Velvet Embrace - Page 46

Brie was conscious of disappointment, but she extended her hand politely. "Very well, some other time then. I wouldn't want to interfere with a gentleman's sport."

"Will I have the honor of seeing you tomorrow?" Dominic asked, taking her hand.

"At the hunt? But of course. I wouldn't miss a meet so near the end of the season."

"No, certainly not. And I would guess you are set on riding Julian's nag. You are very courageous."

At the hint of mockery in his tone, Brie's chin came up. "Or foolish, you mean? Jester is not so very bad, my lord. In fact, I've grown rather fond of him. He is a . . . a special challenge."

Dominic looked at her thoughtfully. "An apt phrase. Does it apply to men as well?"

Brie wasn'

t as disconcerted by the question as she was by the fiery pulse that ran up her arm when Dominic raised her hand to his lips and lightly kissed her fingers. She knew he must have felt a similar sensation, for she saw desire flicker in his eyes.

For a moment, she stood looking up at him, mesmerized by the burning intensity of his gaze. When he turned her hand over, gently pressing his warm mouth against the inside of her wrist, she quivered. The touch of his lips made her vividly recall the last time he held her in his arms.

She could teil by the glowing flame in his eyes that Dominic was remembering, too. His gaze slid downward, stripping her bare of clothing, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. When he said her name softly, his voice dropping to a caress, Brie's heart began to race, for a fleeting moment, she allowed herself to recall what it was like to experience Dominic's total passion, to have his warm lips following the searing trail that his eyes made, for his mouth to linger hotly on her breasts while his hands slowly swept lower to torment her body—

Brie gave an abrupt start at the disquieting fantasies going through her head. Realizing that Dominic was still holding her hand, she drew it from his grasp. "Apply . . . apply to men?" she repeated, trying unsuccessfully to keep her tone light. "You couldn't be speaking of yourself, my lord. You must know I wouldn't dare presume to challenge you."

Dominic hesitated for a moment, as if he might press for a different response. Then he sighed, his mouth twisting wryly. "I know nothing of the kind, chérie. You have challenged me on several occasions, if I recall. But I promised not to speak of the past."

Turning away, he threw his greatcoat over his shoulders, then picked up his gloves and hat and crossed to the door. "Until tomorrow, then?" he said, giving Brie one of those devastatingly sweet smiles that never failed to make her heart turn over.

Brie nodded, not trusting herself to speak. She watched as the door shut softly behind him, then stood there, listening to Dominic's retreating footsteps. When he was gone, Brie sank into the empty chair, feeling unaccountably weak. Hugging her sable muff to her stomach, she rested her forehead on her knees.

The words had remained unspoken, but Dominic had made it explicitly clear that he still wanted her. And now she could no longer deny that she wanted him, too. The attraction she felt for him was too strong to dismiss. His virile masculinity was like a powerful magnet, drawing her to him. Whenever he touched her, she felt a treacherous warmth steal over her.

At least he hadn't kissed her this time. Usually he wound up doing that and more. But the look he had given her. . . . Brie trembled, recalling the flame in his eyes. It had made her feel so . . . so desirable, so completely a woman. He had aroused a physical yearning within her ihat was almost tangible.

A soft moan escaped Brie's lips as she buried her face into the thick sable of her muff. Dominic Serrault was a man she hardly knew, a man who had frightened and taunted her. And yet, he had easily stripped away her defenses, exposing a passion she had thought deeply buried.

Faith, she must be mad! She had learned from her disastrous experience six years ago that she was far too gullible where men were concerned. She had given her heart too easily then, and now she was in danger of succumbing again to the determined seduction of an expert. She couldn't even delude herself that Dominic was interested in anything but her body. There had been nothing more than desire in his eyes. She was the target for his lust, nothing more.

Absently, Brie rubbed her cheek against the sable. The rich fur felt like cool satin against her flushed skin, and she could detect a lingering trace of Dominic's masculine scent.

She could not yield to him, of course. She would be too likely to give in to him completely, and that hard, cynical man would not want her heart.

Brie closed her eyes, wondering why the thought should make her so very miserable.

She slept fitfully that night, dreaming of being chased by a devil on a great black horse. A strange white field surrounded her, and no matter how hard she ran, she couldn't reach the edge. Just as the specter caught her, the nightmarish image changed and she recognized Dominic's dark features. He gave her a mocking smile, then swept her into his strong arms and kissed her ruthlessly. When she tried to fight him, his harsh laughter filled her ears. . . .

Brie woke with a start. For a moment she lay there, listening to the fading echoes and trying to control her trembling. She had obviously been in the throes of a nightmare, for the bedclothes were entangled with her bare legs and her nightgown had ridden up above her hips. And she felt so very strange. A thin film of perspiration covered her body, but her skin was feverish, while her breasts felt full and ultrasensitive. There was also a hot ache between her thighs that throbbed with a sort of pleasurable pain.

Shakily, Brie pulled the covers up to her chin and lay there staring at the darkness. If was a long while before the tension in her body unwound and she at last fell asleep.

When next she awakened, light was filtering through her bedroom curtains and someone was tapping on her door. When Caroline's maid peered into the room, Brie suddenly realized the lateness of the hour. She rose at once, not wanting to miss any part of the fox hunt.

She washed while her riding habit was being laid out, then allowed the maid to arrange her hair into a smooth knot at her nape. When she was dressed, Brie gave herself a final glance in the mirror. She was pleased to see her eyes didn't have the deep circles under them she had expected. In fact, she thought she looked quite well. The severely tailored jacket and flowing skirt of emerald green velvet hugged her figure, accentuating the curve of her waist, while her shako hat of the same shade set off the glowing color of hair. Not even Stanton would be able to criticize her attire, Brie thought defiantly.

When she had pinched her pale cheeks to add a bit of color, she was satisfied with her appearance. She picked up her tan leather gloves and riding crop, and went in search of Caroline.

It was a beautiful morning foi a hunt. The weather was crisp and cool, and the ground forgiving out not sloppy. Brie could feel her spirits rise in anticipation, and even Caroline looked forward to the hunt with enthusiasm. The assembly was to meet on Squire Umstead's front lawn. After Brie had bolted down a hasty breakfast and John had brought their mounts around, the three of them set off down the drive.

Jester behaved well during the quiet ride, but he started to prance when he picked up the distant baying of the foxhounds. Caroline, too, became a bit nervous when they arrived upon the chaotic scene. There were people and animals everywhere. Nearly thirty Belvoir foxhounds—named after the nearby castle—were running in circles, eagerly sniffing at the ground and throwing back their heads to loudly voice their impatience. Spirited horses whinnied and snorted and pawed at the ground while their riders and grooms attempted to control them. Adding to the chaos were keepers caring for the hounds, servants attending their masters, waiters passing mugs of hot mulled wine, and horsemen laughing and calling to each other in loud, excited voices. Caroline stared wide-eyed at the ordered confusion, silently blessing her own gentle mare who stood calmly ignoring the commotion.

Brie had a difficult time with Jester, but she was glad to be occupied. She was determined not to let herself search for Dominic. Even so, her heart gave an odd little lurch when she spotted Julian threading his way toward them, for she knew Dominic would be somewhere nearby.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025