Velvet Embrace - Page 36

Very aware of his scrutiny, Brie was glad for the change of subject, even if it meant having to defend her eccentricities. "You don't approve of my breeches, I suppose. But you can have no notion of how uncomfortable it is to ride sidesaddle, encumbered by a long skirt and endless petticoats."

Dominic chuckled. "No, and I have no wish to find out. I quail at the thought of sitting in one of those contraptions." Seeing Brie smile, he shook his head. "The look in your eye is daring me to try, but I assure you, Miss Carringdon, I don't intend to take up that particular challenge."

"I don't expect you to, my lord, but neither do I expect your censure.

I don't wear breeches to flout convention—merely because they are practical and comfortable. But," Brie added defiantly, "I don't know why I am defending myself to you, Lord Stanton. You probably do exactly as you please without regard to anyone else's opinion."

When Dominic only smiled enigmatically, Brie switched to a more appropriate topic of conversation and asked him about the beautiful animal he rode. Dominic told her that the horse was indeed Spanish and had been named Diablo by his previous owners. It was on the tip of Brie's tongue to ask if the stallion were used for breeding purposes, but she refrained, deciding that such an unladylike question would only give him more reason to disapprove of her. Remembering her cousin's warnings about competing with men, she frowned.

She didn't realize how long she had been silent, until Dominic asked in a somewhat sardonic tone if he had somehow displeased her. Brie looked at him blankly, then silently laughed at herself. What did it matter what Stanton thought of her? He had already seen her at her worst. "I beg your pardon," she replied, shaking her head. "I fear I am guilty of coveting your stallion."

Amusement warmed his gray eyes. "Do you think you could handle him?"

"I should love to try."

"Then by all means, you must do so." He reined in his horse and dismounted before Brie could answer.

When he came around to help her down, Brie swung her leg over her horse's neck. "You would trust me with him?" she asked skeptically.

Dominic grasped her waist and easily lifted her down, but he didn't release her at once. When Brie looked up at him, her breath unexpectedly caught in her throat. It was desire she saw in Dominic's eyes, pure and simple. She was shaken by that look, but she stood motionless, caught by his gaze. His hands remained about her waist, exerting the slightest pressure, while his well-shaped mouth moved slowly toward hers. . . .

"Is there any reason I shouldn't trust you?" she heard him murmur, not imagining the huskiness of his voice. She tensed, anticipating the feel of his mouth, of his hard body pressing against her.

But nothing happened. Dominic merely stepped back, breaking the spell.

Leading her to Diablo, he tossed Brie into the saddle, then turned to mount the bay. Brie stared at him a moment, before her attention was claimed by her new mount. Unaccustomed to having such a light weight on his back, the stallion quite deliberately tried to unseat her, rearing and dancing in circles. Brie merely tightened the grip of her legs and kept a strong hold of the reins.

Dominic watched the battle for supremacy with amusement. It was an interesting contest, the beautiful girl and the giant black horse, both spirited and strong willed. But he never doubted who would win. He sat calmly waiting, his hands resting on the bay's neck.

Diablo finally submitted to Brie's control. Pleased by her triumph, she paused to catch her breath, but at Dominic's soft laughter, she looked up sharply. When she realized that the gleam in his gray eyes was approval, though, her defiant glare faded, and she even found herself responding to Dominic's engaging grin.

"May I try his paces over a fence or two?" she asked, edging the stallion closer. When Dominic raised a doubtful eyebrow, Brie laughed. "Come now, my lord, you said you trusted me to ride him. In fact, it might be more appropriate for me to ask if you can handle Julian's gelding. I give you fair warning that he shies. You won't care much for his habits, but you may follow—if you can."

The challenge was flung over her shoulder as she wheeled the stallion around and dug her heels into his flanks, spurring him into a gallop.

She set a fast pace, taking any obstacle in her path, but Dominic was hard on her heels. The bay gave him more difficulty than he had expected, even after Brie's warning, but he enjoyed the chase.

When they at last pulled up after a long run, the horses were breathing heavily. They exchanged mounts once more, much to Brie's disappointment, and turned toward Greenwood.

"Diablo is magnificent!" she exclaimed, trying to forget the discomfitting feel of Dominic's hands around her waist.

He acknowledged her praise with a bow. "And so is your skill," he remarked quite honestly.

"How can one not be good on such an animal?" Brie replied, laughing. "I don't suppose you would consider selling him?"

Dominic gave Brie a speculative glance. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were lit with a becoming sparkle, seeming more blue than green in her present mood. Even in her boy's garb, she was undeniably desirable. And when she was laughing, as she was now, she was not only beautiful, she was enchanting.

"I might be persuaded," he replied enigmatically. More than that he refused to say. He was determined not to introduce terms before she was ready to accept them.

Instead, he directed her attention to the approaching storm. He had been keeping a watchful eye on the darkening sky, and now, as his eyes scanned the horizon, he could make out the edge of a swiftly racing squall line.

Brie followed his gaze to where a great black mass of clouds was rolling across the heavens. The flash of lightning in the distance was accompanied by the ominous rumble of thunder, and the raw, wintry wind, which had been gaining force during their long ride, whirled about them now in biting gusts.

Brie returned a worried frown to Dominic's unspoken question. Normally, a bit of rain or even a drenching didn't bother her. But the tempest that seemed to be brewing was menacing enough for concern. In unison, Brie and Dominic urged their mounts to greater speed to escape the imminent deluge.

The first pelting drops began when they were still several miles from Greenwood. Brie started to suggest that they seek shelter somewhere, but the words were whipped away by a blast of wind and rain. When she glanced at Dominic, he flashed her a grin that seemed to dare her to cry craven, so she pressed her lips together and rode on through the downpour.

Her coat was completely soaked through in a matter of minutes. Water sluiced her face and soaked her hair so that it dangled in dripping rats' tails down her back, while icy rivulets found a path down her back, making her shudder.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025