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The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2)

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“No, I mean, like, our tribe.” She gestured to the space between them. “Amad, I’m pregnant.”

Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunt. The bass throbbed around them as Amad’s eyes narrowed. He went quiet for what felt like an hour.

“What did you say?”

“I’m pregnant, and it’s yours.” She tacked on a big smile for good measure. Her heart beat so fast she thought she might pass out. Please be happy, or even mildly interested in our baby.

Amad blinked a few times, and his expression shifted into a smile. Slowly, that heartbreaker grin crept across his face. His rough boxer hands covered hers.

“Are you serious?” he asked.

She nodded, tears suddenly pricking her eyes. She hadn’t expected to get emotional about this. She hadn’t even expected him to smile. Hell, in her head she was already preparing for him to be halfway out the front door.

“I am. I wasn’t sure how you’d take it, but I thought you should know.” She could barely speak loudly enough to be heard over the music.

“This is amazing,” Amad said. The amazed grin hadn’t dulled even slightly. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to hers the way he loved to do. It always grounded her, always made her see stars for just a few seconds. Like they were together. Like they were really something.

“Let’s take it one step further, baby,” he whispered into her ear. “Let’s go get married.”


Amad was strutting on the strip. He knew it. Vanessa knew it. Damn near everyone could see it.

But why shouldn’t he be strutting? He couldn’t help himself. His world had just flipped upside down—for the better. Not only was he a father-to-be, he was about to be a married man.

Most guys probably wouldn’t respond to the big bomb of Vanessa’s news the same way he had. But they weren’t in his position. Amad needed a wife. Ever since the discovery of the ancient law last year that led to Fatim marrying his wife Calla, his older brother had deemed the edict a miracle. And according to his interpretation of the law, it extended to all the Safar brothers.

At age twenty-nine, Amad had some time. But he didn’t have all the time. Besides, he liked Vanessa enough. She was the only woman he’d ever been with that seeing her again and again didn’t feel like a chore. Add in a baby, and the math did itself.

“Are you sure?” Vanessa asked for the fifth time since they’d hit the Vegas strip. Amad brought the back of her hand to his lips.

“Positive. Look, here’s the store.” He pointed to the big, glittering jewelry store. He’d passed this place too many times to count. Vegas had been his official home away from home for almost five years. He loved the fast pace and the glitz and the weird underbelly of the city. It appealed to his spontaneous nature and love of flashy things. And money. Oh, he loved money. Spending it, sure, but more than that, earning it.

Which was why he was perfectly positioned as the head of finances for his tribe. He chose what to invest in, how heavily, and how often. And now that Calla’s fashion line was top priority for the tribe, the entire financial future of the country was being restructured. He had to play it right. And the fact that his entire personal future was being restructured right now seemed like too much of a coincidence. This was a sign. Vanessa was the one for him, and this was the path he needed to take.

They breezed into the brightly lit jewelry store. Diamonds and gemstones glittered from every angle, enhanced by the cleverly placed mirrors and the ostentatious chandeliers. Amad smiled so widely his cheeks hurt.

“Pick whatever you want, baby,” he whispered into her ear. He kept a protective arm around her waist as they drifted from one display case to the next. “I want you to have the ring of your dreams.”

“Amad,” she chided. “This isn’t necessary. It’s not like we need to get married just because I’m pregnant.”

“No,” he said, “But why shouldn’t we? I want to get married, and of all the women in the world, there’s no one I’d rather be with than you.”

The words popped out so easily, so honestly, that even he was surprised by the depth of them. Vanessa’s throat bobbed. They’d only been seeing each other for three months, and in that time they’d been careful to keep it casual. It wasn’t hard, with him traveling about half of the time. But Amad hadn’t been with anyone else. He’d felt that spark from day one. He’d thought they’d enjoy the lightness of things for a while longer, but if the serious part came now, then so be it. He was ready.

“You don’t mean that,” Vanessa said softly, but there was doubt in her voice.

“I do mean it,” Amad insisted, squeezing her shoulders. “You think I would spring this idea on just anyone? Now look at these ridiculous diamonds.”

Vanessa laughed, swiping at her cheeks. “God, how can I say no to that?”

“You don’t,” Amad confirmed. He jabbed his finger against the glass pane protecting a display of diamond rings. “What about these?”

r /> Vanessa scanned the rings, her full lips coming to a pretty pucker as she assessed them. Amad couldn’t help but smile. He’d been smitten with Vanessa since the very first moment he laid eyes on this honey blonde beauty. She’d been helping out a short-staffed friend at their bar, and Amad had come in just as she was serving a Mai Tai to the burly man who’d ordered a Michelob. He’d stepped in to save her ass and won himself some brownie points in the process.

They’d been meeting up and having fun ever since. And this was sure to be just one more fun adventure before them.

“I don’t know,” she said, squeezing his wrist as she gnawed on her lower lip. She swung those deep chocolate-brown eyes his way, and he melted a little. “I never thought I’d get married. I haven’t even thought about what ring I’d like!”

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