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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 153

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Sean rose up on his elbows and licked his lips. “You said as a Dom I could do anything, right? Within the parameters of consent, I mean. Doesn’t have to be whips and chains and stuff. That anything’s fair game if I want it?”

Max nodded, breathing heavily. “Yeah. Pretty much.”

Sean grinned and eyed his target. His hot-as-fuck little bullseye. “Awesome. Just checking.” He palmed Max’s cheeks, then spread them wide and gave a tentative lick. Small and quick with just the slightest bit of pressure.

Max inhaled sharply and rocked his hips. “Fuck.”

Sean did it again. Another husky curse. Along with some hot backdoor twitches. Shit, yeah. So raunchy. Sean was loving this already. He clutched Max’s cheeks tighter and got busy playing. No more pauses between licks, just a whole lot of loving, giving his man a hot dose of heaven. Because, no, Sean hadn’t forgotten just how good that shit felt. Max’s rim job was like nothing he’d ever experienced. Time to return the favor—and enjoy the rewards. Aka the litany of expletives tumbling from Max’s lips.

Low moan. “Oh shit, Sean…”

Sharp exhale. “Aw, fuck…”

Hips writhing. Muscles bunching. Husky growl. “So good…”

But what Sean loved just as much was the drugging sensation of Max’s sphincter clenching tight against his tongue. So insanely arousing, it made his dick fucking thrum. Next thing he knew, he was grinding against the covers to the tune of his happily playing tongue.

Problem was, despite all the fun he was having, he should probably use this exchange to move things forward. To get Max ready for the main event.

Slowing his roll, he pressed a kiss to Max’s cheek. “I want in, Max,” he murmured, pointedly stroking Max’s star. Max clenched again. Sean smiled. “Will you let me in? You know what comes next. We gotta do this.”

Max didn’t reply.

Sean sat back up on his heels. He wasn’t going to push. That would come later—if they got that far. Because if Max couldn’t get past this, it’d never happen.

He stroked Max’s hips. Rubbed his lower back.

A long moment later, Max gave a nod.

Sean’s heart thumped faster. The minutes ahead were crucial. Do the wrong thing and Max might straight-up fucking fold. But do the right thing and, hell yeah, they’d be golden.

He grabbed the bottle of lube he’d set on the bed before they started, at the foot of the mattress beside a couple of other items. But as he drizzled some on his finger, and then a little more on Max, an unbidden memory whispered through his mind; the first time he’d been penetrated. He was barely a teen, breached by large fingers and no lube. It hadn’t been very enjoyable. He wished it’d been different. Gentler. More tender. Less rushed.

He gazed at Max’s body—Max’s visibly tense body—and suddenly related completely. Because, yeah, he’d been tense and nervous, too. Unsure of how he’d handle what was to come. He drew in a breath and closed his eyes, and in that moment, resolved to fix those fucked-up memories. To rewrite them as he gave Max what he himself would’ve wanted, treat Max the way he wished he’d been treated.

In the anxious quiet, “Blue Blood” flowed from the dock, sinking into Sean’s veins as he rose to his knees. Leaning over Max’s back, he propped his weight on one arm and leaned down to kiss Max’s neck. Right below his ear, his black gage grazing Sean’s mouth, the scent of his hair filling Sean’s lungs.

Max exhaled a soft moan.

Sean kissed him there again, then used his free hand to stroke Max’s hole. His cheeks clenched tight, just like Sean’s always did. Sean whispered against his ear, “Max… Let me in.”

Max hesitated yet again.

Sean applied slow pressure.

Max shifted stiffly. Growled low. Then pushed.

Sean slid in like a dream.

Air left Max’s lungs. Not because of the physical intrusion, though. That much, Sean was sure of. But because he’d truly just let Sean in. Psychologically. Emotionally. Taken the first step. The first step toward solidifying their future.

Sean rewarded him with another kiss, then trailed his lips to the base of Max’s neck. “Thank you,” he murmured, sinking his finger to the hilt. “Fuck… You’re so hot in here. So hot and so smooth.”

His dick kicked. He’d never felt anything so erotic. Slowly, he moved in and out.

Max moaned a low curse. Then canted his ass. “More.”

No problem. More would absolutely be Sean’s pleasure. He delved a little faster. Latched his mouth to Max’s skin.


Max shuddered, but stayed tense. He canted his hips again. “More, cat,” he rasped. “Fuck. Distract me with more.”

Sean released his suction. Oops. He’d left a mark. “More fingers?”

“More everything.”

Sean smiled. “Okay.”

That had to be a good sign. He carefully added another.

Pump—pump—pump—Steadily stretching him.

Max groaned, ass shifting, spine bowing. His muscles tightened.

“A third?” Sean asked.

“Yeah,” Max panted. His tone was restless.

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