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Griffin Stone:Duke Of Decadence

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The other man looked up at him beneath hooded lids. ‘Apart from having you as her godfather, you mean?’


‘I am sorry, Griff, but I believe you are now crossing into the area where Maystone has demanded secrecy.’ Sutherland grimaced.

Griffin’s eyes widened. ‘You are refusing to tell me who Bea’s guardian is?’

The other man’s mouth tightened. ‘I am ordered not to tell you, Griff. There is a difference. This does not just involve the young lady you have claimed as your goddaughter,’ he bit out harshly as Griffin looked set to explode into anger. ‘The lives of other innocents are also at stake.’

Griffin stilled, eyes narrowed. ‘What others?’ he demanded. ‘I always could pummel you into the ground, Christian,’ he reminded grimly as the other man sipped his brandy rather than answer his question.

Sutherland sighed heavily as he relaxed back in the chair. ‘Then you will just have to pummel away, I am afraid, Griffin, because I am not—’

‘You are not at liberty to tell me,’ Griffin finished grimly. ‘Maystone believes Bea’s life is still in danger?’ he added sharply.

‘It is the reason I have travelled here so quickly,’ Christian confirmed.

Part of Griffin bristled at Maystone having doubted that he alone could protect Bea. Another part of him was grateful to have Christian’s assistance.

If Bea truly was still in danger, then he welcomed any assistance in ensuring her safety.

He sighed heavily. ‘How long before Maystone arrives, do you estimate?’

‘Another day at best, possibly two, or even three at worst.’

Griffin inwardly chafed at the delay. ‘And in the meantime?’

‘In the meantime we do not let your young ward out of our sight. And, Griffin?’

‘Yes?’ He answered warily; he might welcome Christian’s help in keeping Bea safe, but he was not altogether happy with the thought of the other man keeping such a close watch over Bea.

‘Have a care where she is concerned, will you?’ Christian suggested gently.

His shoulders tensed. ‘I would not harm a hair upon her head!’

‘I was thinking more of your own welfare than of hers.’

Griffin’s eyes narrowed. ‘I am only concerned for Bea, for the harsh treatment she has suffered, and the reason behind it. Nothing more.’

‘I know you, Griffin.’ Christian sighed. ‘On the outside you are harsh and gruff, keeping the world and others at a distance, but on the inside—’

‘On the inside I am just as harsh and gruff,’ Griff assured him with some of that harshness. ‘And whatever you may think you witnessed here this evening, let me assure you that you are mistaken if you believe that either my own or Bea’s emotions were seriously engaged. It was...a mistake, an impulse, of the moment. She was upset, I attempted to comfort her, and the situation spiralled out of control. It will not happen again.’


‘No!’ Even as he had made the explanation, and now the denial, Griffin knew that he was not being altogether truthful. With himself or Christian.

He had been attempting to comfort Bea earlier, but she had made it clear that she needed something else from him, something more.

Something he had been only too willing to give her.

And would willingly give time and time again if asked.

* * *

Bea, listening outside the study door, having cried her tears and decided to return down the stairs with the intention of demanding that Seaton give her the answers to her many questions, instead now felt as if her heart were breaking hearing Griffin describe their lovemaking as a mistake that he would not allow to happen again...

Chapter Ten

‘You must try to eat something more than toast, Bea,’ Griffin encouraged as they sat at the breakfast table the following morning, where she only nibbled at a dry piece of toast and took the occasional sip of her tea.

Griffin had been unsure of what Bea’s mood would be today, after their...closeness the previous evening, and followed by Christian’s unexpected arrival, and Bea’s own heated departure from the room.

After her threats he had certainly not expected her uncharacteristic silence this morning, other than when she replied with stilted politeness to whatever remark he or Christian addressed to her directly.

‘Thank you, but I am not hungry,’ she answered him in just that manner now.

‘Did you have more nightmares last night?’ Griffin asked with concern, having noted the pallor of Bea’s face the minute she’d entered the breakfast room, where he and Christian were already seated and enjoying breakfast. Her pallor did not in any way, though, detract from her fresh beauty, dressed as she was today in a pretty yellow gown that complemented her creamy complexion and gave an ebony richness to her hair.

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