Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 30

“You got this, Lei. Trust me when I say you get to the top, somethin’ inside of you will swell with pride and you’ll overcome a fear you didn’t even realize was so fuckin’ crippling. I’ve got you. Emily’s got you. One step.”

With trembling fingers, I release the peg and reach up for the next one. Then I push with my feet, going up one more.

“Good,” Rhett says from behind me. “Keep goin’.”

I’m so glad it was him who came up to get me.

So damned glad.

I follow his guidance, one step at a time, until we finally reach the top. There is a little platform up here before you cross the bridge, and when I finally make it onto it, I sit, eyes closed, breath trembling.

Rhett sits down behind me, his big legs surrounding me, his arm going around my waist and he leans in, breath brushing my ear as he whispers, “Open your eyes, beautiful. Look.”

His words make my heart swell and my tummy fill with butterflies.

I open my eyes and what I see takes my breath away. From up here, you can see over top of most of the trees. You can see mountains, the sky, all the trees below. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

“It ain’t about what’s beneath you, it’s about what’s above. You would never have had the chance to see this, if you didn’t do the climb.”

I could cry, that’s how damned happy I am right now.

“It’s incredible.”

“You’re fuckin’ incredible.”

I dare to look down and see how far I’ve come, it’s scary as all hell, but with Rhett behind me, I don’t feel so afraid.

“Now, Emily is goin’ to lower you down. You gotta trust her, gotta trust Lake. I can’t come with you on this part, but you’re goin’ to be fine. Do you trust me?”

I swallow, looking down.

I nod.

“I just want you to sit on the edge, close your eyes, and when you feel ready, just slide off. It’ll feel like you’re flyin’. Don’t open your eyes.”

I nod again, and then turn to look at him. He has a harness on, too, and his rope is attached to Madden down below, who is hanging onto it, looking up. I take another moment to admire the beauty from up here, proud that I made it.

“Thank you,” I say.

He reaches over, running his thumb over my bottom lip. “Anytime.”

Then, I close my eyes, hang my legs over the side and take a long, deep breath. I hear Lake tell Emily we’re good to go, and when she calls out that it’s okay, I slide off the edge. The rope takes hold of me right away, and Rhett is right, he’s always right ...

It feels like I’m flying.

“THAT WAS SO DAMNED fun,” Kara says over lunch later that day. “I could so easily do that again.”

“Once I unfroze, it was pretty good,” I admit, biting into my sandwich.

“Rhett going up there to save you though. Damn girl, I wanted to throw myself off the side so someone would come and save me. That was so hot.”

I roll my eyes, flipping her the bird.

She laughs.

“What are the afternoons plans?” Grace asks, biting into a piece of apple. “I am pumped up, I could go all day after that.”

“I think we’re doing some sailing,” Maria answers. “Then another fire.”

Sailing? That’ll be so fun.

“Elias told me we can jump off the sailboat and have a swim, which will be nice because it’s super hot,” Maria goes on.

“God, yes, that’ll be nice,” I agree, leaning back into my chair, so content.

My eyes find Rhett’s, and he gives me a look that makes me all tingly inside.

I can’t wait.

We finish up our lunch, have a bit of a rest and then spend the entire afternoon on the sailboat, laughing, drinking, swimming. It’s the best day I’ve had since being here, and that’s saying something because I’m certain each day is the best. There hasn’t been a single moment where I haven’t laughed or felt so good inside I never want to leave.

When the evening rolls around, we sit by the fire and roast marshmallows, drinking even more, and talking amongst ourselves. The guys are currently busy, so it’s just us tonight, but I’m loving every second of it. It has been a great bonding experience for all of us.

“We should go check out that barn while they’re not here,” Taj says, plucking a marshmallow off a stick with his teeth and chewing it. “Tonight is the night.”

“Fuck yeah,” Rick agrees. “Let’s fuckin’ do it.”

“You guys are going to stay in there?” I ask.

“Yep,” Taj grins. “You remember where he said it was?”

“I do, I made Enzo tell me where it was,” Kara says. “And I’m up for the adventure. Let’s go!”

“Lead the way!” Nathan stands.

Well then. I guess we’re doing this. We all take our drinks and stand, disappearing into the night to find this mysterious barn. Grace and Maria have decided they’ll be on watch to make sure the guys stay there, so they go on a hunt to find a tent to stay in. There is no way in hell they’re entering the barn.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024