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Aware that all eyes were on her, she summoned a gracious smile as she swept across the room to greet the newcomers. When she pressed Danielle’s hand fondly, the collective sigh in the room was audible. And when Kyle appeared at her side the next moment and slapped Orrin on the back in a hearty welcome, the company resumed their interrupted activities—with only a few guests looking disappointed that a scandal had been averted.

After the furor had died down, Selena suggested Kyle fetch them some sangaree or lemonade and then watched as he gallantly offered Danielle his arm and escorted her from the room. His head was bent close to hers as he listened attentively to whatever she was saying.

They make a magnificent couple, Selena thought as she watched them leave together. She was surprised to find herself trembling.

“That was well-done of you,” a masculine voice observed gently.

Startled, Selena looked around to find Orrin still beside her, his brown eyes sympathetic and compassionate.

“Danielle told me,” he continued in that same quiet tone, “how kind you’ve been to her. I confess I didn’t believe her, but I can see how greatly I was mistaken. I’d like to offer my apologies for that and to say how grateful I am for your refusal to shun her. Not many women would be as generous as you’ve been.”

“It was nothing,” Selena murmured, looking away.

“If it’s any consolation, I know how you feel. I’ve loved Danielle for years—but I was always too late. First her husband… then Kyle. I can’t deny that for a while I tried to hate Kyle, but he was too good a friend.”

Too discomfited to reply, Selena nodded in silent understanding. She would have liked to be able to hate Danielle, too, but it was impossible to dislike someone who was so genuinely gentle and good.

Orrin sighed, echoing Selena’s heartache. “I can only stand as Danielle’s friend and give her what support I can,” he declared quietly.

She met his gaze then. “I think any woman would call herself fortunate to claim such friendship.”

They shared a smile, which cemented the tentat

ive bond between them and made Selena feel as if she had found another ally in the sea of strangers she had been tossed into.

Several of Orrin’s friends joined them then, and a moment later Selena felt a slender hand slip into hers. She turned to find Zoe giving her a shy look. Both older sisters had been allowed downstairs to join the company, though Zoe didn’t have permission to dance. Felicity had been banished to her room as punishment for her misbehavior the previous day.

“Felicity must be lonely up there all by herself,” Zoe said softly. “Would it be all right, do you think, if I take her some sweets? These are her favorites.”

Selena smiled to see the plate Zoe was holding. It was filled with jellied peaches and blancmange. “That would be very kind of you,” Selena admitted. She understood quite well how the young girl would feel being left out of the festivities. “Shall I come with you?”

They went upstairs, hand in hand, and delighted Felicity with their surprise. Settling themselves on the bed, they kept her company while she enjoyed the treats. It was only a short while later that a soft knock sounded on the door.

When Felicity called “Come in,” they were all surprised to see Kyle step into the room.

Felicity scrambled to her feet. “I’ve been very good, Kyle—I have.” She looked very young and vulnerable, standing there in her nightdress in the glow of lamplight, looking up at him.

His glance shifted to Selena and Zoe and the half-eaten plate of food, then back to Felicity. “I see I’m too late.” With an endearing grin, he held out the plate he was carrying. It was filled with jellied peaches and blancmange.

Felicity laughed and flung herself into her brother’s arms, then pulled him toward the bed to join the impromptu tea party.

When he’d settled himself, Kyle met Selena’s gaze over his sisters’ heads. “So this is where you’ve been hiding.”

His comment made her heartbeat quicken; it sounded very much as if he had been searching for her. She returned his gaze with a soft smile, watching as he began to tease his sisters, and contentment wrapped around her.

How different this was from her life the past few years, Selena reflected. She had never thought of herself as being disadvantaged, yet she was a little shocked now to realize how very barren and cold her existence had been since her own parents’ deaths—the dearth of warmth and affection before Kyle and the girls had come into her life. This was what she had been missing: this feeling of being a family. This feeling of love. If only they could bring Lydia into it....

“I greatly fear we’re in danger of spoiling these two baggages, Moonwitch.”

Her thoughts interrupted by Kyle’s observation, Selena smiled. “I don’t think so.”

“Well—” he glanced around him “—perhaps we should return to the ball.”

“Yes,” she answered with reluctance, not wanting to break the spell.

As Kyle kissed both his sisters, wishing them a good-night, Selena found herself yearning for him to do the same to her. She wanted him to put his arms around her, to hold her, to love her. She wanted it so fiercely her heart ached. Glancing up at Kyle as they descended the stairs, Selena wondered if she dared tell him so.

As they reached the lower floor, she gathered her courage and slipped her arm in his.

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