Bite Marks (The Lycans 5) - Page 96

I could hear the noise of guns going off distantly, the muted sounds of shots hitting bodies, of shouts and growls penetrating the cinderblocks. Another shrill alarm went off, and I took note of the concerned expression suddenly on Salvatore’s face.

Let’s get this fucking started… and ended.

James was out of control as he let his anger propel him forward. His movements were sloppy and fast, his rage getting the better of him as I was able to block his move and counteract.

Then again, I was stronger, faster, and far more deadly than him. I had my own rage urging me on, but I’d learned to shape it, use it to my advantage. I’d trained myself to twist that anger and hatred so I was able to use it to my advantage, so I let my power grow because of it.

Over a hundred years of learning to be stealthy, becoming an expert in my control, and using the fucking malice running through my veins to become the strongest, most deadly being I could be.

And I used that all toward this piece of shit.

This would be a fast fight. I might have killed him slowly, played with him a bit, but not when it concerned my female. Not when he’d directly put Kayla in harm's way… not when he touched her, dared to lay a finger on her.

He swung at me, and I gripped his arm far faster, twisting it back and cracking the bone in half. He grunted but was fueled with adrenaline. I spun, wrapping my arm around his throat, my focus going to Salvatore, who still held Kayla, the gun pressed to her temple.

“Don’t even fucking think about it, Lycan,” Salvatore shouted to Odhran when he was about to lunge.

“No!” I grated out and broke James’s other arm, relishing his scream in my ear. “Don’t you fucking move, Odhran. You get her hurt and I’ll fucking kill you with my bare hands.”

The wolf looked at me and bared his canines. “Fook ye, Adryan. Vampire bastard.”

I was done with this, done with James and his weak-minded manipulation, done with his bullshit schemes and tactics, and really fucking done with my female being in danger.

I spun James around and slammed his body against the wall, the back of his head connecting with the cement, broken bone sounding like music to my ears. His broken arms flopped lifelessly at his sides. The fact that he kept his murderous gaze trained on me and kept spitting out insults impressed a part of me.

“Too bad you couldn’t put that strength to better use.” I leaned in and inhaled deeply, looking in his eyes and smelling the tinge of fear, but his anger overrode it all. “So much hate in there, James. Admirable,” I murmured.

While holding his gaze with mine, I slammed my hand right through his chest, breaking his ribs, curling my hands around his heart, and ripping it from his chest.

“Look at that,” I said wistfully as I held the organ up between us. Because he was a vampire, he hung on a few minutes longer than a human would, and I relished the wide-eyed look he gave me. “I’ve broken two hearts tonight.” I let him go, his body falling to the ground. And as he stared up at me and I looked down at him, I ripped his heart in two and let both halves fall to the ground.

“Shit,” Salvatore said from behind me, and I spun around, baring my fangs. “They said you were savage, but seeing it firsthand… a thing of beauty.”

“You’re next, motherfucker.”

Salvatore smiled and shook his head. “Not today, vampire.” He pointed the gun at Odhran. The shot rang out, and Odhran growled as he was flung backward from the impact, the bullet hitting him in the shoulder.

Just as I was going to take down Salvatore, the fucker pushed Kayla forward with so much force she stumbled and lost her footing. I was in front of her a second later, pulling her up, dragging my tongue along her neck wound to seal it, and keeping her close as I wrapped my arms protectively around her.

And then Salvatore was gone, disappearing behind the door he’d originally come through.

Smoke started to fill the interior, the scent of a fire burning somewhere in the tunnels catching up to where we were.

Odhran dug out the slug with a hiss and tossed it on the ground, then turned and held his glowing blue eyes with my red-hued ones.

“She’s in there,” Kayla said and pointed to the door Salvatore had just gone through, her gaze locked on Odhran. She didn’t have to say who. We all knew who she meant.

“Go!” he said so loudly my ears rang. “Get your female out, and I’ll worry about protecting mine.”

We stared into each other's eyes, a silent communication that I couldn’t sway him. And I understood. As I held my female in my arms… I understood.

Tags: Jenika Snow The Lycans Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024