The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2) - Page 14

“Extremely long winded,” Amad said, loosening his skinny tie as he headed toward her. He tugged it off and tossed it aside. “I swear, I could have achieved in one meeting what it took these people three to accomplish.”

“You’re just used to the brisk pace of business in America,” Vanessa said, scooting aside as Amad joined her on the sofa.

Amad grimaced. “And I’m used to the brisk pace of men.”

“Aww, come on now. You don’t really think it’s because you’re dealing with women, do you?”

“There’s a big difference between the sexes. It’s a proven fact.” He sighed as he stretched out beside her. “It’s why you’re carrying our baby and I’m not.”

Vanessa giggled. “But you’d be really sexy if you carried our baby.”

Amad snorted. “Not as good as you make it look.”

“I’ve barely started showing. Don’t say I make it look good until I’m at forty weeks, okay? Then we’ll know.”

Amad smoothed a hand over her belly, trying to imagine the imperceptible bump there flourishing into something more. “Babe, you make everything look good. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And you’ll still be the most beautiful woman at forty weeks. And when our baby is three months old. And when he’s one. And forevermore.”

Vanessa’s sun kissed cheeks flushed momentarily, and her ruby red lips curled up at the corners. “Well aren’t you optimistic?”

Amad laughed. “Listen. I have a proposition for you.” He swirled an invisible pattern on the sliver of skin exposed by her blouse riding up her stomach. “What do you say we go to Paris this weekend?”

Vanessa blinked rapidly. “Paris?”

“Yes, have you heard of it?” Amad teased. “One of the fashion centers of the world…?”

Vanessa snorted, swatting at his arm. “Real funny, pal. Yeah, I’ve heard of it once or twice. But why Paris? That’s a little…extravagant.”

“There’s nothing too extravagant for you, my sweet,” Amad said, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.

But she didn’t respond with stars in her eyes or demure whispers. No, whenever Amad tried to lavish the finer things on her, she bucked like a bronco. He didn’t get it. But it didn’t make him want to pamper her any less. She deserved these things—why couldn’t she see that?

“I don’t know,” Vanessa said. Her gaze drifted toward the window. “I just feel like you’re already doing so much for me here. I’m living for free in your family’s house. I don’t have a job. I can’t even cook my own meals because you have a kitchen staff…”

“And your point is…?”

“It would be too much,” she concluded with a sigh. “I don’t want to be even more indebted.”

“This isn’t a debt to be paid off, I promise. This is a trip because we can take it, and we should take it. Besides, I have an ulterior motive. Calla wants us to go for the fashion business. There are some contacts I need to make. Who knows, we might even have to attend a fashion show or two.”

Vanessa’s eyes lit up. “Oh, so it’s for work?”

“Yep.” Amad pinched at her waist. “But I’m still going to spoil you while we’re there. So don’t think you’re escaping that.”

Vanessa laughed, but he could see the real relief that had taken over. Just his switching the motive from pleasure to work brought her on board. He’d have to work harder to make her see she deserved beautiful things. Her beauty needed its equal. And he’d have plenty of opportunities to show her on their trip.

“Fine. I accept the offer, then.” Vanessa smiled sweetly. “When do we leave?”

“Tomorrow.” Amad’s chest tightened as he saw the excitement move across her face. “We better start packing our bags, babe. It’s time for Ville de L’amour.”

The City of Love would be the perfect place to start showing Vanessa how much she meant to him as his wife and the mother of their child. And he couldn’t wait to surprise her with something big.



Vanessa flopped down into the comfy couch of their hotel suite with a smile, gazing out at the early afternoon. The wrought iron railing lining their balcony was just too picture perfect. They’d been walking the city all morning, seeing everything from the Eiffel Tower to the Arc de Triomphe, but just the view from their sitting room was enough to make her heart break.

Everything in this city was romantic, perfect, and picturesque. Amad came into the suite a moment later, dropping the bags from their latest shopping excursion. Ninety percent of the purchases were his idea, despite stern warnings that Vanessa didn’t need anything and really thought it was too much. But he’d bought it all anyway—cashmere shawls, outrageous earrings, and silk blouses that Amad insisted she add to her wardrobe.

Tags: Leslie North The Safar Sheikhs Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024