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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 127

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Tad’s dick stirred. Play doctor? That could go all sorts of ways. So typical of Scott to up the ante. Tad’s cheeks heated in a rush. “Yeah… I guess I am.”

A soft little rumble rolled up Scott’s throat. “Alright... Hell, you could probably use an exam anyway.” His jaw ticked. “Since you didn’t go to the hospital.”

“I didn’t need to. I’m fine.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

Scott hooked Tad’s thighs securely around his hips, then carried him out of the kitchen. Tad grinned, loving the feel of Scott’s arms around him. Of all those warm, ripped muscles moving against his body. Who knew getting carted around could be so enjoyable? Tad’s dick firmed harder as they breached his bedroom.

Scott gingerly set him down, then gestured to Tad’s shirt. Guess he wanted it off. Tad pulled it over his head, scooting to the middle of the mattress in the process. If Scott wanted his hands on Tad’s half-naked body, he was going to have to join him on the bed.

Smirking, Tad got situated, but when he looked back at Scott, he found him frowning intently… at Tad’s chest.

Tad stilled. Oh, yeah. He’d forgotten about the bruises.

“Goddamn it,” Scott muttered, back to angry and tense.

Tad’s lips curved down, too, the memories still so fresh. “Scott,” he murmured. “They’re just bruises. Come here.”

Scott’s jaw muscle ticked. He closed his eyes and inhaled deep. “I’m gonna kill ‘em, Tad. I’m gonna kill ‘em.”

“Not tonight, you’re not. Now come.”

Scott growled, but kicked off his shoes and climbed aboard, settling in beside Tad on the bed. Gently, he prodded the bruise on Tad’s abs. “This hurt?”

“Not too bad.”

“One to ten, with ten as the worst.”

“I dunno… Four? It looks worse than it feels.”

Scott pursed his lips, then moved to the one on Tad’s ribs. Carefully, he pressed on the black and blue contusion. Tad winced. Yeah, definitely more tender than the first. Scott stiffened, but didn’t say a word, just waited expectantly. Guess he wanted another one-through-ten.

Tad fidgeted. “… Five?”

Scott’s eyes hooded angrily. “You could have a cracked rib.”

“I don’t.”

“How would you know?”

“I’ve had one before.” Tad shook his head. “It’s just bruised, Scott. I swear it. I’m okay.”

But Scott didn’t look reassured, just kept on frowning at Tad’s torso. Tad gripped his wrist and pulled Scott down beside him. “Please. Stop stressing.”

“I’m not stressing, I’m pissed.” Scott scowled. “At them and you.”

Tad quieted.

Scott looked at him. “You lied to me, Tad.”

“I know…”

“Didn’t you know you could trust me? Didn’t you know I’d have your back?”

Tad nodded, ashamed. “I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m sorry.”

Scott didn’t reply.

God, Tad sucked with words. Just needed to find a way to explain. Shifting onto his side, he rested his hand on Scott’s arm. “I didn’t want to pull you into my stupid-ass drama. If I did, you’d always and forever be worrying about me, and I just didn’t … I didn’t want…” He looked down and sighed. “I don’t want to be a source of fucking stress for you, Scott. ‘Cause that’s not a fucking boyfriend. That’s a burden.”

More quiet. Great. He truly did suck with words.

But then, out of nowhere, Scott pulled him into his arms. “I love you, Tad. I love you. And I always fucking will. But love’s not always easy, and it isn’t always fun. But it’s strong. It’s strong for all the times that we’re not.” He leaned back a little and met Tad’s eyes. “I’m your man now. You gotta let me shoulder some of the weight… God knows, you’re gonna be shouldering some of mine.”

Tad blinked, brows lifting.

Scott grinned and kissed his lips. “Just a heads up, shy boy.”

“Heads up appreciated.”

God, Scott was amazing. Tad was the luckiest guy alive.

Feeling a million times lighter, he kissed Scott back. “Thank you. For being awesome.” He smiled. “I seriously don’t deserve you.”

Scott shook his head. “You seriously don’t.”

Tad laughed and hooked his arm around Scott’s neck, then dropped back, pulling Scott down with him onto the covers. “I love you, too, by the way. Just so we’re clear.”

Scott chuckled. “You trying to win brownie points? ‘Cause I respond a lot better to physical praise.”

Tad grinned and kissed his mouth again, then pulled back and met Scott’s eyes. “I want you to meet my parents.” Fuck it. He’d been meaning to have this talk.

Scott stilled. “Your parents?” His smile faded. “When?”

“Soon. Maybe next weekend.”

Scott nodded a little. “Okay.”

Whoa. Get out. He actually looked worried—which Tad suddenly found incredibly endearing.

“Don’t be nervous. They’ll love you.”

Scott chuckled. “Let’s hope.”

“Nope. No hoping. You got this, baby. Believe me.”

Something glinted in Scott’s eyes. His smile made a comeback. And like always, Tad’s heart thudded in response. Grinning like an idiot, he reclaimed his man’s lips. “Now how ‘bout a little less conversation… and a little more kiss my body.”

Scott rumbled against his mouth. “My patient’s ready to play.”

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