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Tamed (The Courtside King 1)

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Ned served the ball. And just like that, Breck was back to chasing it. And yet, his thoughts continued to linger on Tad’s new relationship. Specifically, on the memories of last Friday, when they’d bar hopped in Georgetown. Scott, God love him, had volunteered to drive, and Tad’s tipsy behavior around him had been entertaining to say the least. Or maybe endearing was a better word. Tad couldn’t stop touching him, his hazel eyes ever locked on Scott’s face. His body never more than a few feet away from the guy at any given time.

And Scott. He’d been so attentive, yet so carefree. Messing with the lot of them just as much as he messed with Tad. Interestingly, though, when Scott didn’t think others were watching, Breck caught him regarding their drunken bunch with troubled eyes. As if the sight brought back unpleasant memories. Breck remembered wondering if something had happened in Scott’s past. And that maybe that was the reason he’d volunteered to be designated driver.

Come to think of it, as Tad grew drunker, Breck recalled how Scott had shifted gears, intercepting Tad’s attempts to keep drinking with clever forms of distraction. Hilarious stints of impromptu flirting whenever Tad had been about to take a swig. Not to mention his impressive ability to relieve Tad of his beer bottle without Tad ever even knowing. Directing his attention to something random, then swiping it from the table, or slyly coaxing it from Tad’s grasp while they’d discreetly kissed. Clearly, he’d been endeavoring to slow Tad’s consumption. His intentions in that regard had been crystal clear. All the while keeping each show of affection unexpectedly discreet.

Which, in hindsight, Breck found kind of curious. Scott wasn’t a hide-who-I-am type of guy. Breck supposed his reluctance for public displays was largely in part due to Tad’s recent altercation. When he’d been jumped by a band of homophobes after class one night. Breck’s gut clenched at the memory. Tad had dropped off the grid. When he finally resurfaced, he’d still been sporting one tore up mug.

Breck had been shocked. Wholly appalled. Beyond enraged. Fellow students from their college had done that to his friend. A fact that hadn’t just saddened and disappointed him, but reinforced his beliefs. Guys like him could never go public. Ever. He’d get utterly demolished by the very fans who professed devotion.

All that aside, Scott’s careful behavior just proved all the more what an awesome guy he was. Never taking any chances at Tad’s expense. Breck had to admit, Tad had landed an amazing boyfriend. If Breck were ever to date a guy, he’d want to date one like Scott.

Whoa. Wait. Where’d that come from?

Date a guy?

No way. Nuh uh.

His attraction to that gender was purely sexual. He’d never want a relationship. Only the ladies could be partner material. Surely, only a woman would have what it took. To keep him satisfied. Fulfilled. The heart stuff. The so-called romance. The fact that he’d kissed Kai meant entirely nothing at all. He’d been drunk, hadn’t been thinking straight, that spike in his heart rate when their tongues had touched just pure coincidence.

Besides, even if he did want to date Kai, it wasn’t like that was possible. The lifepath he’d forged for himself simply didn’t permit it. The sports world—and straight men as a whole—weren’t ready to embrace that kind of thing. If Tad’s run-in didn’t make that obvious, Breck didn’t know what fucking would.

Ned cracked the ball, snapping Breck out of autopilot. He lunged, then swung his racquet with all he had. For once, Ned couldn’t get to it quick enough.

“Yes!” He punched the air like he’d just won the lotto.

“Good job!” Ned panted, laughing. “You finally scored a point.”

Breck’s elation deflated like a balloon. “How ‘bout you bite me.”

Ned grinned and strolled all cockily to the receiver’s end of the court. “You know, all this healthy competition reminds me… You never told me your hoochie tally for last month, Mr. King of the Groupies.”

Breck swiped up the ball and made his way to the service box. “Hmm… Yeah, last month was a wash. Too busy with studying and then with finals. No time for that.” Although, in all honesty, he just hadn’t been feeling it. At least not for the ladies. Not since that kiss he’d had with Kai that meant ‘nothing at all.’

Ned gripped his hips and nodded thoughtfully, blowing at his long black bangs. “Well, how about this month? How’s it going?”

Breck shifted his weight. Inspected the ball in his hand. “Um... Yeah, pretty much the same. You know, with graduation… and pre-draft basketball shit.”

No response. Straight-up crickets.

He glanced Ned’s way. His friend was staring at him with brows pursed tight, in clear confusion.

“Wait.” Ned shook head. Briefly closed his eyes. “You mean to tell me you’re going on two months now without any sex?”

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