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The Sheikh's Christmas Present (Shadid Sheikhs 2)

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“And yet you didn’t, which makes me believe that you don’t want anyone to know that you’re heading to Lebanon,” Maria tossed back.

“I already told you why,” Jarik said as he looked around hastily.

She sighed and put her wine glass down. “I’m sorry. I’m a little anxious about being waylaid.”

“I don’t think the refugees are going to mind if the crates get there a little late,” Jarik said with a soft smile. “But I think it’s nice that you want to get everything ready by Christmas.”

Maria shook her head. “It’s not just that. There have been some bumps in the road over the past couple of years. Many of my donors are threatening to pull out if things don’t go well this year. That kind of scandal would shut down Christmas Crates forever.”

He leaned back and stared at her. “I did some reading on you. You started the international charity when you were eighteen. That’s a huge undertaking for someone so young.”

“You did some reading on me?” Maria echoed. “How long did you have this planned?”

“Your charity was listed on your flight manifest,” Jarik said with a half-smile. “From there it wasn’t hard to decide if you would be a security threat.”

That made sense. Why was she being so paranoid with him? “I’d just gotten my pilot’s license and I was looking for a way I could help others. I love Christmas and well…” shrugging her shoulders. “I started with crowd funding to help get it started. After that, my brother had plenty of connections. It wasn’t as hard as you would think. Rich people like to throw money at things and think they’re doing good. Especially during the holidays.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them. “Shit. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant…”

“You meant that it wasn’t hard to get the money because people would rather pay to fix things than to actually volunteer and do work?” Jarik asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t sound mad.

“Right,” she muttered lamely. “Anyway, things went well for a while, but there have been some issues lately. I really need to g

et to Syria on time.”

“You worry too much for someone so young.”

They were interrupted by their food, and Maria took the opportunity to drop the conversation. She didn’t like to talk about herself, and she sure as hell didn’t want to open up to someone like Jarik. He wouldn’t even begin to understand her.


Jarik didn’t make a big deal about her paying. It didn’t bother him all that much, and he could tell it was a big deal for her. She was a hard woman to figure out. There were moments where she seemed to forget herself and she opened up to him, and there were other moments when she seemed to realize who she was talking to, and she clamped her mouth shut and blushed.

It frustrated him. He wanted to know more about Maria Walken, but the more he pushed, the quieter she got. She seemed to be suspicious about his reasons for wanting to get to know her.

He had a feeling simply saying that he was intrigued by her would probably anger her.

She was focused. Every step that she took, every move that she made had a purpose. Jarik couldn’t help but wonder what she would be like if she actually relaxed. Truly relaxed. Even after two glasses of wine with dinner, she was still anxious and worried.

So anxious that she didn’t see the two men that stared at her as they walked out. At first, Jarik felt jealous that these two strangers had the freedom to watch her so openly without fear of retribution, but when they got up after they passed, his whole body tensed.

“Okay,” she said with a tight smile when they walked out. “My hotel is right around the corner, so I can walk. I’ll call the airport in the morning and find out when we can takeoff, and I’ll get in touch with you.”

“I booked us a room. I already told you that.” He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice, but he knew he wasn’t successful when she glared at him.

“Sorry you went to all that trouble, but I already have a place I stay at when I’m here.”

Jarik contemplated taking her by the arm and putting her in a taxi but he didn’t want to call attention to them.

“I’m going to walk you to the hotel,” he said instantly. He didn’t want to tell her that he would also get a room near her. She’d probably balk, and while he didn’t relish staying at a place in the bad part of town, he couldn’t shake this feeling that he shouldn’t leave her alone.

“I’ll be fine, Jarik. You don’t have to fake this knight on a white horse routine. It will literally take me five minutes to get there. Go to your ritzy hotel, take a hot shower, and get some sleep. I promise I won’t leave you here. I want your money too much.” She said the last part with a cocky smile, and before he could say anything, she’d whirled around and started walking away.

“Damn,” he whispered. He didn’t mind giving her the money.

But he wanted her to want him.

Maria never drank. The two glasses of wine warmed her belly and made her head buzz. She reveled in the look on Jarik’s face when she’d walked away. He looked both tortured and impressed.

The wine kept her warm on her short walk, and it wasn’t until she saw the run-down hotel that she even realized she was being followed. Slowing down her pace, she cocked her head and listened.

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