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The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2)

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Amad knew how to use his lips. He knew how to use every last muscle on his body for the greater sex good, but more than that, he knew how to mete out the pleasure. Just as Vanessa’s thighs tightened and that warning pulse of her pending orgasm had crested, Amad pulled back, hopping to his feet.

“Oh, come on,” Vanessa breathed, collapsing back onto the couch.

Amad just sauntered across the balcony, his hand finding his cock. “What?”

“I hate it when you play coy like this,” she said, propping herself up on her elbows.

“I’m not playing coy,” he insisted. “I just like watching you squirm.”

She huffed. “Well you watched me squirm enough.” She wriggled her hips for good measure. “Now get over here and finish what you started.”

Amad ran his tongue over his bottom lip as he reversed course. He knelt down before her again, pressing a simple kiss to the inside of each thigh. Then he hooked her hips and tugged her forward, so that her pelvis clashed against his.

She gasped. “That’s more like it.”

Amad smiled, but the expression faded quickly. He had an intense sexual side that drove her wild. That was another part of their connection that had hooked her on day one. She’d never been with someone who could light her up like he did.

“You ready for this, wifey?” He dragged the tip of his cock up and down the slick folds of her pussy. She could only nod, unable to look away from it.

Amad grunted and eased himself in, the bulging cockhead stretching her in the most delicious way. Her eyes fluttered shut as he surged forward, the heat and slickness and tightness a heady combination. Once he was buried in her, they shared a shuddering, intense moment that sent prickles coursing through her body.

They’d gone from not-serious to way-serious in a night…but there had been something deeper between them all along. This only confirmed it.

“You’re so beautiful, Vanessa,” Amad whispered, his voice raw as he pulled himself out and then sank back inside her. He wet his bottom lip, his gaze skating over her naked body. “And you’re my wife.”

He pushed into her again and again, the rhythm of their sex punctuating the intense emotions swirling inside of her. It felt crazy and right and strange and new. Reason told her that she should know Amad a lot better than this to be his wife. But reason also told her to run far away and just be a single mom because men always ended up showing their true colors.

This was a strange new world. And she was willing to try it out, just to see where it led her.

Amad pressed his lips to hers in a deep kiss as he surged forward once more, filling her so completely that the pleasure broke loose and overtook her. Heat swarmed her limbs, her hips bucked, and she broke the kiss to cry out as the orgasm assaulted her. Amad didn’t slow down, though. He drilled into her, filling her over and over again until he stilled and went rigid against her. A gruff cry escaped him, and then he melted on top of her, their skin slick where they touched.

A few moments of silence drifted by in perfect, lazy contentment.

She wanted to say something to him, in this precious, perfect moment. But what? She could say I love you, but it seemed wrong. Too soon. And maybe even a lie.

Love didn’t enter into her world. She’d known that from the time she was a little girl. No man really stuck around. But she wouldn’t let that ruin her good time. Be

tter to just go with the flow and see where this ended up.

She brushed her lips against his forehead. “So this is married life.”


Three days later, Vanessa was boarding a private jet.

This was interesting for a few reasons. First, it meant that three days had gone by, and they were still married. Amad didn’t wake up the morning after their Old West wedding and decide he’d been drunk or overzealous or that the past three months had been a mistake. No, the man had jumped headfirst into commitment, and he showed no signs of regretting it.

Second, the man owned a private jet. The seventeen-thousand-dollar rock on her finger was one thing, but a private jet was an entirely different matter.

She needed to research sheikhs a bit more. Apparently, her definition of rich didn’t even touch Amad’s reality. Before Amad’s confession, Vanessa’s concept of rich included no debt and the ability to go hog wild at Whole Foods. But Amad was proving that there was a whole different universe of wealth out there.

She had no idea what to expect on the other side of the world, either.

“I literally have never even seen a private jet in my life,” Vanessa murmured as she entered the sleek interior of the plane. Four leather-backed seats faced each other with enough room to recline fully. Amad stored their rolling luggage in a small closet. The engines whirred dully on the outside; the open door of the cockpit showed the pilot and co-pilot conferring over the controls. Amad sent her a bright grin.

“This is our chariot to the Middle East,” Amad said, squeezing her waist. “The ride is painless, I promise. It’s about eight hours to Amatbah, but if we’re sleeping or fucking, it goes much quicker.”

“The only two things you like to do,” Vanessa cracked, settling into the insanely comfortable leather seat. “My God, can I get one of these chairs for my apartment?”

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