Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 66

I mean, it has been two weeks since we’ve seen each other.

After we found out what Emily did, we called the police. Madden and the guys managed to find her just on the edge of the ranch, heading towards the road. She had nearly made it when they apprehended her. The police came and collected her, and she confessed to killing Taj. The media had a field day with it, and Taj’s family personally thanked us for not giving up on him.

I still felt really bad when I saw she was going to prison, because I know deep down she really is a good person who just did a bad thing. Still, she has to do her time for that and I have no doubt that when she’s out, she’ll find her way back into the world. I make a note to go and visit her when things die down, if she’ll see me of course.

She was my friend, after all.

We thought it would cause damage to the retreat, but after news broke that Emily had done it, and there had been a murder on the property and that the murder barn was still standing – Rhett’s idea, not mine – the bookings went crazy. I mean crazy. People want to come and stay at the legendary place, they want to be part of the mysterious ranch. What we thought would cause damage, has only made business boom.

The guys are going to have their hands full for years to come.

I went home, and in that time, Rhett called me numerous times a day just to talk to me. Our relationship bloomed, and I felt lost without him, so quickly returned to the ranch where he said he’d give me a job to help run the retreat. It meant giving up the orchestra, but after Emily was arrested, things didn’t feel the same. I don’t belong there anymore. So, I was more than happy to come and change my life here, and judging by the way Rhett’s devouring me, I would say my decision was a good one.

“God, yes,” I cry out, gripping the benches as an orgasm washes over me.

Rhett pulls his mouth from my depths, looking up at me with hungry eyes. “I’ve got ten minutes to fuck you, I’ve been waitin’ too long.”

He stands, jerking his jeans down and taking my hips, pulling me towards him as he sinks into me. I moan, satisfied in so many ways as he fills and stretches me. His growls only make it that much better. He reaches down, pulling me up so I can wrap my arms around his neck. He keeps me just on the edge of the counter, so he can fuck me with a ferocity I’ve missed.

No amount of phone sex could make up for how damned good this feels.

“Fuck I’ve missed you,” I moan into his mouth as he fucks me, slow and steady at first, until frenzy finally takes over.

“Me too, baby.”

He makes me cum in a matter of minutes, and soon after he finds his release inside me. I bury my face into his shoulder, breathing him in, forgetting just how much I love his smell. He slows down until finally, he slips out of me. He helps me clean up, then lifts me off the bench and pulls my dress down just in time to hear Enzo call out. “They’re here.”

I look to him, cheeks rosy, big grin on my face.

My first retreat is about to begin.

This time, I get to help run it.

I get to help create the once in a lifetime experience for the next group of people.

“Why do you look so fuckin’ excited?” Rhett asks me, leaning down and brushing his lips over mine.

“Because I get to run a retreat. I can’t wait.”

“It’s harder than it looks, believe me.”

“I know, but it’s going to be so much fun. What group have we got? You didn’t even tell me.”

He takes my hand, leading me out the front of the house as all the guys walk up the stairs and line up, just like they did when it was our bus rolling down that old dusty driveway a few months ago. My heart hammers against my chest with anticipation and it takes everything in me not to jump up and down.

I don’t take my eyes off the bus as it stops, and the door opens with a hiss.

I can’t wait to see who we have on board.

Until one of them steps into the line of sight, a bottle of vodka in her hand, her red hair piled on top of her head. She waves the bottle in the air and shouts, “I’m free, bitches.” And then falls right out of the bus and onto the ground, landing flat on her face. I blink, and I thought my entrance was classy, that one takes the cake. “What the hell did you organize here, Rhett?” I ask, looking at him.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024