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The Sheikh's Accidental Heir (Sharjah Sheikhs 2)

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Her mother laughed—dammit. “Yeah, the wrong guys have a lot of charm. But, honey, I’m here for you. My mom—bless her—wasn’t alive for me, but I’m here. You’re not going to be on your own. It’s not going to be hard work and giving up everything. And, darling, as much as I wanted some things, I wouldn’t exchange you for any other life. You were a blessing. So don’t you think that the way you were raised is how it has to be. I never had your skills in the kitchen. And you will never have to work the hours I did.”

Melanie wiped at her nose. “I know I’m whining, but I can’t help myself.”

“Melanie Marie Martin, now you listen to me and you listen to me now. You’re going to be an emotional mess. That’s just the hormones. And I’ve got to tell you, sometimes it’s those unexpected detours that are often the best things to happen to us. You may or may not hang onto this guy, so just enjoy every moment you do have and…and take it easy on yourself. On him, too. Now, go wash your face. Put your shoulders back, and do what you’ve done since you were eight and your daddy walked out on us—go bake something.”

Managing a low chuckle, Melanie wiped at her eyes. “You’re right, Mom. On everything. I’ll call you soon as I’m back in New York.” She ended the call and then headed to the one thing that had always saved her sanity—the kitchen and cooking.

Of course, she should have known better.

Ahmed was waiting for her there.

She almost turned around and headed back to the refuge of her room. But they needed to talk. They could deal with this like two adults—or that’s what she hoped.

“What are you thinking about?” Ahmed asked.

She headed to her knives, which were spread out in the carrying case she had brought with her. “Work,” she said.

He came over to her and took her hand. “You should be thinking about more important things. Names, for example.”

She pulled her hand from his gasp and faced him. “My work is important, Ahmed. I’ve busted my butt to get MM Catering established. I… I had to declare bankruptcy once before this. I tried a restaurant and it didn’t work out, so I found another way. The money you’re paying me, that’s going to help, but I am not giving up my business—I love it too much.”

Ahmed stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “You and the baby have nothing to worry about. I will support you and the child completely. You may work only as much as you wish.”

Melanie crossed her arms. “Oh, great. Thanks. Just what I want. To be a kept woman. You’re not hearing me. My work is important. My business matters to me. I’m not in this to make it a hobby.”.

He rubbed his beard and shook his head. “So you intend to push me out of your life? To leave this child without a father? Or…what, you think you can find an American man to be the father to my child?”

She bit down on her lower lip. “No, I know there’s the child to consider. I…I don’t want him or her not to have a dad around.” She leaned a hand on the counter. The urge to burst into tears was hovering close, stinging her eyes. “I just…I think I need time to absorb this.”

He covered her hands with his. “Let me handle everything for you.”

He sounded more serious than she’d ever heard him sound before. She almost couldn’t believe his reaction. She didn’t know what she’d expected from him, but she hadn’t expected him to suddenly want to be a dad.

She glanced at him, took in the dark eyes, the slight curve to his mouth. “You know, there are a lot of things I wanted to do before having a child,” she said, not really talking to him, though if he happened to be listening that was fine, too.

His smile widened. “You talk like you just found out you were disabled.”

She nodded. “There are a lot of things you can’t do once you have a child. And the things you can do with one suddenly become more complicated as you juggle the responsibility of being a parent with whatever you’re doing. You know, I had a plan. Or, I thought I had a plan.”

“I know,” Ahmed said, running a hand through her hair, sympathy in his voice. “I did as well—and now it is dust. I am going to lose everything with this gamble—my father’s respect. But…but I will at least have my own self-respect. And you. I do not want to lose you. And this baby does not have to be the end of all of your dreams and ambitions. Think of us in New York. Me with that gallery I wish to open—and my real estate investments. You cater not for weddings but for business events, such as the one where we met. And for the openings at my galleries.”

She smiled. “You just jumped from one gallery to several. But that’s not a bad idea—specialize in business events. Not weddings. It wouldn’t matter then what happens with you and Nasiji.”

He frowned. “I may have to work some magic yet.” He took her hand between both of his. “I don’t know what will happen next. Khalid will someday assume my father’s position as sultan, and Zaid is being groomed to take over many of the family business interests. And I’ve spent too much of my life partying and getting in trouble. I’ve done a lot of stupid shit. But I’ve always wanted to start my own business.”

She let out a breath. “I guess you’ll have plenty of opportunity with our baby to prove them wrong—that you are responsible.”

“Our baby.” He grinned. “It sounds better every time.”

“But, Ahmed, what about Nasiji? Is she going to get stuck getting married to any old body just because you won’t marry her?”

He lifted her hand and kissed her palm. “I wish I could say that this is one thing that will be easy to throw money at to make everything better, but it isn’t. Right now, I’m asking you to trust me. Can you do that?”

Melanie stared at him, unsure how to respond. Could she trust him? But he was the father of her child. How could she not at least give him a chance? She nodded and said, “Okay, what’s the plan?”


Ahmed took Melanie with him to confront his father. This was not going to be easy, but it must be done. The child changed everything. This was a huge risk—he knew he was facing the loss of everything. If this went wrong, he would lose Melanie and the baby. He would have to face prison if his father lost his temper. But it was a chance. He had to take it.

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