Velvet Embrace - Page 52

Dominic laughed softly, although he kept a wary eye on her upraised fist. "Yes, my little wildcat. 'Tis the 'odious Stanton' in the flesh. You shall never marry, you know. Not if you treat all your suitors with such violence. Do all your swains receive a similar taste of your temper?"

Not enjoying his humor, Brie tried to slip past him. She would have succeeded but for Dominic's restraining hold on her arm. "Why do you run? I shan't distress you with a repetition of the boy's marriage proposal, not even with the encouragement of knowing you prefer me to him."

Brie was too upset even to retort. "Please, let me go."

Dominic stepped closer, his expression suddenly becoming serious as he bent his head to murmur in her ear. "Mille pardons, ma belle. I don't mean to tease you or treat you harshly. You needn't fear me, either."

His warm breath lightly fanned her cheek, before his warm lips pressed against the side of her throat. Brie shut her eyes, swaying dizzily. "Are you mad?" she asked in a pained whisper. "Or merely intent on making me so?"

"Yes, mad," Dominic murmured, letting his lips roam over her fragrant skin. "Mad with desire. I want you, Brie, more than any woman I've ever known."

Trying to control the overwhelming sensations that were sweeping through her, Brie gave a brittle laugh. "I suppose I should be honored."

Dominic turned her face up to his and touched her smooth cheek. " 'Tis I who am honored, chérie," he said softly. "And I most humbly beg your forgiveness for provoking you."

Brie stared up at him as he slowly drew a finger over her lips. It was unfair how he could make her want him, she railed silently. His t

ouch almost melted her determination not to give in. But she knew she couldn't let herself be deceived by his methods. She had to harden her heart against his charm.

Shaking her arm from his grasp, she took a step backward. "I do not intend to be included in your harem, my lord. You already have a mistress who seems more than willing to share her favors. Isn't that enough?"

"Brie," Dominic said patiently, "Denise isn't my mistress. We had such an arrangement once, but that was years ago." Advancing, he successfully cornered Brie against the oak, blocking her escape by placing his hands to either side of her. "Did Denise say something spiteful to you? I assure you she is only jealous."

Wanting to believe him, Brie tried to read his expression. The darkness hid all but the dark gleam in his eyes. "But Lady Denise is eager for you," she pointed out. "I am not."

"Are you sure?" he said huskily, raining light kisses upon her face when she avoided his searching lips.

"Yes, I loathe you," Brie declared, her muffled words carrying little conviction.

Triumphant laughter rumbled deep in his throat. "Show me, Brie," Dominic taunted softly. "Show me how very much you loathe my kisses."

Brie caught the glitter of raw desire in his eyes before his mouth clamped down on hers. She briefly considered struggling—but only until his arms came around her. Then she was conscious of the aching need he was deliberately arousing in her.

This was what she wanted, she realized as his muscular thighs pressed against hers and pinned her against the tree. His chest felt like granite against her tingling breasts, while his lips were hot and insistent, demanding a response. Brie let her arms glide upward to encircle his neck as she opened her mouth more fully to his searching tongue.

Slowly his kisses became more urgent, almost savage. With a harsh groan, Dominic wrapped his arms more tightly about Brie's waist, pulling her against him, as if he wanted her to become part of him. Her senses spinning, Brie surrendered passionately to his embrace.

She was bewildered when a moment later Dominic's hands tightened on her shoulders and he tore his mouth away. He held Brie at arm's length, staring down at her, his own breathing as ragged as hers. Brie shivered as the night air enveloped her. She wanted the warmth of his encircling arms, but when she tried to move closer, Dominic prevented her.

There was a hard edge to his voice when he spoke. "Your reputation will suffer if you are seen kissing in the garden, Miss Carringdon. You had best go inside."

Brie stared at Dominic, not comprehending. She had no idea why he had suddenly become so cold or what she had done to make him look at her with such dislike. She had been willing to submit to him, to give him what he wanted. But then perhaps she didn't know what he wanted. Perhaps he had only intended to humiliate her. Perhaps he had only meant to prove how easily he could bend her to his will.

The pain she felt was more devastating than Brie would have thought possible. Wanting to hurt him in return, she raised her hand to strike him. She nearly managed to slap his face before he caught her wrist in an iron grip.

"Your gown is torn," Dominic said curtly, ignoring her attack. "I advise you go upstairs first and repair it."

Her breasts heaving, Brie stared up at him. Was he deliberately trying to be cruel? "Your concern for my reputation amazes me, my lord," she observed, taking refuge in sarcasm to keep her voice from breaking. "You have never before been so particular."

"Brie, I . . ."

She waited, holding her breath while Dominic seemed to struggle with himself. But then he released her and stepped away abruptly. "I suggest you use the servant's entrance in the rear," he said quietly.

Brie bit down hard on her lip to keep back the sob that was welling in her throat. She gave Dominic one last anguished glance before she turned and fled.

Watching her run blindly down the path, Dominic swore viciously. He wanted to call her back, to explain. But then what would he say? Sorry, my sweet, but when you so obligingly returned my kisses, you scared the hell out of me?

He hardly understood what had happened himself. He had lost control when Brie had responded so passionately to his embrace. For a moment he had been overwhelmed by a force strong enough to make him tremble. He had felt like a man drowning in a sea of fire—and he had used the only means he knew to douse the flames she had ignited. In his entire life, nothing like it had ever happened to him before.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025