Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 63

If Emily is even slightly willing to shoot us, then we’re better off doing as she asks. Rhett will find us, I’m sure of it, but if we’re injured this will be so much worse. I look to her and shake my head, unless I see a chance where we can overpower her without getting hurt, then I’m not going to risk it. I don’t want to believe she would hurt us, but I can’t be sure she wouldn’t.

“We won’t say anything,” Kara tries, as the night falls upon us, and the cool begins to creep in. “We’ll let you go.”

“I know that’s not true,” Emily says, her voice sharp. “I know both of you, you’re not going to let me just run. Taj was your friend.”

“I’m sure there is another way,” I say.

“There isn’t. This is it. I’m leaving. I’ll find a way, you two are going to stay here until I can do that. I don’t want to hurt you, but if you try to fight me or change my mind, I will. I swear it, I will. My life matters to me. I’m not going to prison. I won’t.”

“So you’ll run forever?” Kara goes on. “Where is that going to get you? You’ll get caught eventually, and the punishment will be so much worse.”

“I know people, I’ve got help. A new name, a fake passport, I’ll get away without them ever finding where I went.”

God, is that what she’s been doing these last few weeks? Creating a backup plan just incase she needs it.

And who would help her?

Who could she possibly know that would do that for her?

One of the guys?

Oh god, surely not?

“That’s not a foolproof plan, Emily,” I say as she stops us at a large tree and then drops her pack onto the ground.

I didn’t even notice her carrying one until now, I guess the gun pointed at us was enough to take my attention away.

Oh, and the crazy woman waving it around.

“It’ll work. I’ll start somewhere new. I can’t go to prison, you don’t understand, that’s my biggest fear.”

“They might cut you a deal if you come forward,” Kara tries again. “Maybe it’ll only be a few years and you can start again.”

Emily laughs bitterly as she pulls out a rope. “You think that a few years is the problem? It isn’t. It’s what comes after it. Nobody will hire me to conduct when I’ve been in prison for murder.”

I swallow. We need to keep her talking, distracted, because right now...I can see a chance for escape. She is frantic, and she’s clearly not thinking straight because she’s waving things around and dropping items from her pack. Her mind isn’t where it should be.

“Did you wear my shoes that night?” I ask her.

She keeps rummaging but pauses and thinks for a second. “Yes, mine were wet and I borrowed yours.”

I look to Kara, but I can’t really see her face. Emily has a flashlight, but it’s dark out, I can only see the pack that she’s shining it on and a few things in the close vicinity of its light.

But...I do notice she doesn’t have the gun pointed at us right now.

It’s currently on the ground as she uses the flashlight to rummage through her bag.

Now is our only chance.

I act without thought.

Praying I’ve made the right decision.

EMILY LANDS WITH A thump when I throw myself at her.

It’s a decision I made very quickly, but I’m hoping it’s the right one.

Her body falls backwards, and I land overtop of her, grasping in the darkness at anything I can. Her hand, her arm, her hair, whatever falls into my grips. Kara moves quite quickly, diving for the flashlight and picking it up, along with the gun. She aims the flashlight at us, and I see Emily’s hand flying towards my face.

She hits me with her palm, sending me flying backwards.

I land in the dirt with a thump that knocks the wind right out of me. It takes me a moment to pull myself up, and thankfully, Kara has taken over by then.

“Do not move another step, Emily,” Kara says, pointing the gun at her.

Emily gets to her feet, covered in dirt. I rub my hands over my face. My god, that hit was a good one. It takes me a few minutes to gather myself.

“I can’t let you take me down for this,” Emily says, putting her hands up as she takes a shaky step back.

She’s going to run.

I can see it in her body langue.

“I’ll shoot,” Kara warns.

Emily smiles at her, a small, broken smile. “Honey, you won’t. That’s why I love you. I hope you two girls were my favorite.”

Then she leans down, snatching up her pack before turning and running off into the darkness. I call out after her, lunging and rushing in her general direction, but as soon as the darkness hits, I no longer know where I’m going. I pause, panting and trying to listen for her footsteps, but I can’t hear a damned thing.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024