Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2) - Page 134

Ever since he saw that announcement in the local paper. The one Sean had crafted out of nothing but kindness. No one asked him to take out an ad. Max certainly hadn’t. Hell, he’d thrown one together for the campus paper, then moved on to other tasks and hoped it’d suffice.

Max frowned as he watched Sean making his rounds from table to table. He was such a good kid. Too confident sometimes, but kind. Max hated himself for having to let him go.

Sean smiled at one of his customers as he dropped off her drink, then grabbed her empty mug and headed back. Back to the bar where he’d chill for a few before starting the rounds all over again. Max watched each casual stride, loving the way Sean moved. So fluid and graceful while at the same time so masculine. It made Max’s mouth water. And his dick fucking purr. But it especially made his stupid heart race.

He exhaled, hands in his pockets, and leaned against a tree, watching as Sean got talking with some of his co-workers. A bunch of them had converged, some behind the bar, some in front. All with big bright smiles on their faces. Smiles that outshined Sean’s little one by a mile. Probably, Max suspected, because Sean’s was fake.

Which Max could most assuredly take the credit for. He was such a fucking bastard. Had flat-out stolen Sean’s happy. Dimmed his light when he used to shine so bright. Not that Sean wasn’t still painfully beautiful. Shit, he couldn’t not be beautiful if his life depended on it. But that glint in his eyes? That spring in his step? Gone. Because of Max.

He straight-up sucked.

Insides heavy, Max looked on as those gathered around Sean began clapping, clapping to one unified, steady beat. Being outside, he couldn’t hear, but it also looked like they were singing. Max frowned. What the fuck? Then those two girls he’d seen earlier emerged with a tray of chocolate cupcakes. And man, was the middle one lit up bright. Looked like they’d packed it with a good two dozen candles. Max stilled, his heart sinking. Two dozen candles… Because the birthday was Sean’s… and he was now twenty-four.

Max’s features pinched tight. Fresh guilt streaked through his chest. “Fuck, cat,” he breathed. He shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

One of the girls handed Sean his blazing cupcake. He took it with a smile, but his smile was sad and faded away completely within seconds. Just up and fucking left as he stared at the flames. Like he didn’t believe his wish would come true.

Max closed his eyes, distraught, as Sean blew out the candles.

Sean was hurting. On his birthday. All thanks to Max.

“It’s for the best,” he rasped quietly. “I’m no good for you, Sean. One day you’ll finally realize this and be grateful.”

Of course, for Max, it was pretty much the opposite. Sean was the absolute best thing he could ever hope to find. But his faith in love was dead, and so was his trust. So, the sooner they both got past this the fucking better.

But as Max lifted his gaze for one final glance, he flat-out fucking froze at what he found. Sean, staring back at him through that big friggin’ window, his cupcake paused midway to his mouth.

Oh, fuck. Had he seen Max? No. He couldn’t’ve. Not possible. He was inside a lit space looking out into the dark. No way Sean could see him. So then why in the fuck was he staring? Staring at the exact spot where Max was standing.

His heart raced. That ache grew.

Maybe this was his cue. To get the fuck gone and leave Sean alone. To get on with his life and not look back.

Unsettled on top of every other emotion under the moon, Max pulled his hoodie lower and walked away.


“Shit, Tad. You sure you’re ready for this?” Scott’s tone sounded anxious. “It hasn’t been that long. We could wait. I’d understand.”

Tad donned a brave smile and took the next exit.

Of course he was ready. Absolutely.

Most likely.


“I’m sure. I mean, why put off the inevitable, you know? Besides, I want them to’ve met you by graduation. I worked too hard for that day, for that moment in my life. I don’t want any stupid awkward shit spoiling it.”

Scott nodded and stared out the windshield. His restlessness was palpable.

Tad glanced his way. “You’re nervous?”

Scott shrugged.

“But you’re never nervous.”

Scott chuckled and looked at him. “Are you disappointed?”

“Fuck, no,” Tad laughed. “Finally proof that you’re human.”

Scott’s lips curved into that crazy amazing smile. “You weren’t sure if I was human?”

“Dude. Have you not looked at yourself in the mirror? You gotta have at least some Kryptonian in you.” Tad stopped at a street light and gave him a once-over. “Come to think of it, you do look a lot like Superman.” The light dropped to green. He turned back and got going. “I bet you two are related. Distant cousins.”

Tags: Kora Knight The Dungeon Black Duology Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025