Velvet Embrace - Page 17

Frightened, Brie began to fight him, kicking furiously at his shins since her hands were imprisoned in his grasp. Only Dominic's lightning reactions saved him from her vicious resistance. When her booted foot harmlessly flailed air, Brie exerted all her might in a frenzied attack.

She fought wildly, to no avail. Dominic's strong arms wrapped about her, catching her close against his broad, hard chest. "Be still, my little wildcat," he murmured as she squirmed in his embrace. "I was only attempting to brush the snow from your hair."

Realizing she had no hope of winning against Dominic's superior strength, Brie ceased her struggle. She stood trembling in his arms, her breath coming in deep gasps, her heart beating in slow, painful strokes. Tears of anger and humiliation stung her eyes as she cursed her own stupidity. She was alone with Stanton, miles from any form of help, and she had lashed out at him without considering the consequences. Brie bit her lip, wondering what he planned to do with her.

He didn't seem to be in any hurry. He was stroking her hair and speaking to her softly, as if calming a frightened animal, telling her that she had nothing to fear from him.

Her trembling gradually lessened under the soothing influence of his voice and hands. It was odd, she reflected, but being held in his encircling warmth somehow made her feel cherished and protected. She almost cried out loud when Dominic drew away and his warmth was replaced by cold, empty air.

He did not release her completely, but held one wrist captive while his free hand reached out to cup her chin with gentle forcefulness, tilting her face up to his. Once more Brie tried to pull away without success, but his gray eyes caught her blue- green ones. He looked searchingly at her for a long moment, his expression an unreadable mask. Then he bent his head.

When their mouths met, Brie caught her breath in a gasp, for even though Dominic's lips only brushed hers gently before drawing away, she felt their impact more as a glancing blow. She stood completely still, her eyes shut tightly as she tried to will away the treacherous warmth that was suddenly flooding through her. No other man had ever made her feel such melting desire. Once she had felt something remotely similar for her fiance—but yielding to it had been the greatest mistake of her life. Brie lamely shook her head in protest.

The choice was taken from her, however, as Dominic's arms encircled her once more. He pulled her against him, his hand moving to cradle the back of her head, his fingers twisting in the silken tresses of her hair. Brie glimpsed the darkened passion in his eyes as he lowered his mouth again.

There was no gentleness in his kiss this time. The invading warmth of his tongue plundered the depths of her mouth, making her senses reel. But his hunger found a responsive chord deep within Brie. She pressed closer, unconsciously molding her slender body to Dominic's larger frame. Alternating waves of hot and cold swept through her, making her shiver.

Dominic kissed her with feverish intensity, then let his lips skim lightly across Brie's face, searing her skin. Wanting more of her, he tilted her head back, giving his mouth access to the softness of her throat. He savored the taste of her skin, while his stroking hands slowly swept down her back, caressing her with a circular, sensual motion. Moving lower, he cupped her soft buttocks in his hands, drawing her slender hips intimately against his steel-muscled thighs.

Brie was vaguely shocked to feel the swell of his throbbing hardness through their layers of clothing. She opened her mouth to protest, but Dominic's hoarsely voiced plea forestalled her. "Come back to the Lodge with me, Brie. Now, this moment. Let me make love to you the way I've wanted to since I first saw you."

His hard mouth claimed hers then, robbing her of breath, and for a moment, her world careened in a wild, hot spiral. But then his hand slid intimately between her legs, stroking her gently.

Brie went rigid, realizing where his attempted seduction was leading. And she was responding to him! She was behaving no better than she had two nights ago. Dear God, she had to get away from him before she surrendered to him completely.

In desperation, Brie tore her mouth away. She wished she had a weapon to use against him, for struggling, as he had decisively proved, would gain her nothing. "No . . . don't," she pleaded, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

"Don't what, ma belle? You mean this?" His lips slid across her cheek to her ear. Taking the lobe between his teeth, he teased it with his tongue, stirring those erotic sensations in her again.

"Please . . . , stop."

"You don't want me to let you go," Dominic murmured huskily. "You want me as much as I want you. Your body says so." "

His allegation was too close to the truth. Furious at herself and at him. Brie pushed frantically at his chest. But he only kissed her again, ignoring her resistance. It was then that Brie remembered the riding quirt tucked inside her boot. With trembling fingers, she groped for it, but Dominic's crushing embrace prevented her from bending enough to reach it.

When his hold at last loosened a little, Brie seized upon her small advantage with frantic speed. She broke away, taking a step backward at the same time her hand closed around her whip. Raising her arm, she swung at Dominic with all the strength at her command. She had not been aiming for his face, but the blow glanced off his shoulder and struck him fully across his left cheek.

Her unexpected action caught Dominic unaware, and for a moment he didn't move. He only watched Brie, his eyes glinting dangerously. Brie stared back at him, watching in horrified fascination as a thin red line appeared on his cheek to mar his dark complexion. She couldn't help noticing how cold and threatening his gray eyes had become. When Dominic brought a hand up to his face to touch the red welt, she backed away nervously. He looked as dangerous as a snarling jungle cat.

There was also ice in his voice when he spoke. "That was not very wise, chérie," Dominic said softly. "Some men kill when they are given such provocation."

Brie shuddered, knowing her own eyes betrayed her fear. "No doubt you're the same," she replied shakily. "And no doubt you take pleasure in raping defenseless women!"

Dominic's laugh was harsh, slashing across the void between them. "For rape, one must be unwilling. You will forgive me, of course, if I failed to detect any reluctance in your response."

Reminded of her wanton behavior, Brie flushed. But she kept her attention fixed on Dominic. He was moving toward her slowly, his cold, penetrating gaze boring into her.

"I could have had you," he pointed out in that same menacing tone, "a dozen times in the past few days, had I wanted to resort to force. Generally I don't care to use violence with women, but you, mademoiselle, tempt me to overlook my scruples. I vow it would be a great pleasure to teach you to curb that temper of yours. I expect I could think of a fitting punishment for a teasing wench who doesn't know her own mind—that crop across your lovely backside, for a start."

Brie retreated with faltering steps as he stalked her, while her heart beat in a wild, erratic rhythm. She raised the quirt defensively, although she knew she would never be able to catch Dominic off guard again. The implacable determination she saw in his eyes told her she wouldn't be given a second chance to escape.

Dominic was but a yard away from his frightened quarry when he paused, swearing softly under his breath. Seeing him looking over her shoulder, Brie glanced behind her. Her eyes widened when she saw the approaching horseman at the edge of the meadow. She let out her breath in relief, knowing that an audience would prevent Stanton from carrying out his threats.

Hearing her soft gasp, Dominic smiled sardonically. She thought she had escaped him, but he wasn't finished with her yet—by any means. He waited impatiently as Jacques came riding up.

The Frenchman's tone was apologetic but urgent. "Monsieur, a messenger has arrived. You are wanted in London."

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025