The Sheikh's Pretend Fiancée (The Sharif Sheikhs 1) - Page 20

“If anyone asks, my family is tight-knit, warm, and the competition is nothing more than friendly banter. We have always looked out for each other, and we always will. The media has eyes and ears everywhere, so you must be careful in what you say.”

Liyah had had enough. It disgusted her that he couldn’t even drop the mask when they were alone in his suite. She didn’t want to talk anymore about it.

They finished their drinks in silence.

“Thank you for your company. I’m going to bed now. Have a good night.” She could see the tension in his shoulders as he walked—or rather prowled—out, with all the regal nature and danger of a wildcat.

Whatever romance they’d shared seemed to have sated him, and she felt used.

Imran’s words rang in her ears. He has a habit of discarding beautiful women.

So what did he do with plain women?


Two days had passed since the ugly event, and Liyah had seen virtually nothing of Asad. When he did finally enter the suite, he looked as though he hadn’t slept in days. “Business keeping you up?” she asked sweetly.

He gave her a tired look. “I’m not in the mood to fight with you.”

“Fight?” she scoffed. “How are we fighting? You are never here to fight! And when you are here, you hardly even look at me!”

“And why do you think that is?” he asked through clenched teeth. His eyes were almost wild as he stared at her.

Her heart hammered in her chest. Were they finally going to talk about the passion they’d shared? It was a terrifying thought, but not knowing what he was thinking was killing her inside. “I think it’s because you’re angry that you can’t throw me away like the rest of your women. You need me to stick around to play out this fantasy of yours until the end.”

Asad laughed dryly. “Believe me, sweetheart, what we have here is nothing close to the fantasies I have about you.”

With that, he left again—escaped, rather—and she was left stunned. She’d thought his coldness was the truth, but it appeared it was nothing more than another one of his masks to hide his desire.

His need for her.

He’d given her a powerful weapon, and she had no idea how to use it.

He stayed away for days, and Liyah turned to Amira for entertainment. The two went shopping, and Liyah was able to visit Sahaar and Mila. Her exchange family obviously wanted to know all the details of her life, but they were too polite to ask in the presence of the princess. News of her engagement had obviously not reached them, and Amira warned her to stay quiet for as long as possible.

When Asad did return, it was for no other reason than to attend another event with her by his side. They both pretended that the morning conversation had never happened. Dressed in a sleek, dark dress with Arabian-scalloped lace, Liyah was determined to be the picture of poise and elegance. She knew that his eyes lingered on her, and she couldn’t help but press the boundaries just a little, lightly touching his thigh or hand when no one was looking.

As soon as the car pulled back up to the palace, he mumbled that he was exhausted and escaped into his room.

She felt a little triumphant that she was finally getting the upper hand.

Exchanging her dress for a pair of cotton pajamas, she tried to sleep, but memories of his touch and kiss kept her awake. Every time she began to drift, she thought that she could feel his phantom kisses on her body, and her desire had her twisting and turning in her bed. Finally admitting that sleep was simply not going to happen, she snuck out and slipped up the stairs to the veranda, where she could see the city lights. The large, full moon bathed the city in her silver light and cast thrilling shadows across the buildings. It did nothing to ease Liyah’s aching, but she was not alone for long.

The door eased open, and Asad stepped out, shirtless and looking just as restless as Liyah felt. He didn’t seem at all surprised to see her.

“Can’t sleep?”

She shook her head.

"Neither can I."

She felt his breath warm her neck and turned, recognizing immediately the intention she saw in his eyes.

"Asad." The word came out in a whisper.

"There's a fire between us. We're going to put it out, one way or another, I suspect."

Averting her eyes, she stepped to one side, and he moved as if to allow her to leave, but then he grabbed her hand. Looking to him, Liyah felt powerless against the heady magnetism charging the space between them.

Tags: Leslie North The Sharif Sheikhs Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024