RUIN: Psychological Enemies-to-Lovers Thriller - Page 28

Shaking, I looked down at the tiny cut on my thigh. A drop of blood bloomed from the cut.

“People associate adrenaline with reduced pain, but there’s more going on.” He punctured the hole again.

“Ah!” I kicked my injured leg and fought against the cuffs. “No. No.”

Again heat bit at the wound, then dissipated into this soothing ache.

More blood bloomed from the hole and dripped down, leaving a line of red liquid.

A dark groan left Cain.

The sound triggered something primal to shift inside of me. My emotions spiraled into confusion. Part of me loved that my blood excited him. The other part screamed.

“Adrenaline actually increases the sensation of certain pain.” Licking his lips, he watched more blood drip from the wound. “However, it gets the endorphins going. Think about how you feel when you exercise. That’s when you ride euphoria. That’s what decreasing the perception of pain is. It all overshadows it.”

Tears lodged in my throat.

Don’t cry. Don’t even give him the pleasure.

“Damn.” He gripped my waist with his free hand and pulled me to him. His hard, thick length pressed against my cut thigh. It ached at the pressure.

I whimpered under him.

“Dopamine.” He studied me. “Do you know what that is?”

“Please, let me go. I can’t give you the address, but I’ll do anything else.”

“What’s dopamine, Phoenix?”

“I don’t care! Let me go!”

He kissed my cheek and moved his dick from the wound. “Dopamine is the hormone associated with pleasure.”

My eyes watered.

“Dopamine increases when you know you’re getting a pleasureful reward. Sex. Food. Drugs.” He gripped my waist and then spun me around.

“No!” I turned and turned. My vision dizzied. My nerves frazzled.

He stopped me in front of him. “Dopamine can also be released when you experience certain types of pain.”

“W-what pain is that?”

“You want that sort of pain, huh?”


He pushed his crotch back on the wound and rubbed his length against it again. “This already is turning out so good. I almost want you to stay loyal to your friend.”

He shoved me away.

My body swung back and forth like a pendulum.

With his free hand, he gripped his dick. The jean material formed around the long, thick line. It had to be close to ten inches long and so fat.

I shivered.

But I didn’t know if it was a shiver of fear or desire. It could have been the wine and marijuana fogging my head. Or it was just the horror of it all, heightening every detail in the moment. The fucking adrenaline and dopamine.

Stopping me from swinging, he raised the hand holding the knife and placed the blade flat against my jaw.

I remained still, terrified of what would come next.

Jazz saxophone notes rose higher, flooding out the sound of my booming heart.

He gently dragged the blade up to my cheek and then slipped it across my lips, forcing me to kiss the sharpened edge. “Let’s start with some simple information.”

“Please, Cain,” I begged. “I can’t—”

“What is your friend’s name?”

I clenched my teeth together.

He moved the knife away, walked around, and got behind me.

Shaking, I watched him in the mirror.

“How about her initials?” He pressed the blade against the center of my spine. It was only a bit of pressure, but it horrified me.

I blinked.

Fast, he grabbed the back of my head, tightening his grip on my hair. “Name!”

My gaze shifted to the hook. “I-I can’t.”

He wrenched my head to the side.

My view went to the mirror.

He exposed my neck and shoulder to him. The blade stayed on my throat next.

I cried out, “Please!”

But my cries didn’t help.

He stabbed under my collarbone.


The blade was so sharp I barely felt the cut. But I saw the result in the mirror. Beads of blood appeared only inches from my throat. Next, blood dotted and trickled down my breast.

Cain grunted and pressed his dick against my ass. “Your blood smells just as good as you. Do you know why?”

“N-no.” Tears left my eyes.

“I don’t know the answer either.” He let go of my hair. “But I wish I had the time to figure it out.”

The tears painted a line down my cheeks. “Cain, just. . .kill me.”

He walked around and got in front of me. “Has there been any pain yet?”

“No, but I’m scared of it coming.”

“You’ll love it.” He leaned forward. “You may even beg for it.”

He lapped at the blood on my neck.

“Oh,” I moaned, shocking myself. “Oh no. No. I don’t want to like this.”

“But you will.” His wet tongue slipped against the wound, inciting tremors of pleasure to wave through me. He licked some more.

“Stop!” My pussy moistened. “Please!”

Still licking at the wound, he slipped his other hand to my breast and played with my nipple.

“Oh.” Moaning, I widened my eyes, completely disgusted with myself.

My pussy clenched in desire.

He moved away from the wound and grinned at me. My blood-stained his lips and the bottom row of his teeth.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024