Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 5

“It’s not so bad, it’s just grass. You’ll get worse while you’re here. Still, woman.”

I force myself to stop squirming and sit still. The moment I do, he uses his jacket to clean me up as best he can. “I guess our tour has been cut short. C’mon, I’ll take you to your cabin so you can get changed.”

Cheeks burning, I follow him in the direction of the cabins.

I’m making a hell of a first impression.


“You fell in horse shit?” Kara cries with laughter, doubling over as I tell her the story.

“Yes, I fell in horse shit. After I called him hot. I’m almost certain he’s currently up there laughing with all his buddies right about now.”

“Oh, they’re laughing alright. We’re going to be in the paper with this juicy story.”

I shoot her a glare, and her giggles get stronger.

“You can quit laughing now,” I mutter.

“Oh come on, it’s hilarious. I love how awkward you are. You never know, he might just like it, too.”

Doubtful. Men like Rhett don’t look twice at women like me. They become friends with us, confide in us, feel safe around us but they sure as shit don’t want to fuck us.

I can only imagine what being with a man like Rhett would feel like.

I wouldn’t know what it feels like, period. I’m a virgin. Not really by choice, I’ve had opportunity, but the two men I’ve had the chance to get close to have been so awkward and fumbly, I decided against having my first time with them. The orchestra has kept me busy, and mostly, I just haven’t had the chance. I’m only twenty-one, which isn’t old, but it certainly isn’t great to be running around with my V-card still intact.

Still, the idea of having given it over to one of them isn’t appealing. I’m confident that my decision to keep it, was the right one. I’ve seen enough movies and heard enough stories to know you don’t want your first time to be with a fumbly weirdo who rubs your left flap thinking it’s your clit and has the audacity to ask if you’ve cum yet.

Anyway, that’s way off track.

“He doesn’t like it,” I point out, finally responding to Kara. “He’s also too old.”

“He’s what, like maybe thirty? That’s not too old, honey. Older men, matured men, they’re like a god send in bed. You don’t want to be fucking a twenty-one-year-old boy. He’ll last three seconds and be done with it.”

I frown at her. “You’re making it sound like I’m about to get down and dirty with an old man.”

She laughs. “I don’t mean it like that, I just mean men like Rhett are mature. They’re sexy and masculine and guaranteed to be good in bed because they’ve had plenty of experience.”

Oh, I can just imagine.

Rhett would have women flocking to him, and I have no doubt he’s been with hundreds of them.

“Well, it’s a good thing we’re not here to have sex with them,” I point out.

“Well, you might not be ... but have you seen those men. Damn, they’re delicious.”

Kara, unlike me, is not a virgin. She has been in plenty of short-term relationships. She tends not to be able to keep them for too long, and often finds herself heartbroken and searching for the next best thing, only to end up right back where she started. Kara isn’t the most stunning girl, but she’s easy going and fun, and that gets her exactly where she wants when it comes to men.

“They are, but we’re not here for an orgy, we’re here to unwind after finals.”

Kara grunts. “You’re saying if Rhett comes onto you, you’re going to say no? Because I promise you, honey, that man can make you unwind.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s enough of that. I have to go over to the house and get our itinerary, apparently Rhett has finished it.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go. I’m dying to meet these cowboys.”

I shake my head. “You’re terrible. Okay, let’s go.”

We make our way up to the main house and the second we walk inside, we’re greeted with the group of incredible looking gods. I have to take a moment to admire them all, because my word, they’re something else. Something else entirely. If you could pick one movie that you’d want to see, it would be one that starred all of these men, on horses, running a ranch. They’re absolutely gorgeous.

“Ladies,” Rhett says. “Good timin’, we were about to go out and do our afternoon of work. Come in, meet my men.”

I step in, awkwardly. Kara looks like she’s about to pass out, she’s staring like a star-struck teenager. “I think I’ve died and gone to cowboy heaven,” she whispers.

I laugh and fidget because I don’t even know how to make eye contact with these guys.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024