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The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2)

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“Our baby?”

“No. The elephant.”

Amad grinned. “Good. Because we’re having a boy. You know that, right?”

“I was unaware,” Vanessa admitted, “But I’m glad that you’re so skilled at divining our baby’s sex! We should tell the gynecologist immediately.”

“Just wait and see.” Amad brought her hand to his lips.

They drifted through the mall until they made their way to the food court, which was more of a high-class multi-level market than typical mall food court. Vanessa lingered near a thicket of palms, keeping an eye out for her mom, when hands grabbed the sides of her arms from behind.


The telltale nickname could only mean one thing. Mom had arrived.

She turned, forcing a bright smile. “Mooom. It’s you!”

Her platinum-blonde mother wrapped her in a big hug, but it didn’t last long. She stepped back, gesturing behind her, bracelets and bangles clanking. “Honey, meet Gerardo. We’ve been traveling the Middle East for a couple weeks. We’re heading to London next, and then back to Vegas. He’s a hotelier.”

Vanessa offered her hand to the slick-haired man at her mother’s side. He looked mostly disinterested, totally boring, and a little bloated—typical of her mom’s boyfriends. She picked the ones with the most money and least personality.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Vanessa said with a small smile. “And I’d like to introduce you two to—”

“Oh, is this him?” Her mother clapped her hands. “What a stud. You are positively a stud,” she cooed.

Amad stepped forward to offer his hand to both her mother and Gerardo. He had his winning business smile pasted on—the one that told her, and everyone around him, that he could handle this situation with ease.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am. I’m Amad. Your new son-in-law.”

Vanessa’s mother clapped her hands over her mouth, feigning intense emotion. Vanessa fought the urge to roll her eyes.

“I’ve been waiting to have another son my entire life,” she said, dabbing the corners of her heavily outlined eyes. “And God could not have sent me a more handsome, more distinguished son-in-law, even if I begged for years.”

“We have some news,” Vanessa said, already feeling the itch to end this reunion. Time to get the news out and start gracefully exiting. She glanced at Amad, who grabbed her hand for support. “We’re expecting a baby.”

Vanessa’s mother shrieked so loudly it echoed through the five-story atrium ceiling. A few people sent quizzical looks their way.

“You. Are. Kidding me,” she said, grabbing Amad’s wrist.

“This is very much not a joke,” Vanessa said, crossing her arms. The display of excitement was easy to get caught up in, but only she knew how much of it was for show. Once the people cleared and the onlookers were gone, all pretense of care would disappear. This is how things always went with her. By now, it was just a tired charade.

“I am going to be a grandmother,” her mother declared to Gerardo. She tittered with laughter and then leaned in to say something quietly to him. He hefted with appreciation. Vanessa didn’t even want to know what she’d said under her breath.

Her mom swept toward Vanessa, cradling her face between her nails. Her long, pink fingernails scraped the tops of her cheeks. “Now come here, my baby. Let’s have a little chat, mother and daughter. You are going to be a mommy!”

Her mom guided her off to an ope

n table and chairs nearby, urging her to sit while she grinned and waved at Gerardo and Amad nearby. Then she sank into the chair facing Vanessa, her smile dissolving.

“Tell me everything,” she hissed. “How much is he worth?”

Vanessa’s face fell. She’d actually sort of thought this might be a sweet mother-daughter talk. “I don’t know.”

“He’s got money, clearly. You’re in Dubai. How did you get here?”

“He has his own—” she started but then caught herself. “We flew.”

“His own what?” her mother pressed. “His own plane? His own airline?”

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