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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 14

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Which was why Sean needed to do it like this. Take Max off guard, come when he wasn’t expecting it. Only then might he actually hear Sean out. Granted, the unannounced visit wouldn’t make Max happy, would undoubtedly earn Sean another punishment. But his temper didn’t scare Sean. Not at all. Although his abrupt, one-eighty mood swings did kind of throw him. They wouldn’t anymore, though, and certainly wouldn’t tomorrow. He’d be ready, was more determined now than ever. To open his Dom’s eyes and show him that he wanted this. But most of all, to give Max back his happy.

* * * * *

Thursday, April 14

9:27 PM

Sean stood on Max’s stoop and stared at his iPhone. Drew in another deep breath.

He could do this. He could.

Had a foolproof plan and everything.

He exhaled and pocketed his cell. Straightened his black, leather wrist cuffs—gifts from Max that he loved to wear that also made badass accessories. He admired them for a second, running a thumb over one’s buckle, then combed both hands through his mane—multiple times. He’d opted for no man bun and left his beanie at home. Probably because he was hopeful that, by the end of the night, Max’s fingers would end up in his hair.

He glanced down his body. Snug, black concert tee. Low-rise jeans. Maybe if he was lucky, those fingers of Max’s would wind up in both of those, too.

He smiled and looked back up. Stared confidently at the door. Time to get this show on the road.


The sound of footsteps.

Sean squared his shoulders.

The door opened. Scott.

“Oh.. Hey, Sean.” He looked kind of surprised.

“Hey, Scott. How’s it going?”

Scott smiled. “Good. You?”

“Same.” Sean nodded, then peered into the foyer. “Is um… Max around?”

Scott’s smile ebbed a little. “Yeah. He’s in his studio.” He glanced over his shoulder, then back at Sean. “He’s expecting you, yeah? Knows you’re coming?”

“Uh...” Sean fidgeted. Shifted his weight.

Scott’s smile vanished. “Please tell me he’s expecting you.”

Gah. Sean winced. “I was going to surprise him?”

Scott exhaled and crossed his arms. “Max hates surprises.”

Sean opened his mouth—

“And unannounced visits.”


Scott leaned against the doorjamb and slowly smirked. “But I’m guessing you already knew that.”

Sean smiled sheepishly.

Scott chuckled and waved him in. “Come on, Mr. Glutton for Punishment. This way.”

They headed through the foyer and down the dim-lit hallway, stopping at Max’s studio on the right. The door was closed. Scott looked at it, then at Sean. “You sure?”

Sean laughed at his wary expression. “Yes. I’m sure. Your roommate’s all bark.”

Scott grunted. “Not hardly. But whatever. Here goes.” Giving a couple raps, he twisted the knob, then stuck half of his body into the room. “Hey, man. You got a visitor.”



Scott shifted his weight.

“Who.” Max’s voice. Didn’t sound especially happy. Not by the way his question sounded more like an angry command.

Scott snickered. “It’s a surprise.” Then he was back in the hallway, shoving Sean swiftly through the door.

Sean stumbled a little—that man was friggin’ strong—glancing back to watch Scott quickly duck and run. And wow, was that big fucker smirking something fierce. Although, Sean did find his expression rather curious. As if, while it appeared he’d just thrown Sean to the wolves, in actuality Scott believed he’d done the opposite; thrown those wolves at Max.

What a nice vote of confidence.

Sean smiled and turned back, only to find Max staring at him. Irritably. The exact reaction he’d expected—and planned for.

He re-squared his shoulders and smiled wider. “Hey.”

Max glared in response. “Why are you here?”

A second terse demand disguised as a question.

Sean shrugged and glanced at the sculpture Max was working on. An abstract piece made of some kind of stone. It looked really cool, too—all chunky and angular—and going by the sandpaper clutched in Max’s hand, was already in its final stages. “Damn. That’s badass. Is it marble or something?”

“Soapstone. Sean. This is the second time you’ve done this.”

“Done what?”

“Come by without a heads up first. You know I hate that shit.”

Sean took a step closer, taking in Max’s digs. A dark sage tee that brought out his eyes, and a nearly-black pair of broken-in jeans. Mmm. Nom nom. Sean smiled. “You gonna spank me?”

Max crossed his arms and glowered. “You better believe it. Now get the fuck on with it. Why are you here?”

It was official. Max wasn’t asking questions tonight. Just commanding Sean to give him various answers.

Sean grinned. Max’s broody face sure was cute. “I wanted to see you.”

Something flickered in Max’s gaze. “Yeah, well, you’ve seen me. Objective met. Off you go.”

Sean coughed out a laugh and took another step. “I wanted to talk to you, too.”

“You couldn’t do that at your next appointment?”

“As a matter of fact, no.”

“Really. And why’s that?”

Sean moved a few more feet. And, yup, Max tracked his every stride. “Because I don’t wanna be your client anymore.”

Max stilled and met his eyes. His expression looked different. A little less irritated and more… surprised. “You wanna stop coming?”

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