The Sheikh's Accidental Heir (Sharjah Sheikhs 2) - Page 1


Ahmed Al-Qasimi was watching the only thing of interest in the entire penthouse. In fact, he’d been watching the brunette with the stunning green eyes all afternoon as she worked silently with the rest of the catering staff, carrying trays of finger foods to the clusters of businessmen about the room, clearing plates, and filling pitchers.

More than once, he tried to catch her eye as she tucked her shoulder-length dark hair behind an ear to keep it out of her face. The smiles she gave the guests as she paused to check on them caused an unfamiliar pang of jealousy. Wishing she’d turn her smile his way, he’d watched, admiring the way her black pants hugged her legs and hips. Her white, button-down blouse did not show off her breasts as well as he would like, but the hint of soft curves intrigued him.

She remained focused, paying more attention than any of the staff to fanning out the paper napkins artfully, wiping the condensation from the pitchers of ice water, or pulling a wilting flower from one of the arrangements. If she wasn’t the supervisor, she ought to be.

He’d been waiting for a chance to strike up a conversation with her, but he wanted more privacy than afforded by a room full of Americans whom he and his brothers had been sent to meet. While their father, Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi, had spared no expense, renting out the entire top floor of the hotel to introduce his sons to various vendors and businesses, Ahmed found himself unable to focus on anything except the scenery.

Golden afternoon light poured into the spacious room through windows that overlooked Manhattan’s West Side. From the lush couch where he sat, he could see an infinity pool that seemed to plunge over the edge of the roof. He almost wished this visit was for pleasure.

Such a waste to spend the afternoon stuck inside, listening to the plans and ideas of men in designer suits, when they all could have better enjoyed a dip in the pool as they sipped from the delectable beverages the bartender was serving.

Shaking his empty glass and interrupting the conversation he wasn’t listening to, he stood. “Excuse me, gentlemen. I’m parched.” He nodded to everyone and walked to the bar. Placing his empty glass on the counter, he turned. The slender brunette was slipping through the glass doors and out onto the patio. Her gaze slid across the room as she slid the door closed. When she saw him, she paused for a moment, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. He held her gaze. The way the color went up in her cheeks was lovely, but he didn’t wait for her to break the spell.

He strolled through the penthouse, maintaining the easy carelessness that had become his habit—and for which his father had chastised him many times. He nodded to those who made eye contact and brushed past the others.

His brothers were working the room quite efficiently, and he saw no need to duplicate their efforts. He also didn’t want to stop to talk. He might have to work later—right now he only wanted to personally thank the woman who’d been working tirelessly to make sure this event ran smoothly.

Slipping out the glass doors, he took in a breath as the noise of the city and lingering heat of the day hit him. It was not as hot as his homeland, but New York clung to a muggy humidity that stuck his shirt to his back. The sounds of car horns and traffic and the wail of emergency vehicles echoed from the other buildings, distant and far below the penthouse. Turning, he walked away from the pool, past a large sitting area and fire pit. He found the brunette just around the corner, leaning against the wall and staring at her phone. Her ankles were crossed, emphasizing both her slender legs and the curve of her hips.

“Beautiful,” he muttered.

Glancing up at him, she frowned and lowered her phone. “I’m sorry, what?”

He gestured to the skyline. “The view. It’s beautiful, yes?”

She looked where he was pointing and nodded. The sun pulled rays of gold and red from her dark hair and touched a little gold to her skin. “When you live here, you don’t often get the view from the thirtieth floor.”

“Would you like a drink?” He waved back toward the bar. “I could fetch us each something wet, miss…?”

“It’s Melanie, and no, thank you.” She smiled with just a curve of her lips, an

d he noticed her lower lip was full and sensual. “I’m still on duty.” Her voice was light, but her words carried a tinge of sharpness.

Ahmed chuckled and put out his hand. “I’m Ahmed. And now you sound like one of my father’s security men. My father would certainly prefer the bartender serve only our American business partners.”

She shook his hand, her grip firm. He liked her utterly Western attitude. Pulling her hand from his, she asked, “A traditionalist?” She tucked her phone back into a back pocket.

He leaned his shoulder against the wall next to her. This close, he could smell a hint of something like lemon—her shampoo perhaps. “Old fashioned is a better description. And angry.”

She tipped her head to one side. “Sounds like there must be a story there.” She nodded again, but didn’t ask questions.

Gesturing back to the door behind them, he found he wanted to tell her more. Something about those sparkling green eyes, shimmering with intelligence and a touch of sympathy invited a confidence. “My brothers and I aren’t above enjoying a good party or three. Things got out of hand at one of them, and word got back to him. So now we must work—and report back daily as if we are all still boys.”

She gave a laugh, and he liked the sound of it. A throaty chuckle, deep and genuine. “Dads always find out. But…aren’t you three pretty big to be doing what Dad always wants?”

He shrugged. “Habits are hard to break. Our father has trained us well to do as he asks—and to risk his temper…well, it is not always us who suffer but those around him. So we try carefully to protect them.”

“Ah, more of a when the cat’s not looking, the mice—” She broke off the words and looked him over, her eyes warming and the smile lifting the corners of her mouth again. “Okay, that image won’t work with any of you guys… Foxes loose in a hen house? Wolfs in the fold?”

Laughing, he shook his head. He forced his mouth down and tried to look serious. “We are most definitely not foxes.”

“Ah, I noticed you didn’t say anything about wolves.” Her voice was lovely, like music drifting past on a warm, summer night. Her lips perfectly formed every word as she spoke, taking their time as if carefully tasting each sound as it passed.

Ahmed looked her up and down again, making sure she saw his gaze was drifting over her body. “I’d like to make use of that pool at some point. Seems a shame to waste such a temptation. You should join me.”

Tipping her head to the side, she met his stare, her own equally assessing and—he thought—interested. But she shook her head and her mouth pulled down ever so slightly. She had a very straight nose—almost a little too strong for her face—and strong bones. And a determined chin. “A swimsuit isn’t part of my uniform.”

Leaning toward her, he let his arm brush hers. “Perfect. We can—”

She put a hand over his mouth. Her fingers weren’t soft, but were roughened by work. She also smelled of champagne and shrimp. “Don’t say it. Let’s not spoil the evening with clichés about skinny dipping. I gave that up in my college years.”

Taking her hand, he held onto the tips of her fingers. “I was going to say, we can sit with our feet in the water, looking over the city as if we owned it.”

She gave another soft, deep laugh. “Sure you were.”

“Now I am determined to figure out how to get you away from work. What if I pay your boss to let you take the rest of the day off?”

Pulling her hand out of his, she lifted one dark eyebrow. She had high, arched eyebrows, perfectly shaped—her one vanity, he thought, for she wore little makeup. “My boss is a total slave driver—always has to put the catering business first and never even gives me a full weekend off. In fact, I usually have to work extra on the weekends and maybe get a few hours during the week to simply crash.””

Ahmed tucked his hands into his pockets—the temptation to touch her, to tuck that stray strand of dark hair back behind her ear, to stroke a finger down her cheek, to try and take her hand back was almost too much. “And yet here you are, lounging outside?”

She patted her back pocket and he glanced down at her, wishing he could do the same to that lovely, round ass. “Juggling business calls. As I said, work never ends.”

Tags: Leslie North Sharjah Sheikhs Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024