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The Sheikh's Pretend Fiancée (The Sharif Sheikhs 1)

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When she returned to the table, carefully balancing the glasses of water, all eyes were silently on her

as she handed them out. “Okay, there you go. Like I said, your server will be with you shortly.”

“Why can’t you be our server?” Rashid asked as he leaned back with a grin.

For some reason, Liyah found herself looking at Asad to gauge his reaction, but his eyes betrayed nothing.

Rather than explaining the situation, she just shook her head. “I’m just helping out.”

“Then you can help me out,” the woman said. “This doesn’t specify which cocktails are on Happy Hour.”

Liyah craned her head to find a server, but none seemed available. “I’ll go ask,” she said finally and walked away.

Thankfully, the hostess had returned and gave her a nod of thanks.

Liyah sought out Mila.

“The corner table by the window wants to know the cocktail specials?” Liyah asked in a low voice.

Mila typed something into the computer before pulling a piece of paper out of her apron. “Here is the happy hour cheat sheet. Fatima just called and said that she’ll be here in ten minutes. Do you think you can try and take care of them before she gets here? We’re all more than swamped. Just let me know what they want, and I’ll put it in under my number until Fatima gets here, and then we’ll transfer it. Don’t forget to check and make sure that they have their alcohol license!”

The last thing that Liyah wanted to do was wait on the table of three intimidating men and their gorgeous sister, but she couldn’t let Mila down. She grabbed a piece of paper from the printer and stole a pen from Mila’s apron before making her way back to the table. “I’ve got the happy hour list.” Staring at the piece of paper to avoid eye contact, she read each drink out loud. When she looked back up again, they were all watching her in amusement. “I just need to make sure that you have your alcohol license.”

The girl looked at her blankly. “Do you not know who we are?” Liyah had the feeling she didn’t say it to sound snobby. She seemed genuinely surprised.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t.”

The girl opened her mouth again, but Asad cut her off. “It’s fine. She’s just doing her job.”

With a grumble, they each pulled out their cards. Liyah looked each card over carefully before handing them back. “So, what can I get you?”

“Are you on the—”

“Rashid,” Asad said coldly. “Don’t.”

Khalid and the sister both snorted, but everyone behaved themselves as they ordered. “So does that mean you’re going to be our server, after all?” Khalid asked with a grin.

“No, I’m just helping out.” Liyah wrote out the drink order and went hunting after Mila. While she waited for the bartender, she ran a few more errands for the servers, but she could feel her table’s eyes watching her every move. By the time she returned with their drinks, she almost tipped them over.

“Any appetizers?” she asked hastily.

“No,” Asad said quietly. “We’re just here for a few drinks.”

She gathered their menus and skipped away before they asked for anything else.

From the sidelines, she observed them the best that she could. They joked and argued like family, but she liked the way the men seemed protective of their sister. She liked it even more when she got a clear look at Asad.

While they all looked similar, there was something about him that stood apart. Something primal that awoke a desire in her she had long thought dormant. Having a fling was not on her list of things to do, but she briefly wondered what would happen if she did manage to fall in bed with someone like that.

“You must be Liyah,” a stranger snapped in a shrill voice at her elbow. “I can’t believe they sent someone who doesn’t even work here to keep an eye on my table. You’ll introduce me to them immediately.”

Startled, Liyah turned and eyed the pretty girl. There was no formal uniform for the servers at the lounge, except for the apron, but this girl was dressed for attention. Her skintight dress hugged every perfect curve of her body, and her dark hair had the most beautiful highlights that brought out the shimmer of her makeup. No doubt, her table would forget all about her once they met Fatima. “Sure. They said they’re just here for drinks, so I didn’t have to ring up any food.”

“Whatever.” It was obvious that something was bugging the girl, and Liyah almost pointed out that it wasn’t her fault the server was late.

She made sure her smile was firmly in place and approached the table. “Hi. So I told you that your server would be here momentarily,” she said. “This is Fatima, and she’ll be waiting on you.”

“No,” Asad said suddenly. “We’re happy with you. Thank you.”

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