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The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2)

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His attempt to smooth it over failed. Miserably. As she admired the necklace in the mirror—it looked stunning, of course—all she could think about was the tally of how much these things cost. How much he’d spent on her in one day. It was absurd. Sickening. She’d done nothing to deserve this. And she needed to even the scales.

“Come here,” she said softly, tugging at his hand. She led him into the bedroom, dressed in the tweed pants and the silky blouse and the diamond necklace that probably could pay her rent back home for two years. “You’re too good to me, babe. I need to be good to you.”

She pushed at his chest so that he sat back on the bed. His smile faded as she got to her knees, pushing open his legs.

“What are you doing, Vanessa?”

The sharp undertone of his voice made her pause. She’d wanted this to be sexy, not a moral lesson.

“I want to make you feel good,” she claimed, running her palms up along the hard arc of his thighs.

“Because I bought you some presents?” he asked, arching a brow.

“Yes.” She tugged at his belt, fiddling with the zipper so she could start playing with his cock. Give him the blowjob of his dreams. Then maybe the scales would be slightly more balanced.

“Babe.” He rested his hands on her shoulders, stilling her just as her hand broke through the fly of his pants and she’d started fishing for his cock. “You don’t need to earn these gifts with sex.”

Vanessa reeled back, trying to find the best response to bat away the suggestion. But she couldn’t. Because that’s exactly what she’d been doing. Being called out on it stung a little bit…mostly because it reminded her of her mother.

This was exactly something that her mother would have done, would have counseled her to do. And here she was, following in her footsteps even while actively trying not to.

“I just—”

“You’ve earned everything just simply by being with me,” Amad said softly, urging her to standing. He guided her back until she was the one lying on the bed. He lifted her blouse slightly, running his lips along the tiny swell of her belly. “This little love child of ours is the greatest gift you could give me.”

She huffed, balling her fists at her side. Everything inside her fought against this. His generosity without strings attached. The idea that this wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass somehow, someday. She’d been taught her whole life that it wouldn’t—couldn’t—be this way.

But some of her resistance melted once Amad’s thick, sure fingers undid the button of her pants and slowly tugged them down her legs. Once he’d removed the soft material and tossed it aside, he buried his face between her legs. He ran his thumb back and forth across the crotch of her panties, moaning low.

“You’re wet again,” he said.

“Well, of course. I live with you. Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

Amad’s toothy grin stole her breath. It was so easy to fall for him, again and again, day after day. Between his sweetness, his tenderness, and his heart-stopping good looks, she couldn’t have picked a better fly-by-night husband.

“You flatter me,” he murmured, nuzzling against her thigh. “But you’re only saying that because my lips are an inch away from the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.”

She snorted, but the laughter faded once he pushed aside the crotch of her panties and dipped his fingers inside. She melted back onto the bed, breaths growing heavier once he worked her throbbing clit between his thumb and forefinger.

He eased himself in and out of her pussy. His gaze sizzled on her as he watched her reactions, studying her, analyzing her ascent to pleasure. The attention shivered through her, pushed her closer to the edge. She loved being observed by him, gobbled up by him.

Amad sat back and tugged the panties down, ripping them off her before diving back between her legs. His tongue found the tight peak of her clit, and he wasted no time before suckling and prodding her, damp and intense and relentless. His fingers continued their sure, even thrusts inside her. She arched her back, inviting him deeper, mouth hung open as she twisted and writhed against his movements.

“Ohhhh, Amad,” she squeaked, pinching her eyes shut. The orgasm was coming. It was so close.

He mumbled something from between her legs and then pulled his fingers out. He pressed his tongue inside her, slurping up her juices, then gave a satisfied grunt. “God, you’re delicious.”

She couldn’t even speak, just tightened her thighs around his head, urging him to continue. She tugged at the tightly cropped black hair, mussing up the slight wave he usually prided himself on, and bucked against his face.

“Easy, girl,” he cracked, drilling his fingers in deep. He left them there, looking up at her with a shiny face and a haze of contentment in his eyes. “I’ll get you there. I promise.”

She groaned. “Amaaad.”

He sucked at his teeth, curling his fingers inside her, then teased his lips around her swollen clit. Vanessa arched against him, needing his lips around her harder and faster. He flicked his tongue against her, prompting another groan.

“Come on,” she said sharply.

He laughed, nuzzling her inner thigh. “I like it when you get testy.”

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