Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2) - Page 149

“Do you now.” Max eyed him. His expression looked uneasy, which for some reason, Sean found really fucking adorable.

“Yeah.” Sean nodded. “But you’re gonna have to trust me.”

Max studied him, frowning. “What’s your idea?”

“Nothing bad,” Sean chuckled. “In fact, it’s something you’re pretty familiar with.”

“Awesome. Spit it out.” Max stared at him intently. Sean could feel his tension trying to take hold.

“Alright, but you gotta have an open mind.” Sean rubbed Max’s shoulders, then gave them a squeeze. “I want you to let me use bondage.”

Max stilled, brows lifting. “Bondage? On me?”

“Yeah. I think it’s exactly what you’d need.”

Max looked away, gaze pensive, his features suddenly tight. “I assume this means you wanna dom me, too.”

“Yeah, but nothing major… While you’re like… tied to your bed.”

Air left Max’s lungs. He gripped Sean’s hips tighter. “I dunno, Sean… I don’t think so.”

“Well, I do, Max, and here’s why. In order for us to work, you have to let go. Of the reins. Of the responsibility of having to be in charge. Let me man the wheel sometimes. Give me a chance to prove my worth. That even though you’ll always be strong enough for me, I’ll always be strong enough for you, too. You can trust me, Max. I have your back. I won’t ever let you fall. Let me do this. Let me show you.” He smiled and sank his fingers into the hair behind Max’s ear. “Let go for me, Max. I’ll catch you.”

Max chewed on his cheek, studying him, looking openly uncertain. “I’m a terrible sub,” he muttered. “My one and only dom called me his worst.”

Sean blinked in surprise, then laughed before he could stop himself. “That’s interesting, but not a problem. I’ve never dommed before so I don’t really have much to compare you to.”

“You have yourself.” Max smiled, his first smile of the night. “You’ve subbed plenty. You’ll see how bad I suck.”

He’ll see? Sean stilled, then smiled, too. “You’ll do it?”

Max’s eyes hooded. He pulled Sean close. Pressed their lips together. “On one condition.”

“Name it,” Sean growled, wrapping his arms around Max’s neck.

Max kissed him slowly. Intently. Deeply. “Come home with me,” he finally rumbled. “I need you in my bed.”

Sean’s lips curved against Max’s. His heart pounded in his chest. This wasn’t a dream and it wasn’t a movie. It was him and Max at the top of their mountain. Despite that steep-ass climb, they’d somehow still made it.

“Condition accepted.” He rocked his hips and kissed Max harder. “Just out of curiosity, though… when you said you’d be good earlier…”

Max grinned and ground Sean harder atop his cock. “Yes, caitín. Blowjobs do fall under the category of good.”

“Awesome,” Sean murmured. “Best worst night of my life.”

* * * * *

“Did you ever talk to Jonah? He was pretty stressed out last night, too.” Max cracked another egg into the frying pan and looked at Sean on the other side of the island.

“Yeah, I texted him when I got back to my car. Before I followed you home from Great Falls.” Sean shifted on his stool and smiled at Max, his chin resting casually in his hand.

Max’s lips curved a little. He nodded. “Good.”

With all the shit that’d happened after he left their apartment, poor Jonah just hadn’t made the cut for things to think further on. Not that much more happened after they’d gone back to Max’s place. Definitely no sex, they’d been too emotionally drained. Just Sean’s blowjob—which Max gave to him nice and slow—then the first peaceful night of sleep for Max in ages. Sean’s body nestled against his just had that effect.

He grabbed a loaf of bread and dropped some slices into the toaster, then turned his gaze back to his cat. Sean watched him with hooded eyes, his midnight blues replete, the air around him a cloak of pure contentment.

Which wasn’t surprising. Max had woken him up right, with a repeat of last night. Just hadn’t been able to resist. It’d been a fantasy of his ever since they first met. Coaxing Sean toward consciousness with his lips around his cock. Goddamn, the feel of him hardening in his mouth. His warm flesh growing longer and thicker. And the sleepy, rousing moans that Sean made as he stirred? They’d shot Max rock hard in fucking seconds.

Sean met his gaze. His smile warmed. “I’m happy… Are you happy?”

“I am,” Max murmured. His heart thumped in accord. The days ahead would be bumpy, he knew this, but it’d be worth it, because it’d ensure he got to keep his beautiful boy.

Sean seemed content with that and fell back to quiet, sipping the coffee Max had brewed before starting on breakfast. He was thinking about stuff, that much Max could tell. Good stuff, going by that glint in his eye. And honestly, Max was right there with him. The future was uncertain, and in many ways unnerving, but it also felt exceptionally bright. Which gave Max hope, something he hadn’t felt in forever, that one day he’d finally be whole again.

Tags: Kora Knight The Dungeon Black Duology Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024