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RUIN: Psychological Enemies-to-Lovers Thriller

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She shivered next to me.

“They didn’t investigate anything. In fact, they gave me the deed to this land and a small check. They made a lot of suggestions. . .that the reverend’s disappearance should be kept quiet.”

“What was their reason for that?”

“They claimed the congregation was so old and might not be able to handle him missing. I was to tell the members that the reverend had a new assignment.”

“Holy shit.”

“Holy shit. The holiest of it.”

She grinned. “So. . .now you officially own this land?”

“I do.” I led her forward, walking us down a line of old graves.

“And you renovated the chapel to a home to not be with your family?”

“I considered tearing it down. Burning the sick place away.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because the person that I am now, was born in that room. Created in that soul coffin from hell. If it disappears, I may think it was all an illusion. I may forget.”

“And you’re afraid to forget?”

“If I do, my brothers and sisters may be harmed again.”

“But, that doesn’t make sense.”

“It does to me.”

“Then. . .that has to count for something.” She gazed off in the direction of the main house. It told me that she’d been paying attention when we brought her here last night.

I would have to be careful with bringing her out again.

How will this work?

She believed I would let her go after the money exchange. Perhaps, she figured I would try to kill her afterward. Honestly, both had been options.

And then I woke up next to her.

And awakening next to her felt like a ticket to heaven.

I’d spent all my life trying to do the right things to go to the highest place—heaven. God’s Paradise. It was the only place known to where one could truly experience bliss.

Having Phoenix in my bed felt so damn good. It called to my heart. It pushed through the deeply buried anguish within me. It reactivated the dark parts of my heart.

And I just couldn’t fight this feeling that she was mine. That she should be by my side as much as possible.

How long could I keep her here? How long would this work?

Living on the street taught her serious survival skills. She wouldn’t be simple to hold onto. The rope, the handcuffs, the binding ribbons would only keep her trapped to me for so long before she figured out a way to escape—to run away.

I don’t care.

Determination filled me.

I’ll try as much as I can to hold her to me.

Guiding Phoenix forward, I gazed at her. “What do you think of this place?”

“It’s beautiful.” She glanced at the crows perched on tombstones. As we got closer to some of the sections, they fluttered their wings and flew away.

We left the graveyard and entered the forest.

A V-formation of ducks soared above us, probably heading to the lake.

“This is Serenity Forest.” I breathed in the beauty around us. “This is your medicine. How do you feel?”

“Better. I think.” She scanned the huge, towering trees.

She looked at her feet as dirt began to cover them. “I haven’t walked barefoot outside since I was a little girl.”

“Good.” I bobbed my head. “Do me a favor?”


Still walking, I watched her. “Let’s play a new game.”

She let out an exasperated breath. “Oh, God.”

Chapter 19

The Baptism of Earth



chuckled. “This game won’t be emotionally exhausting.”

She gave me a skeptical expression. “We both agree that. . .you’re. . .”



I grinned. “That doesn’t mean that this game won’t be soothing.”


“Let’s begin.”

She eyed me with suspicion.

“Look around and find five things you can see. When you do, say them out loud.”

“Five things?”


“I see. . .brown trees. Their roots on the ground. The blue sky among the branches. Squirrels running by.” She turned my way. “I see you.”

Smiling, I nodded. “Now, give me four things that you feel.”

“I feel. . .the warm, yet cool ground under my feet.”


“I feel the slick grass too.” She glanced down at her feet. “I feel the cool breeze.”

“One more.”

“And, unfortunately. . .I feel the handcuffs on my wrists.”

I gave her a wicked grin. “Tell me three things that you hear?”

She raised her eyebrows. “Birds singing for sure. It’s so pretty. I’ve never heard chirping like this when I lived in Victory Park.”

So, the park is connected to her in some way.

The blue sky continued to darken.

I took her handcuffed hand and held it. Suddenly being chained to her wasn’t enough. I needed to touch her skin.

And as soon as our skin met, an electric sensation zipped through me.

She swallowed. “Umm. . .”

I rubbed my thumb along her palm, needing more closeness. “What else do you hear? I need two more.”

“I. . .hear my breathing.” She turned her view up to the rippling branches. “I hear the wind rushing through the branches.”

Thunder crackled off in the distance.

The air cooled and moistened around us.

We moved deeper into the forest, walking over thick, lacy roots.

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