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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 85

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“No, thanks,” Ned declined. “But I’ll take a beer if you got one.”

Tad laughed. “I thought you said you had a paper to finish.”

“Shit.” Ned wilted. “Forgot about that.”

Jay scowled, too. “Yeah, and I gotta study.”

“Maybe next time,” Scott offered. “You guys can come by any Tuesday.”

“Thanks,” Breck murmured, seemingly distracted by Tad’s hand—and the way it clung possessively to Scott’s hip.

“Yeah.” Ned nodded. “Appreciate it big time.”

“Like big time-big time.” Jay made a face. “The gym smells like man feet and sweaty pits.”

The whole gang grimaced in silent accord.

Scott chuckled and pulled Tad closer. “I’m happy to improve the experience.”

All three guys smiled, then sort of just stood there, studying Tad and Scott with curious eyes. Which Scott supposed made sense. It’d only been three days since Tad told them he was gay. Even fewer days since the announcement that he and Scott were dating. And technically speaking, this moment right now was the first the guys were seeing of physical proof. Their longtime friend with his arm around a dude. The captain of their high school’s wrestling team holding another man.

Tad smiled despite the growing awkward and tipped his chin toward the door. “Come on. We’ll walk you out.”

But as Jay lead the way, Breck shot Tad a look. “You’re not leaving, too?” He asked, his expression unreadable.

“Of course he’s not, you meathead,” Ned called from the stairs. “They’re gonna go bone. Geez, how old are you? Ten?”

For the briefest of seconds, Breck actually looked sheepish, but covered it up fast by shaking his head. “I’m gonna beat him outside on your lawn, Scott. That cool?”

Scott grinned. “Just no blood. Max likes shit clean.”

A few minutes later, the trio were finally gone.

And Scott and Tad were finally alone.

Scott pulled Tad to his chest as they lingered in the foyer. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”

Tad chuckled. “Yes, it was.”

“Nah. They’re entertaining. Nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah. If you enjoy B-rated comedy.”

Scott laughed. “Breck’s pretty chill.”

“He is. It’s a wonder he puts up with it.”

“I dunno. I bet deep down he secretly enjoys it.”

Tad shrugged a little. “Maybe. He didn’t used to be so uptight.”

“Sounds like your boy needs a deep, relaxing massage.”

Tad stilled. Scott grinned.

Tad coughed. “Yeah, like hell. That man can get his own damn masseuse.”

“I meant from Kai,” Scott laughed. “He’s trained in that, too.”

“Yeah, right,” Tad chuckled, easing in his arms. “Talk about throwing gas on the fire.”

“Hmm. That’s too bad. They’d make a sexy couple.”

Tad stilled again. “Interesting thought, but I don’t think Breck swings that way.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. Pay attention to your boy. He puts out some pretty mixed signals.”

Tad shook his head. “No way. He bangs a new chick every weekend. Him and Ned are in constant competition.”

“And how’s that working out for him? Does he seem even remotely satisfied? Have that post-fuck glow going on after he hits it?”

Tad’s eyes turned pensive. “Um. I guess not. Or at least, not like Jay and Ned. Although, Ned glows if he finds a fucking dollar.”

Scott laughed and gave a shrug. “Well, whatever. Just food for thought. I could be totally wrong.”

Tad’s face stayed thoughtful, though, as if Scott’s words might actually hold weight.

Scott squeezed Tad closer. “So anyway… Your friends. I think they’re cool with the new workout location.”

Tad met his gaze, his hazels gleaming, enticing Scott from beneath that swath of bangs. God, he loved those eyes. So warm, yet so captivating. Made him want to pin Tad down, then leisurely lick his body. Every single inch. From top to bottom.

“I think you’re right,” Tad mumbled, his voice sounding husky, as if he’d just read the gist of Scott’s thoughts.

Scott smiled and linked their fingers, then lifted them to his mouth. “Awesome,” he murmured, pressing his lips to Tad’s wrist. “Check one on our night’s agenda.”

Tad’s gaze heated. “Agenda, huh? And what’s up next?”

“That tour you requested. So much fun stuff to see.”

Tad grinned wide. His cheeks pinked. But then he paused and frowned instead. “Will Max be cool with that? You and me in his space? ’Cause he looked kinda weird tonight. More than just his usual ominous self.”

Scott sighed and lowered their fingers. “Yeah, he’s all kinds of outta whack. I think after what happened last night he’s trying to board himself up. But it’s not really working. He’s emotionally all over the place. And still isn’t sleeping for shit.”

“Yeah. He looks like hell. I wasn’t gonna say it.”

Scott gave a little shrug. “He’ll work it out eventually. The man’s a fucking tank. He’ll roll through it.”

“You think?”

“I hope.”

“And Sean?”

“God only knows.”

Things went silent for a second. Scott needed to regroup. All thoughts of Max dragged him down. His best friend was struggling, in a really dark place, and Scott had no clue how to help him.

He inhaled deep and forced his focus back to Tad. His brand-new, beautiful boyfriend that he’d waited forever to land. And man, was his shy boy worth every minute of the wait. Even if things did get pretty rocky toward the end.

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