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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 57

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Scott exhaled. “He’s good people, Max. I’ve known him for ages. I wouldn’t fucking suggest him if I didn’t trust him.”

Max shook his head. “No. No way. I can’t. You may know him but I fucking don’t. And Sean—” His chest squeezed, making him wince. “I can’t just hand him over to a stranger.”

“He’s not a stranger. Sean met him last night.”

Max glowered. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do. But Sean’s a big boy, Max. He’d be okay.”

Maybe. Probably. But Max fucking wouldn’t. Would be stressed out big time, which defeated the purpose. This was all to re-establish some friggin’ peace.

Desperation surged. Scott clearly wasn’t budging. Wasn’t going to help Max out in any way. Which honestly really pissed Max off. To turn his back when Max needed him most because of a guy he wasn’t even seeing anymore? It wasn’t like Sean was some odious burden. He was a goddamn fucking angel oozing sex. Sex and fun, with gorgeous midnight blues, and a smile so brilliant, it lit up even the darkest of dungeons. Max would know. Sean had lit his dungeon repeatedly. And he wasn’t even talking about his playroom.

Resentment welled fast in the core of Max’s chest. Scott wasn’t just majorly letting him down, he was straight-up fucking lying. To both of them. Shit with Tad wasn’t over. Not by a long shot. And like the dick Max was, he was going to fucking prove it.

“You know what?” he bit out, anger clouding all judgment. “Fuck you, Scott. And Kai. And Tad, too. No, wait. Send Tad to me. I’ll take him since you don’t want him.”

Scott shot him a glare. “You’re really gonna go there?”

“Why not? I’m gonna be rid of Sean soon. Why not take on timid Tad instead? I’ll get him talking good. Hell, I’ll make him shout my name.”

Scott’s expression turned lethal. “You better shut the fuck up.”

“Why? ‘Cause you’re afraid I could actually do it? Well, I got news for you, bro. I fucking could. Matter of fact, I think I will. Thanks to you, I know where the little hottie works.”

“Max,” Scott snarled, his glower turning murderous. “Shut your fucking mouth. I’m not in the mood.”

“Yeah, well, I am. For fucking, that is. Think I’ll drop by Tad’s work when he gets off on Monday. Schmooze him a little, then take him to my playroom. Finally finish the job that you couldn’t—”

Scott lunged without warning, grabbing Max’s shirt from across the island. Max braced, knowing full well what was coming next. Scott nailed him in the mouth. Pain exploded through Max’s face. Stars peppered his vision, then the taste of warm copper met his tongue.

Adrenaline surged, blitzing Max’s blood, waking his inner monster fast. It laughed, ready to play. “Really? Are you serious? That’s the best you fuckin’ got? I bet timid Tad could hit harder.”

Scott’s eyes blazed black fire. He yanked Max around the island. “Say his name again,” he grated. “I fucking dare you.”

“Who? You mean, Tad? The kid you’re all fucking done with? The kid I can’t wait to have my way—”


Another hit from Scott’s fist to Max’s face.

Max’s head flew back. Motherfucker. That hurt.

He shoved Scott away, instinct kicking in, then threw a punch of his own, returning the favor. Of course, Scott blocked it, which Max totally anticipated, and the only reason he was able to land the second. A nice solid hit, plumb on Scott’s cheek.

Scott snarled furiously and re-fisted Max’s shirt. “You done, goddamn it?”

“Shit, I’ve barely begun.”

Scott shoved him against the refrigerator and nailed him again.

Max’s eye socket howled. That man’s fist was a battering ram. He shook it off and threw one of his own. Scott blocked it, blocked it again, but Max finally connected. Right on the side of Scott’s jaw.

Scott stumbled back, then pinned Max with one seriously menacing look. “Last fucking time I’m gonna ask you,” he growled. “You done running your mouth or do I have to silence it for you?”

Max’s insides reeled, aching just as bad as his face. Because even though he loved to fight, he hated fighting with Scott. Monster unleashed or not, Scott was his brother. But damn it, Max wasn’t done making his point, because Scott still hadn’t acknowledged the obvious. That he hadn’t cut Tad loose. That Tad still fucking owned him. So, instead of backing down, Max fortified his front, not giving a shit anymore about the pain. In truth, the shock to his system almost felt good. Some penance finally paid for his cold heart.

Forcing a dark chuckle, he held Scott’s glower. “Go for it, bro. Won’t make a fucking difference. Once I strap Tad down, I won’t be talking much, anyway.”

Scott’s whole body stiffened, then next thing Max knew, he was flying across the length of the kitchen. He grazed the side of the table and landed on his back, taking out some chairs on the way. But his ass didn’t stop, he just kept on sliding, till he nailed the game room wall petition with his head.

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