The Commander (Men of Hidden Justice 3) - Page 70

Friends, a new adopted family to share it all with. My own family to watch over.

Any doubts I had about my decision were gone. It was a perfect way to let the Commander go.

Julian the husband, father, and friend would take over.

And I was good with that.


Three Years Later

The water lapped at the shore, long lazy waves that moved at their own pace. The sand was dark from the water, packed firm and solid beneath my feet as I ran. The early morning sun rose slowly, its rays already warm where they touched my face. The island was still asleep, the stillness and beauty that surrounded me, my own little paradise.

I loved this time of the day when I was alone. Soon our little community would be awake and the sounds of the families would echo around me, but for now it was just me. I paused, my hands on my hips as I stared out over the water drinking in the vista I would never tire of.

Endless water, blue sky, and peace. It surrounded me daily.

Love surrounded me.

I glanced toward the house, knowing soon that Jujube would be awake and looking for me. Her baby sister, Skylar, would follow about an hour later. She loved to sleep, that one—my little snuggler.

And Tally, my beautiful wife, would need help to get out of bed and start her day. Close to her due date, she found moving around difficult. The simple act of sitting, laying down, or finding a comfortable position was almost impossible for her at this stage in her pregnancy. She hated it, and although I didn’t like seeing her uncomfortable, I still enjoyed seeing every aspect of her pregnancy.

I had immersed myself when she was pregnant with Skylar, every day discovering something new and exciting. The way her body changed, how her curves filled out. The feel of her tummy as it grew to accommodate our child. I loved to talk to it. Read to it. Touch it. I rubbed her back when she was ill, made sure she ate when she could. Supplied her with the endless cravings she had for fresh fruit and cheese croissants. The bakery on the mainland had a standing order I picked up every couple of days.

I reveled in all the new things, panicked over some, while Tally remained calm, having gone through it before. This occasion, I was calmer, but still in awe of her and the entire overwhelming experience we were sharing together. It meant a lot to me. To both of us.

And this time, we were having a boy. A son. I would have been thrilled with another girl, but I had to admit, there was a male ego thing that was secretly happy at the idea of a boy. I wouldn’t be so outnumbered now.

I sat down, letting the breeze wash over my face.

This place had healed me. Healed us. I was no longer on guard and vigilant. We were safe here. Tally and my children were safe. I helped with the charter business and worked with Matteo, Marcus, and Gianna on the fund we managed to help victims. I spoke to Damien and Leo on a regular basis and had traveled back to Canada twice to help them with business decisions. But I flew back as quickly as possible, hating to be gone from my world here for long.

I returned back to my family and a life I never dreamed I would live. One filled with love and laughter. Where light and family filled my hours instead of darkness and worry.

A sound caught my ear and I turned, smiling as Tally waddled toward me, holding a cup high as she approached. I stood and went to her, taking the cup and kissing her head.

“You got up without me.”

She grimaced. “It wasn’t easy, but I did it.”

“I didn’t expect you up so early. I would have stayed.”

She smiled. “Someone is too active for me to sleep.”

I rubbed her large belly, bending and kissing the swell. “You’re keeping Mommy awake,” I tsked. “She needs her rest.”

Tally laughed. “I don’t think he cares right now. He is too impatient to join us. He’s trying to find his way out.”

I frowned. “Are you—”

“I think so. I had a few contractions.”

I shook my head. My wife was having contractions and made me coffee before walking down to the beach to tell me. “I’ll call the midwife.”

“I already did. I called Marcus too. He’s getting the boat so she’ll be here soon. Missy and Evie are coming to get the girls.”

I grasped her hand. “Let’s get you to the house.”

“No,” she replied. “I want to be out here for a while. It feels better when I walk.”

I wrapped an arm around her waist. “Lean on me.”

She beamed up at me. “I always do.”

I kissed her. “My favorite job.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024