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The Sheikh's Tempting Assistant (Sheikh's Meddling Sisters 1)

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Raheem had been burned enough in the past by women to have developed a healthy distrust. Normally, his bullshit detector was pretty good, especially in business. But could Jess have been right? Had he let his cock make his decisions for him where Laura was concerned? He had had his doubts that night when she’d first shown up in their camp, but he’d soon let those go after being charmed by Laura.

His frown deepened. No. Laura was qualified for the job. And despite what Jess had said, he’d had the palace security team run full checks on her before he’d offered her the job. She was qualified for the position, no doubt about that. And her raw talent spoke for itself.

Which left Jess’s hurt feelings over a job offer from him that he honestly couldn’t remember making. He remembered discussing the refuge one night over a family dinner here in this very dining room and even remembered bouncing ideas off his family members. But not once in that conversation did he ever mention to Jess that they would be partners in the venture, at least he didn’t think he had.

She obviously felt otherwise, however. If the glares he was now getting from Cala and Naj were any indication, they weren’t too happy with him either. The only one who was looking at him in a friendly way was Razi.

“Come on,” Cala said, pushing to her feet and grabbing Naj by the arm. “Our sister needs us.”

Reluctantly, Naj got up and trailed after Cala toward the door. “Raz, come on!”

Razi shrugged and waved then raced after her sisters out of the room, leaving Raheem alone to contemplate the error of his ways and figure out what the hell he’d done wrong this time. When the servant appeared with his main course—lamb kebabs—he waved them away and stood himself. His appetite was ruined by his sisters’ emotional drama show and now the only thing he craved was to get to the bottom of their suspicions about Laura.

He stalked off through the foyer and down the hall to the corridor in which her rooms were located. Time to put these rumors and doubts to rest once and for all. He stopped outside her door and knocked.

“Come in!” she yelled.

Raheem walked inside Laura’s suite to find her in the sitting area, surrounded by colorful handicrafts of all kinds and a computer covered with sticky notes.

“Hey,” she said, smiling at him over the top of her laptop screen. Finally, someone who seemed genuinely happy to see him. His heart squeezed with happiness at the thought Laura might have missed him too, at least a little. Then he slammed the lid down hard on that. He would not give his nosy sisters the satisfaction of being right. He would handle this meeting in a rational, purely non-emotional way. He would prove to himself that his relationship with Laura had nothing to do with the simmering attraction between them, her pretty face and gorgeous hair, and everything to do with her brilliant brain and PR skills.

She continued smiling at him as she waved him over to sit on the settee beside her. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve got a couple things I’d like to run by you, if you have the time.” She typed a few things into her computer, her elegant fingers flying over the keys, and Raheem couldn’t help wondering how those same fingers would feel fluttering over his skin, kneading the muscles of his back as she clung to him and he drove them both toward the brink of ecstasy…

Nope. He shook off the errant, erotic thoughts and scowled at her screen. “How many tabs do you have open right now?”

“What? Oh.” She grimaced and began shutting the windows down one by one. “I don’t know. Lost count, I’m afraid. Which reminds me, have I told you exactly how awesome the WiFi is here? Incredibly fast and no downtimes at all. It’s amazing. Seriously. Is it like this all throughout Djeva or just here in the palace? Because this could be a major selling point for you to attract new business to the region.”

He was used to her mind going at a hundred miles an hour and shifting from one idea to the next, but she was talking so rapidly now that even he couldn’t keep up. “I need to speak with you too, about my project.”

That silenced Laura. Or maybe i

t was the quiet seriousness of his tone.

Either way, she blinked up at him and waited for him to continue.

He picked up one of the scarves from the seat and ran it through his fingers, the fabric cool and silky, its gray-green color reminding him of ocean water and faraway lands, of freedom and fluidity, of things best not pondered because he had royal duties and obligations and having a fling with a traveling location scout wasn’t on his official agenda. Raheem cleared his throat and gripped the scarf tight. “I feel the need to remind you, Miss Bliss, that this wildlife refuge and the project to raise funds for it are mine to direct as I see fit. Any and all decisions regarding the marketing campaigns around the fundraising are to be run by me first before anything is implemented or agreed to. Is that clear?”

Laura frowned and the brightness in her sparkling green eyes dimmed. He immediately regretted his words and harsh tone, but it was too late to take them back now. “Have I done something wrong? I’ve been working under your directives as closely as possible this week until I could meet with you to discuss what I’ve found and my ideas for the campaign.” She closed her laptop and clasped her hands atop it, staring down at them, not meeting his gaze. “This project is a bit different from others I’ve researched in this area. Djeva is still a young democracy and is still establishing its position in the region, so some of the tactics used by your larger, more established neighbors in the region may not work as effectively here. But I think you have a real opportunity to showcase Djeva’s unique and pure culture and heritage in a way that could benefit not only the ultra-rich in the country, but every one of Djeva’s citizens.” She pointed to some elaborately hand-sewn ceremonial garments draped over a chair across from them. Made of the finest silks and satins, their bright jewel tones and sequins looked like something out of an Arabian fever dream and Raheem felt national pride swell within him. Djeva was a fine nation and he was proud to call himself a member of its ruling family. “I believe your best strategy to raise the funds you need is to show a benefit that will appeal to all of Djeva’s people, rich and poor alike—show them the beauty and worth of their heritage and homeland and the money will follow.”

Raheem exhaled and sat back, running his hand over his face. “And what of this production company of yours? You have explained to them that you are working for me now and that I have your undivided attention and loyalty during this process?”

“I have.” A bit of Laura’s old smile returned and Raheem’s foolish heart leapt at the sight of it. Perhaps Jess had been right, though he’d never admit that to her. Perhaps he was just a bit smitten with Laura Bliss. She leaned a tad closer and her sweet scent of flowers and fruit enveloped him once more, speeding his pulse. “And I’ll tell you it felt good to stick it to my boss just a bit.”

“Stick it to him?” Raheem raised a brow.

“You know, lay down the law. Tell him how things were.” She grinned. “Thanks to you, I’ll be an independently wealthy woman for at least a few years, more if I budget right. I don’t need him anymore, and he knows that.”

“Hmm.” Raheem straightened and glanced over at her. “So, you’re just using me for my money.”

“Hardly. You’re paying me to do a job and I’m doing it. Well, in fact.” She set her computer aside and shifted to face him, her expression earnest. “Unless you’re going to fire me. Please say you’re not going to fire me.”

Much as his life would be easier if he could, Raheem shook his head. “No, I’m not going to fire you. I just wanted to make sure we’re clear on the boundaries before we start.”

“Right.” She looked away again, a delightful pink coloring her cheeks. “Is this about earlier? At the scarf boutique? Because if it is, I can tell you that I don’t normally do that sort of thing at all with my employers. Never, really. In fact, I don’t even kiss men on the first date. Well, except for my last boyfriend, but that was just because he had no spine whatsoever and wouldn’t know a first move if it bit him in the butt and—” She stopped and clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening. “Oh, gosh. I’m sorry. I have a tendency to babble when I’m nervous and you didn’t need to know any of that at all, did you? I’m so, so sorry.”

For the first time since he’d walked into the dining room tonight and found himself besieged by his drama-queen sisters, Raheem felt his good humor returning. He chuckled and pushed to his feet, daring to wink down at Laura. “It’s fine. Growing up with four sisters teaches a man how to be selective in which conversations he chooses to focus on. And no, this was not about our kiss in the scarf shop. Though that was not…unpleasant. Nor will it be repeated. I pride myself on being a tough but fair boss and I like to keep my business and personal lives separate as much as possible. Therefore, we shall keep things strictly platonic between us from this point forward.” Truthfully, the kiss they’d shared had been earth-shattering, at least for him, but he wasn’t ready to tell her that, nor was he willing to put everything he’d worked so hard for with his refuge in jeopardy for one, brief fling, no matter how spectacular. He walked to the door then turned back to find Laura watching him with the same stunned look he was sure he’d worn earlier with Jess. “I will see you tomorrow, Laura. Sleep well. We have another big day ahead of us and I for one am exhausted. Goodnight.”


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