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Tamed (The Courtside King 1)

Page 79

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“Great.” Kai got up and grabbed his phone, then dropped into a squat and proceeded to snap away. Breck watched him, not missing that heat in Kai’s eyes. His own gaze grew heavy in response, intently watching Kai move. His muscles bunching as he maneuvered right, then to the left. Such an incredible body, such a gorgeous physique. And, God, that face. So inexplicably handsome. Those dark midnight browns locked solely on him and nothing else.

Breck relished this moment, as outlandish and bizarre as it was.

Kai wrapped it up, then sat on his heel, still down on one knee.

And just like that, Breck frowned at his expression.

Kai was done. With everything.

The experience was over.

Breck’s due was paid.

And yet, he couldn’t find it in himself to feel glad about that. “So… this is it? All that’s involved in your class?”

Kai nodded. “Pretty much... Well, in terms of rope typing, anyway.”

Breck eyed him curiously. “What, you mean there’s other stuff that goes on besides that?”


Breck waited expectantly but Kai didn’t expound. Ugh. Like pulling teeth. “Like what?” he pressed, determined.

Kai looked amused, as if a part of him enjoyed making Breck work for his answers. “Hmm. What transpires after I finish teaching... Let’s call it playtime.” His lips curved. “An opportunity for my students to enjoy all the fruits of their labor.”

Breck’s brows hiked. “Wait. So, your students don’t use mannequins? They actually tie up people… And then…?” When Kai didn’t correct him, he balked. “No fuckin’ way… Right there in the classroom?”

Kai shrugged. “If they want to. And many do.”

Breck’s brain churned. That notion seemed crazier than hell. Like some great big orgy fest right out in public. Did Kai participate? His stomach clenched at the thought. “How ‘bout you? Do you engage in that, too?”

Kai tipped his head to the side and eyed him. Then answered, “No.”

“Never? Not even with your models?”

“Not even with them.”

Breck stared at him, not quite buying it. “What, against the rules?”

“No, we’re allowed.”

“So, your models don’t want to.”

Kai chuckled. “Oh, they want to.”

Breck frowned, not understanding. “Then why not?” Not that it was any of his business. Honestly, he shouldn’t even care. He was confused, though. It didn’t make sense. Kai was a smoking hot single man in his sexual prime.

Kai met his gaze. “Because I don’t share myself with just anyone.”

Breck stilled at his words. And damn if that comment hadn’t felt directed at him. Was Kai aware of his promiscuous reputation, calling him out on his indulgent behavior? Breck stiffened, turning defensive. “You trying to shame me?”

Kai lifted a brow. “Not at all. You asked me a question, and I told you the answer.”

Breck fought back a scowl. Great. Now he looked paranoid and insecure.

Kai rested his forearm on his knee. “My standpoint is different than most, I know. I see the reality of that all the time. Which is fine. To each their own. But for me?” He shrugged. “I see the exchange of sexual energy as… inherently sacred.”

Breck stared at him, wrapping his brain around Kai’s words. Kai chose his partners with meticulous care. Geez. For the first time in Breck’s life, his number of conquests actually made him feel… gross. It didn’t matter that he was currently in a dry spell, that he hadn’t had sex since before he’d shared that heated kiss with Kai. His score card was ridiculous. His fuck count through the roof. And he couldn’t change those stats, even if he wanted to. They were permanently on his record.

He cleared his throat. “That’s quite a perspective.” Except then something occurred to him. “Hold up, what about what you did with Sean? Don’t you consider that a sexual energy exchange?”

“Hmm. Not in the way that you’re thinking.” Kai paused, as if deciding on the best way to explain. “When I dom,” he stated, almost carefully, “it’s for other reasons. For other intentions. And, ultimately, it’s the intention that dictates the type of energy exchange.”

Breck frowned, trying to understand. “So, like, with Sean… and other subs you engaged… What were your ‘intentions’ where they were concerned?”

“To give them an experience. To give them pleasure. To give them fun. None of which to be confused with giving them a part of me.”

Breck stared at him, finally getting it. Silence lingered. He searched for something to say but was at a loss. He hadn’t pegged Kai to be that kind of man. In truth, this knowledge shed a whole new light on the guy. Revealing a part of the mystery into the person he truly was.

Kai exhaled. Diverted his gaze to Breck’s torso. “I should probably untie you.”

Already? Breck glanced at the wall clock ticking slowly above the shelving unit. It’d been nearly an hour already. Just as Kai had predicted. Holy shit, time had flown. It felt like it’d barely been twenty minutes. And as soon as Kai finished untying him, this strange surreal afternoon together would officially be over.

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