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The Commander (Men of Hidden Justice 3)

Page 69

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Tally held up her hand. “Careful, Daddy, she just—”

Julianna smiled again and puked on me. It hit my shirt, warm and wet, and she giggled again, squirming and impatient. I looked at Tally, who stared back at me, her eyes wide and unblinking.

“Oops,” I muttered. “Forgot about that.”

Then we were laughing. I tucked Tally under my arm. “Take me home, Tally. I want to change, then sit and look at you for the rest of the day. I’ve missed your faces.”

Later that night, I sat on the beach, listening to the sounds of the waves as they slapped against the shore. I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep. It had been busy since I arrived. There was a small guest cottage behind Matteo’s house where Tally had been staying, but it offered no privacy today. Everyone came to say hello. Welcome me. Matteo showed me the plans for our house. We had a huge dinner on the patio at Marcus’s, the table groaning with food, the laughter and talking nonstop. Through it all, I held Jujube in one arm and Tally’s hand with the other. I couldn’t stand not being able to touch them.

After dinner, we were finally alone, and I rejoiced in putting Julianna down for bed. She was happy with me, not acting distant at all. Tally and I had talked, but nothing deep or personal. We had time for that. She had fallen asleep on the sofa, and I’d carried her to bed but didn’t join her. My mind was too full.

The ocean breeze and the salt air were a heady mix, and I breathed it in greedily. I already envisioned a life here. Time with my girls. Growing our family. Discovering a life not containing violence or fear. No longer being alone.

I heard footsteps, and I looked over my shoulder. Tally approached, her thin nightgown transparent in the moonlight. She began to sit beside me, and I tugged her into my lap so she straddled me.

“You were asleep.”

“I woke up, and you weren’t there. I thought I had dreamed you being here.”

“No, I’m right here, baby. I just couldn’t sleep.”

She sighed, resting her head on my chest. “It’s so lovely here.”

“It is.” I pushed her heavy hair off her face, kissing her brow. “You’re so lovely. I missed you so much, Tally. I never want to be apart from you again.”

“Me either.”

“Are you sure, Tally? You want me and this life? You’d give up your dreams of being a curator?”

She sighed, gazing up at the stars for a moment. “Dreams change, Julian. And we’re so close to so much beauty, so much art and history that I can see and feel for myself. That fills my soul enough—at least for now.”

I ran my fingers down her cheek. I knew what she meant. We would build our life together here and let the future happen as it happened. As long as I was with her and Julianna, I had everything I needed.

I held her close for a moment. “Okay, baby.”

She shifted and peered up at me. I saw the vulnerability in her eyes. A yearning I hadn’t seen before.

“What is it?” I asked.

She sat back, meeting my eyes. “I never want to be away from you either. But you’ll have to go back, right?”

“No. I had basically closed everything up already. I was coming to you, Tally. If you weren’t ready, I was going to stay close by. I couldn’t be without you or Jujube anymore. The few loose ends I can tie up over the internet.”

“Good. Because you said you wanted to be around this time.”

“This time?” I asked, confused.

“My test was wrong, Julian.” She paused. “I’m pregnant.”

I stared at her in shock. “Pregnant?” I repeated.


“Is—” I had to swallow. “Is that why you wanted me here? Because you’re pregnant?”

“No, I already knew I wanted you here. That I wanted to share my life with you. This baby is just an added bonus.”

I clasped her to me. “Pregnant,” I repeated. “And I get to be here this time.”


I cupped her face and kissed her. “Every moment, Tally. I will be here every step of the way.”

She nodded, tears coursing down her face. “Yes.”

“I get another baby to puke and shit all over me at the oddest times.”

A laugh escaped her. “Twice the fun.”

I enfolded her in my arms. “Twice the love. Ah, Tally, my beautiful wife, thank you.”

“You might not be thanking me when I have some odd craving you have to traipse to the mainland for at three in the morning.”

“I’ll take it.”

I held her close, smiling as she fell asleep on me.

Today was the start of my new life. Filled with second chances.

The love of a woman I was crazy about.

A daughter who held my heart in the palm of her tiny hand.

Another child created by the love we shared.

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