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Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1)

Page 18

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“Tell me exactly how it went then.”

I huff, but I tell her how it went.

“Honey, I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but that man is into you and he sees something in you that it’s very clear you don’t see. Why the hell would you fight him when he tells you the truth?”

“Because it’s not the truth, men like Rhett don’t look at girls like me.”

“Don’t you think that’s his call to make? It isn’t up to you to decide if he’s into you or not. It’s up to him. Why don’t you relax and just let him feel what he feels, you might just be surprised. You’re a gorgeous girl, maybe it’s about time you saw that.”

I sigh. “Why do you always have to be so right?”

She laughs. “Because I’m smart, and you should listen to me more.”

I grin and shake my head.

Where would we be in life, without our best friends?

“ANY IDEA WHO EMILY is going to pick for first chair this year?” Kara asks me over breakfast the next morning. “She’s meant to be announcing it before we leave the retreat. Gosh, I hope one of us is up for it. Between you and me, she did tell me she was going to pick me.”

She had told me the same thing, and honestly, there is no better person for the job than Kara. She’s smart, she’s talented, and she’s the best player in our group. There is only a few close behind her that are deserving and that would probably be Tai, one of the guys in the group. He’s really incredible and has been hanging for first chair for about as long as Kara has, but Emily has told her it’s most likely to be hers, so we’re all pretty confident who will get it.

“I’m pretty certain it’ll be you,” I tell her. “Without a doubt you’re her favorite and I’m certain she’s going to pick you, especially if she said she’s going to.”

“Are you two talking about first chair again?” Grace asks, joining the conversation. “I hope I’m in for a chance, but I doubt it. Taj is way better than me, and Emily really likes him.”

I can’t say I’ve ever seen Emily interact with Taj in a way that would tell me she really likes him, she tends to hang out with the girls more, but I do know she sees his talent and it’ll be a close call.

“Well, either way, I’m sure we’ll find out soon,” Maria pipes up. “I heard we’re going on a big hike today, I can’t wait.”


Did she just say ... hike?


I don’t hike.

There is no way in hell I’m hiking anything around here.

The mountains are huge and I’m so unfit.

I’ll make a fool of myself.

“Ladies, I hope you’re all enjoying breakfast. Men, I hope you’re ready for today,” Enzo says, coming into the room. “We’ve got a big day planned, so get your hikin’ boots on and meet us at the barn when you’re done with breakfast. Lunch and all the equipment will be provided.”

He leaves before I have the chance to protest.

“I can’t hike,” I squeak to Kara. “No way in hell.”

“Come on, honey. We’re here to stretch our comfort zone and do something different. Give it a go, you might just be surprised.”

I hesitate, but she’s right. If I don’t at least try, I’ll feel like an idiot for bailing out. But still, I really, really don’t hike and I pant a lot when I’m walking. The thought of Rhett seeing that makes my skin flush and we’re not even out on the trail yet.

“Fine,” I tell her. “But if I break a leg, it’s on you.”

She grins.

An older gentleman walks into the kitchen just as we’re finishing up. He’s the sweetest, kindest looking man I’ve seen in some time. He’s probably in his sixties, silver hair and moustache, an old, tattered cowboy hat, blue eyes and flannel shirt. You can tell he’s been around the block a few times, has probably lived on this ranch since he was a boy. I wonder who he is?

“Mornin’ folks, you haven’t had a chance to meet me yet, I’ve been visitin’ my daughter but my name is Ben, but you can call me Ranch. Been around these parts my whole life, and Rhett is like a son to me. You’ll be seein’ me gettin’ about, but I wanted to introduce myself first.”


His nickname is Ranch.

I think my heart just exploded a little. This adorable man is everything you’d wish for in a grandfather, not to mention he’s dashingly handsome. I stand and walk over, extending my hand. He takes it with a smile.

“Pleased to meet you, Ranch. I’m Lei.”

“You’re the one he’s been talkin’ about. I can see why he’s fond of you.”

I smile, my heart doing a funny little flip flop.

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