Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 26


Oh yes.

“You like that?” he growls.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Put your fingers around it.”

I do. I grip it beneath his shorts. It fills out my hand effortlessly and oh, the ache between my legs is fire right about now. I close my eyes and gently stroke up and down. His growl delights me, and I would love nothing more right now then to drop down to my knees, free it from his pants, and put my mouth on it.

I want that more than anything.

“Yo, Rhett.”

The sound of Lake’s voice has me dropping Rhett’s dick and stepping back. With a frustrated growl, Rhett looks over his shoulder to where Lake is standing, Grace beside him, her cheeks red. Ah, so it was Lake giving her the ride of her life. That’s not surprising, he’s very much a ladies’ man and I can’t say I blame her; he’s gorgeous and if given the chance with him, you’d take it.

“If you’re goin’ to bone the customers, Lake, keep it down,” Rhett mutters.

“You can talk, I heard her whimpers before we went to bed last night.”

His finger points to me and I flush. Awesome.

Someone just had to bring it up, didn’t they?

“That’s my cue,” I mumble, stepping out of the way and rushing back to the tent.

I don’t need all eyes on me. It’s bad enough they all heard me, let alone standing here talking about it.

“So,” Kara asks when I get back into the tent, “how big is his dick?”

I blink, staring down at her.

She’s still in her bed, how in the hell does she know what happened?

She nods to the flyscreen in the tent and I turn, looking out to see where Rhett is still standing. Oh, god, we were right in her line of sight. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I’ll never learn. She can just add it to her list of things to taunt me about, I suppose.

“You saw?” I mumble, shaking my head.

“Honey, anyone looking out of their tent saw. You’ve got to be a little more conspicuous. Mind you, I didn’t hate the show the two of you just put on. Now, tell me, how big is that dick?”

I roll my eyes.

She grins, wiggling her brows.

“It’s huge,” I say and she claps her hands with a happy squeal.

“I knew it.” She laughs. “Yes, girl. Get it. Get that dick.”

I slap her, but I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

I’m enjoying this trip more and more with every passing day.

You could say my happiness is ... growing.


“Tell me everything about the trip,” Emily says as we lie facedown on the massage tables later that afternoon, enjoying a little bit of a break after the camping trip.

“It was beautiful up there,” I say, moaning as the woman’s hands dig deep into a sore muscle. “You should have come, it wasn’t really a climb so much as a hike, not as uphill as I expected.”

“I was good here, it was relaxing just having a day off,” Emily tells me.

“Well, that’s why we’re here, to relax. What are you going to do tomorrow? Apparently we are supposed to be doing some big trust building workshop, which sounds kind of fun and terribly scary because it involves being hoisted up into trees.”

“I can’t say I mind being hoisted into trees by gorgeous men. Yes, I’ll be in for that. They’re doing a big fire tonight, I’m looking forward to that. I could use a few wines.”

I laugh. “You and your wine.”

We chat for a few minutes more before relaxing into our massage. After it’s done, I book myself in for a facial, which is absolute bliss, and then take myself back to the cabin for a nap before the bonfire. It’s the most relaxing day I’ve ever had and by the time I wake up, get myself ready, and walk down to the lake, the fire is already roaring even though it’s not dark out yet. Taj, Nathan, and Rick are already sitting by the fire, drinks in hand, and Emily is with Kara, chatting to her. Grace and Maria aren’t here yet.

I walk over and take a seat by Kara, glancing around to see if Rhett is here yet. I spot him over by the restaurant talking to Enzo, the two of them in a deep conversation that has Rhett’s face looking rather angry. I stare for a minute, and then look back to Kara and Emily, trying to focus on their conversation.

“I was just telling Emily about the story they told us last night about the barn,” Kara tells me.

“What a load of BS,” Emily laughs, shaking her head. “I bet it’s not even real.”

“It sounded pretty real,” I say.

“You know,” Rick pipes up, “we should go and find it while we’re here.”

“No fucking way.” Kara shakes her head. “I’m not going anywhere near that thing.”

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024