The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2) - Page 8

“You look pensive.” Amad took her hand in his again. “I promise, everything will be fine. My tribe is welcoming and fair.”

“Your tribe.” She repeated it slowly. “You always say that…”

“We are a tribal nation.” He ran his thumb along the knobs of her knuckles. “We’ve been settled in Amatbah for generations and still maintain the tribal structure to this day.”

She shook her head, pressing her palm to her forehead. “And all this time I thought you were just talking about your friends.” She sighed tersely. “I had no idea there was an actual…tribe.”

“A tribe you’re about to meet.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “They’re going to love you. I promise.”

It was hard not to get excited about the visit, or to get lost in the promise and enthusiasm swirling in his umber gaze. This was, by far, the biggest leap they’d ever taken together. But if anything, the two of them were known for their impulsive enjoyment of life. In the past three months, they’d been skydiving, climbed a mountain on a whim, and spent a night in a tent just because it seemed like a good idea.

This was in their nature. They were good at things like this.

Vanessa wanted to see it through. She just couldn’t tell if the nervous prickles in her gut were a good or a bad sign.

She so badly wanted to believe that this fast marriage and pending baby of theirs would turn out like the storybooks promised it would. With a happily-ever-after and rainbows and garden gnomes shitting presents.

She just knew better than that. No matter how much she wanted to believe, no matter how much Amad’s gaze promised her the world and beyond…

She knew better.


Amad took a deep breath of the crisp morning air. Ahhh…home. The scent of burning wood wafted on the early breeze, and chatter in his native language snagged at his attention in a way that English never did when he strutted through public places in America.

Palace employees waved as he passed. His first order of business this morning was a tribal meeting, and then he had the whole day to help Vanessa explore her new home. Their arrival the night before had been whirlwind and overwhelming, especially for Vanessa. The long trip combined with a surprise appearance of pregnancy-related nausea meant she’d opted for an early bedtime. Amad didn’t mind—they had plenty of time to meet everyone, and he liked doting on her.

It was strange. Before meeting Vanessa, Amad had been the type of guy to have a girl in every port, so to speak. It was just his style. He liked having fun; he liked keeping things light.


bsp; With Vanessa, the goal of their marriage would be to keep things light. Their sex had always flowed white hot and passionate, and beyond sex she was always a compliant, happy-go-lucky companion in Vegas. Out here, he expected the same. Except now, he’d shower her with presents and show her just how good life could be.

Amad whistled as he breezed through the palace hallways. As always, he was one of the only ones in Western clothes. He considered himself the American branch of the family, since he spent so much time over there. Living in the US had been necessary for business, but now he’d come to prefer it. Besides, it wasn’t in his nature to stay in one place all year long.

He just wondered if Vanessa would end up liking it here. Truthfully, he had business that could keep him for a month or longer. He would never force Vanessa to stay that long, but he could see her settling in, making a place for herself. After all, Calla lived here full time now. They could hang out and get their nails done, lounge by the pool all day. Maybe Vanessa would make two Americans in residence at the palace.

Amad strode into the gardens, enjoying the scent of lilac and jasmine in the breeze. He was heading for the royal tents, where he’d be meeting with the resident tribal leaders about the state of the tribal businesses abroad. But when he entered the tents, he stopped short.

Calla sat in the head chair, surrounded by women. Off to the side, Fatim scrolled through his phone. He wasn’t even at the table. His brother—the king. Amad stuffed his hands into his pockets, approaching the single empty chair at the table slowly. This wasn’t just odd. This was wrong.

“Good morning,” he said stiffly, easing into his chair. Fatim glanced up, a smile breaking through his serious features.

“Brother! And you’re on time, no less.”

“I am.” He laughed as Calla wrapped up her conversation with the woman beside her. She sent him a bright smile.

“There you are, Amad. You didn’t bring Vanessa with you?”

The question stupefied him. Of course he wouldn’t bring Vanessa to this, a work function—a meeting that was normally held with men only. Amad couldn’t help but think that his father would never have allowed this. Sure, it wasn’t his father’s tribe anymore. No, Fatim had done a great job of taking things in a new and modern direction. But disrupting the natural order of things just seemed…excessive.

“She’s not feeling well,” Amad said simply, buttoning and unbuttoning his sports coat. “Besides, she doesn’t have a stake in the business. Seemed like it might be inappropriate to invite her.”

“She doesn’t have a stake yet, right?” Calla asked, winking his way.

Amad sent his brother an uneasy look. “Sure, we could make it a full family affair, I suppose. Though the direction is rather…new.”

Understanding creased Fatim’s face, but he said nothing.

Tags: Leslie North The Safar Sheikhs Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024