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To Seduce a Bride (Courtship Wars)

Page 123

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“You have already helped tremendously,” Lily replied earnestly. “You gave Betty and Peg entirely new lives.”

“It isn’t enough. But I mean to do better in the future by putting my wealth to good use. I began by contributing to some of Tess Blanchard’s charities. And I want to help you found a home for destitute women so they don’t have to sell their bodies in order to survive.”

“Oh, Heath…” Lily felt her heart me

lt, even though she was a little stunned that she could have made such a difference to his perspective on life. “You did not have to go to such lengths for me.”

“Yes, I did. I want to be good husband to you, Lily. I want to share your passion.”

Her heart gave a great surge of gladness. “I have no doubt you will be the best husband any woman could ever hope for.” Lily gave him a teasing smile as she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. “I know very well that you are not the worthless libertine that many of your noble peers are.”

He grinned. “I am gratified you think so.”

“And I agree that you are my ideal match. You are bold and fearless and daring. I greatly admire those qualities in a man-and I insist on having them in my husband.”

“Then I am in luck.”

Suddenly serious, Lily shook her head. “No, the luck is mine, Heath. I don’t know that I deserve you, but I love you deeply, and I will try my best to be a good wife to you.”

“I intend to make very certain of it, sweetheart.”

The words were provocative, while the teasing light had returned to his eyes, reassuring Lily as much as his next tender declaration: “I love you, Lily. I will never stop loving you.”

She arched an eyebrow, not wanting to show her uncertainty. “And if you should come to tire of me?”

“That will never happen in a million years.”

As if determined to prove his assertion, Heath cupped her face and claimed her mouth in a cherishing kiss.

With a sigh of joy, Lily responded to his caress with all the fervency she possessed. Her senses seemed starved for him, it had been so long since she had last kissed him, last touched him. His ardent passion banished the last of her fears and kindled her desire to a heated urgency-

To her dismay, however, Heath abruptly broke off and peeled her arms away from his neck. “Not so fast, love. We need to settle some issues before we indulge in pleasure.”

“What issues?”

“When you will actually marry me, for one.”

Breathless and frowning, Lily allowed Heath to lead her over to the sofa. “The date matters little to me,” she said once they were settled with his arm around her.

“It damn well matters to me. I want to hold the ceremony as soon as possible-this week, before you decide to change your mind.”

She smiled up at him. “I promise you, I will never change my mind.”

“I’m not risking it. Do you want a large wedding like your sisters had?”

“Heaven forbid.” Lily mimicked a shudder. “I would much rather save the expense and contribute the funds to establishing our new women’s home. The same goes for wedding gifts. You needn’t give me any exorbitantly lavish presents like that ship, Heath.”

“Very well, no more lavish gifts…as long as you agree to accept the Zephyr as a token of my love.”

Her smile turned impish. “I think I could be persuaded. I am not so stubborn as to refuse your most alluring offer to sail the world with you. I once dreamed of having a life of excitement and adventure, but I was willing to give up that dream when I discovered my new cause.”

“Fortunately as a wealthy marchioness, you can do both.”

“Yes,” Lily agreed with an amazed laugh. “I can do both.”

“And anytime you feel the need to escape the shackles of matrimony, you will have the ship at your disposal. You can leave me whenever you wish, at any time, for any reason.”

Lily’s expression sobered a little as she finally realized the significance of Heath’s gift. “So that is why you gave me the ship,” she said slowly. “Not to win points in our game, but so I would have the means to escape. So I would feel free to leave if I risked wedding you.”

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