Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 11

Everyone laughs.

I rub my hand down Porky’s neck, and he snorts, which Rhett told me means he’s happy and relaxed. I scratch his ears and just like that, the two of us are friends. I apologize for all the mean things I said about his weight, and promise to come and get him out more often so he feels a little healthier. I watch Rhett on Diablo, and oh boy do the two of them make a god damned gorgeous pair. That horse is muscled, sleek, and moves like lightning.

Rhett makes it look easy.

“You’re giving him lovey eyes,” Kara murmurs, leaning over so only I can hear her.

“It’s hard not to,” I admit.

She nods in agreement.

“Okay,” Lake calls to the group, riding over, “we’re going to finish up here, you can all head back to the barn to unsaddle your horses. After that, we’re goin’ to the lake where we’ll have some lunch. I promise you, you’re in for a good time there.”

I go to turn but Rhett puts a hand up. “Leave Lei here, I want to discuss something with her. You take the group back to the barn.”

Lake nods, and I stare at Kara who wiggles her brows.

They all ride away, leaving only me with Rhett and the other guys that are still working. Rhett talks to Enzo for a minute and then rides Diablo over to where I’m still waiting. “Come with me,” he murmurs.

He opens the gate and comes out, and then he kicks Diablo into action and begins riding toward the thick line of trees. Nervous as all hell, I turn Porky around and ride after him. It’s hard to keep up, and poor little Porky is grunting and snorting trying to catch up to Diablo, but, eventually, he does.

We reach the line of trees and ride down a path that goes deeper and deeper into the woods.

“If you’re going to murder me,” I yell out, “I have to warn you that I run about as fast as Porky.”

Rhett turns, grinning at me over his shoulder. “So you’ve said.”

Calm down, stomach. He doesn’t want us. He’s just being nice.

We walk along for a few minutes more before we come to the most beautiful little river I’ve ever seen. Surrounded by trees and rocks that climb up the mountain behind it is a crystal-clear body of water that is running from a waterfall up ahead. It’s absolutely beautiful. I stop Porky and watch as Rhett dismounts Diablo and ties him to a tree. Then he walks over, extending a hand.

“This place is something else,” I say, taking his hand and sliding more gracefully than I expected, off the horse.

“It’s my place,” Rhett murmurs. “The only one that I can come to, and when I’m here, everyone knows not to come down. They all know to leave it to me, and it’ll always remain that way.”

“So why are you bringing me here?” I dare to ask.

He glances at me as he takes his hat and tosses it onto a rock. “I like you.”

Oh boy.

He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I watch with a mix of horror and nervous anticipation. We’re getting in? Is that what’s happening here? I swallow as he shoves his flannel shirt off his shoulders and drops it to the ground.

I’ve seen some bodies in my time, not directly but on the television and none of them, I mean fucking none, have looked as good as the one I’m staring at right now. Rhett makes all of it mediocre in comparison. His body is thick, muscled, and strong. A worker’s body. A body that isn’t made in a gym, but out there in the real world. Muscles that are formed from riding horses and lifting hay. A real body. A body that makes you weak at the knees.

Biceps. Abs. A chest that has my legs trembling.

Don’t get me started on his back.

My word.

Am I wet?

I’m wet.

“Are you goin’ to get in with all your clothes on?” he asks, glancing back at me.

“In?” I squeak. “Like in the water?”

He grins. “That’s what I was hopin’.”

“I don’t ... I’m not taking my clothes off.”

His eyes drag up and down my body. “Shame.”

He turns and drops his jeans, walking toward the water buck naked. I stare in absolute shock at the perfect ass walking away from me. He isn’t scared or shy, I mean, why would he be with a body like that? He gets into the water, ducking his head under and coming up dripping wet. I am weak at the knees. I can’t even take a step toward him, even if I wanted to.

Is this legal?

Wouldn’t he get into trouble for doing this with his guests?

Not that I’m complaining, my god, I’m not.

Not even close.

And why would you?

“Are you goin’ to get in or stand there starin’ all day?”

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024