orchestra. We play all around the capital cities, for events and groups who hire us out. We’re a big old group of nerds and we just competed in some of the biggest finals in the state and came in second. But the toll it took getting there was exhausting and with our prize money, we decided to put some toward a month here. Our sponsors were more than happy to help, so together, a group of eight of us booked in and here we are.

Not everyone could come, but the eight of us that did are more than ready for the break.

Rolling down beside the green pastures toward a house so big and beautiful it belongs in a movie. The bus comes to a stop in front of it, and I take a moment to admire the incredible sight before me. Cabins can be seen off into the distance a little, right behind a massive paddock to the left, filled with horses and cows. To the right is a huge barn and behind it you can see rolling hills and the start of what is said to be an epic lake. There are tracks disappearing into the hills behind the house and oh, it’s beautiful.

The house itself is one story, but it has this amazing wrap around deck that makes it stand out. It is creamy colored with a dark red roof. It is a grand old home, and it’s apparent that it has been around far longer than any of us. It would have some stories to tell if it could speak, of that, I’m sure. I can’t help but feel the incredible warmth it radiates. I would love to sit on the porch and just bury my nose into my notebook, writing as the chair beneath me creaks.

It's with that thought I notice what stands on that incredible porch.

Six gorgeous men, and when I say gorgeous, I mean blow your damned mind gorgeous. They’re all waiting for our arrival, dressed in flannel, some wearing hats, others not, all of them except maybe one boasting beards of different lengths and styles. They’re something else entirely and my heart skips a beat when I realize the owner, Rhett, is walking toward the bus. I recognize him from the newspaper article, but up close, he’s better looking than the photos showed.

I’m going to have to be the one to get down and greet him, after all, I am the person who organized all of this.

I get out of my chair, glancing down at Kara before walking toward the bus exit. The door opens, I take a step, and then the worst thing in the world happens. I stumble. I’m so focused on the man looking up at me, with his silver eyes, olive skin, dark hair, beard, and breathtaking face, that I don’t look at the step and completely miss it. I fall forward, almost in slow motion, and land right into the arms of Rhett.

The very second I realize what has happened, I leap backward, slamming my head into the open bus door. Shame rises into my cheeks as I stare at him, horrified. He probably thinks I’m an absolute idiot. I’m already nerdy, awkward, and shy, then I just went ahead and threw that into the mix. “Ah, sorry, I, ah ...”

Rhett grins. “That was certainly a unique entrance.”

My cheeks burn. “Awkward is my middle name.”

His grin gets bigger. “I’m Rhett.”

He extends a hand.

I shove my tiny hand out. “I’m Lei.”

His hand is big and wraps around mine. God damn, I don’t think I’ve ever touched something so perfect and yet so rugged in my life.

“Good to meet you, Lei Awkward.”

I laugh, but it sounds more like a hyena on crack than it does an elegant woman. I slam my mouth closed. My nervous laugh is horrific, and I can guarantee the poor guy is probably wondering what the hell he’s gotten into. He releases my hand and steps back as everyone else climbs off the bus. The sly grin on his face can’t be missed.

“Hey everyone,” Rhett says, when they all gather around, eyes wide as they take in all that he is. “Welcome to Walker Hills. You’re the very first out here, and we’re hopin’ to give you an extra special good time.”



I adjust my top, pulling it down. It rode up when I fell. I suddenly feel very self-conscious around a man that looks like him, and we haven’t even met the other ones yet. They’re all watching from the deck, looking like perfect wax statues, they’re moving that little. It’s like they’re posed to be intimidating and perfect, because that’s exactly what they look like right now.

I wonder what they’re thinking of us.

We’re all on the nerdy side. None of us are stunningly good looking, we’re not out here flaunting bikinis just so we can get our hands on these guys. I’m certain they’ve had many groups of women trying to book in, purely to spend a month staring at them. Yet they chose us to be their first group, and I’m still uncertain why.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024