Velvet Embrace - Page 79

"Well, you're right on one account," he said curtly, skirting the issue. "I had no cause to bark at you. I apologize."

Jason's grin widened. After draining his glass, he stood up. "You know what they say, the hardest hearts take the hardest falls. If you ask me, you have fallen."

"I didn't ask you," Dominic returned grimly.

"You should have. I can see it, even if you can't. You, my good friend, are in love."

"No!" His vehemence was accentuated by shattering glass as he swept out an arm and sent his wine goblet flying half the length of the table. He stared morosely at the red stain spreading across the white tablecloth, not willing to face such an impossible dilemma. He couldn't explain the tender feelings he had for Brie, but it wasn't love. It couldn't be.

"There, you see?" Jason said, chuckling. "Why else would a man of otherwise reasonably sound mind behave so violently? Good night, Dominic. Sleep well—if you can."

Having had more than enough of Jason's provoking good humor, Dominic raised his gaze to glare fiercely. "Get out, Jason," he said through clenched teeth. "Get out, before I decide to turn my unreasonable violence on you!"

It was nearly midnight when Brie was awakened by the crash of a slamming door. Startled, she sat up, her eyes anxiously searching the darkness of the unfamiliar room. Her heart leapt wildly when she spied Dominic leaning against the doorjamb, watching her. His face was in the shadow, and the beginnings of a beard on his jaw made him look harsh and dangerous.

Involuntarily, her hand crept to her throat. "You . . . you frightened me," she said hoarsely. Then she caught sight of the empty bottle in his hand and her gaze narrowed in suspicion. "What are you doing here, my lord? I demand you leave this room at once."

Dominic's lips curved in a slow smile. "You demand? But my lady, this is my room, and you are in my bed."

"You are drunk!"

Unsteadily, Dominic bowed. "Yes, my sweet. Drunk with desire for you." He sauntered into the room, keeping

his eyes trained on her face.

Brie was more than a little frightened by the feverish glitter in his gaze. As he came nearer, she shrank from him, nervously pulling the covers up to her chin as if for protection. But he didn't touch her. He carefully deposited his bottle on the bedside table. Then giving Brie a casual glance, he began to undress.

"What . . . what do you think you're doing?" Brie asked falteringly, already guessing his intent.

"I, my lovely vixen, plan to collect the payment that is due me. Did I not save you from ravishment this evening?"

"To what purpose? So you could rape me yourself?"

He lifted an eyebrow. "I told you once before—for rape you must be unwilling."

"Well, you won't find me willing!"

Dominic merely shrugged and sent her a leering grin. Moving to the foot of the bed, he tossed his coat and waistcoat over the back of a chair.

Brie remained where she was, staring as Dominic unwound his cravat and removed his shirt. But when he was naked to the waist, she scrambled to her knees. Sweeping up the empty bottle, she brandished it threateningly. "I'll be damned if I will let you touch me, you . . . you drunken libertine!"

Dominic laughed harshly as he sprawled in the chair and began to struggle with his boots. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Besides, it's not as if your virgin honor were at stake."

His reactions obviously had not been dulled by the amount of wine he had drunk, for he was able to dodge the bottle that came flying across the room. It missed his head by inches and shattered on the floor.

Dominic glanced at the broken glass, then back at Brie, his eyes narrowing. "That was a mistake, chérie," he said softly. With menacing slowness, he finished pulling off his boots, then stood to remove his breeches.

Brie could only stare at him, suddenly feeling faint. She had experienced this same, nightmarish scene before: a strange inn, a darkened bedroom, a powerful ruthless man who was determined to use her body for his own purposes. She had escaped then, but she knew with certainty the ending this time would be far different. Her fear returned now in full force, threatening to choke her.

She was responding only to the primitive instinct for flight when she bounded from the bed. She raced for the door, having no thought in mind other than escape, but Dominic was faster.

Brie yelped in pain as his hand shot out to catch her hair, and her cry became one of fright as he spun her around. Dominic curled his fingers over the collar of her shirt, and with a single swift motion, rent the garment from the neck down, exposing her slender body to his gaze.

For a moment Brie was too shocked even to scream. She could see the sudden flare of lust in his eyes as they fixed hungrily on the pale globes of her breasts. Panic filled her, and she struck at him blindly, trying to pummel his chest with her fists.

Her feeble efforts were no match for his strength. His arm went around her waist, jerking her to him, while his other hand stripped the shirt from her body and flung it aside. Then, with one fluid motion, Dominic picked Brie up and threw her upon the bed. Before she could scramble away, he fell on her, grasping her wrists and pinning her arms beneath her, rendering her struggles useless. Brie was terrified to feel his hard body, pressing her down. Half swooning, she thrashed her head slowly from side to side, whimpering.

Hearing the pitiful sounds, Dominic realized he had gone too far. The violent rage that had momentarily gripped him drained away. Looking down at Brie, seeing her pale face and wildly tangled hair and feeling the shudders of fear that racked her body, he swore under his breath. He couldn't take her with force, no matter how satisfactory a revenge it would be.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025