Unearthed (The Dungeon Black Duology 1) - Page 103

Maybe it was time Sean did some accommodating as well, by showing his Dom that he truly did trust him.

He looked at Max. Drew in a breath. He could do this. He could. “Okay.” Sean smiled. “Okay.”

Max stared at him, green eyes flashing, then he smiled, too. That smile that Sean rarely got to see. The big one. The excited one. The bigger-than-shit proud one. Sean inwardly beamed. He’d made Max happy, which instantly made Sean happy also.

It was incredible, really. What a contradiction Max was. At least where Sean was concerned. Seriously. How could such a grumpy, closed-off man be the biggest happy pill Sean ever swallowed?

Max slid his hands to Sean’s hips and squeezed. “Thank you, Sean. I know this isn’t easy.” Sean gazed into his eyes. Max gazed right back. “Can’t wait to erase the mess that man made. He screwed up your head, but now I’m going to fix you.”

Sean’s smile spread wider. “Fix me, Sir? You sure you’re not a doctor after all?”

Max grinned. “I’m anything you need me to be.”

Adjusting the leg supports so Sean’s thighs were further apart, Max next angled them to hold Sean’s knees closer to his chest. Sean shifted, feeling awkward with how his hips now tilted up, with how his ass was now nice and exposed. Max smirked, reached forward, and thumbed the tips of Sean’s nipples.

“Ah!” Sean arched in alarm, then laughed. “Fuck, Sir. That hurt like a bitch.”

Max snickered. “Doesn’t it? What I’m about to do to your ass, though, does not.” He reclaimed Sean’s cock and got back to stroking. “But first I need to do some more of this.”

Sean moaned. Rocked his hips. Tensed in bliss. Man, Max made him need to come so damn fast. Pleasure coursed through him, down his cock into his sac. For the fourth time, he could feel his balls coiling. He was close. So close. His muscles started to twitch.

He sucked in a breath. “Oh fuck, Sir—Oh, fuck—”

Max stopped immediately and squeezed beneath his crown. Sean winced. His body shuddered. He groaned a ragged curse.

“There we go,” Max murmured. “Now’s the perfect time.”

Perfect time? Sean eyed him curiously.

Max grinned and explained. “When so much blood flow’s going on down here, everything’s super sensitized. Sensations are heightened. Every touch feels amazing. Even when the contact is here.” He stroked Sean’s backdoor.

Pleasure tore through Sean’s pelvis. Instinctively, he clenched. But holy hell did that feel good. Max hadn’t been kidding. At all.

Max stroked him again. “Relax. Chill those muscles.”

Sean forced his cheeks to loosen. Max played a little more. Then he got some more lube and upped his game. Circling, strumming, super light, super firm, again and again, for minutes on end. Sean could feel his cock twitching in drugged-out delight. He could feel his ring starting to reel, too. Like it needed forward progress. Needed just a little bit more.

“How’s that feel, Sean?” Max murmured.

Sean’s legs shifted restlessly inside their stirrups. “Good, Sir,” he rasped. “Shit. So good.”

“Hmm. Then it’s pinky time. Gonna use my little finger.” Max re-fisted Sean’s dick and started jacking. “When you feel me pressing against you, I want you to push right back.”

Fresh pleasure surged up and down Sean’s length. He moaned with a nod and closed his eyes.

Max growled. “I don’t think so. Slut, look at your Dom. No way I’m gonna miss seeing this.” He circled his lubed finger around Sean’s hole, steadily increasing the pressure.

Sean’s eyes peeled open. His heart sped up, anxiety and excitement climbing. Max pressed against his ring. Sean tensed, which was ludicrous. He could handle a freaking pinky. Probably. He hoped.

Dick nearing critical, he held Max’s gaze and bared down against the man’s finger. Pressure increased there, then—“Uh!”—Max was through.

Max purred. “Fuck, yeah. So fucking tight.”

Sean clenched, but that was futile. Max was already inside. No keeping that finger out now. The invasion burned slightly, but swiftly faded, thanks to Max’s other hand jacking Sean’s cock.

Sean moaned, deep down, hips starting to move. “Oh, God…Oh, God…” The combination was inebriating. Max’s finger in his ass while he jacked him.

So good… So good... Oh shit!—Too good!

Sean gasped as his orgasm charged straight for his junk. “Sir! Fuck! Sir!”

Max ceased all movement, releasing Sean’s cock. Then he squeezed beneath its head yet again. Sean groaned, body shuddering, Max still in his ass. Max eased Sean’s balls down and gave them a rub as his finger started moving in Sean’s body. Sean tensed, then moaned again, the feeling rapturous. Raunchy even. Unnerving, but he liked it. Max’s naughty probe inside him. God, it’d been ages, and even then, it’d never felt like this.

Max watched him, eyes hooded, moving slowly in and out. “Talk to me, Sean. Is this painful?”


“Do you like it?”

“I think so.”

Max grinned. “Oh, caitín. You’re gonna know so in a minute.”

Tags: Kora Knight The Dungeon Black Duology Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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