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There was nothing lazy or easy, though, about his as­sault when he kissed her lips again. When his tongue plunged deep and hot into her wanting mouth. Or when he broke off to brush the column of her throat with heated, nibbling caresses. Or when he took her aching nipples into his mouth to lave and suck them.

Moving his lips downward, he ran warm hands beneath her hips and gently squeezed her buttocks. Lifting her up, he bent to her, his mouth nuzzling through the thin fabric of her drawers, a gesture that sent Jessica into gasping shock.

"Devlin—stop! What. . . are . . . you—?" She wanted to reach down to him, to make him stop his scandalous ac­tion, but her arms were still pinned securely above her head.

Not answering, he pressed his mouth right up against her, searching out her heated, weeping flesh. Jess thought she might die from the sensual bliss. He was nibbling at the core of her, stroking her with his tongue, finding her most sheltered secrets.

"You . . . can't!" The word was almost a shriek.

"I can, love." He punctuated his answer with soft, wicked kisses, nipping softly, tasting her to his ruthless satisfaction.

She trembled under his stunning, erotic assault. She couldn't believe this was truly happening, that his dark head was between her burning thighs, giving her the most exquisite pleasure she had ever known. His mouth was like magic, tender and demanding, dictating the actions of her body, silencing the protests of her reason. Her senses sang in wanton harmony as he compelled her surrender.

He tasted and lapped at her, his lips and tongue claiming her female essence, plundering her with tender savagery. The yielding, primitive scent of her made his groin grind, and strengthened his determination to search out the se­crets of her body. Heedless of her soft pleas, he gripped her bottom with his strong hands and held her up to him, giving him complete access, making the anguished plea­sure inescapable.

"So sweet . . ." he murmured hoarsely, his tongue thrusting into her moist warmth.

Her reaction was everything he could have hoped for. She was writhing wildly now, breathing in sharp little gasps, reduced to primitive, pagan need. His lips wet with her dew, Devlin raised his head and looked along the length of her. Her back was arched, her lush, ripe breasts jutting proud and bare with the thrusting motion she made.

He could have sent her over the edge. He could have given her the ecstasy she was sobbing for. Yet he held back, watching her, savoring his power.

His hesitation was not what Jess wanted. Not when she was in such agony. Such sweet, tumultuous agony. She had reached a point of shuddering, throbbing need, and yet he wouldn't give her the shattering fulfillment she craved.

"Say it, Jess," he whispered hoarsely.

With her senses so dazed, she could make little sense of his demand. "Wh-what?"

"Say you need me."

Confusion assaulted her. He was making her confession the price of completion?

"Say it, or I'll leave you aching like this. You need me to make love to you, you need me to rescue you from this place, you need me to stop Purcell from getting away. You need me."

Fury and frustration swept through her, so fiercely that she wanted to scream at him. And yet she had no choice. She did need him.

"Say it, Jessica."

"Yes, I need you. . . . Devlin, please!" "Garrett."

"Yes, Garrett . . . please."

Her breathless, keening plea was more demand than sur­render, but it satisfied him. His eyes a hot, liquid s

moke, he freed his swollen, thick erection from his trousers and, low­ering himself to cover her body, thrust deep inside her.

The sweet force of his invasion made her gasp, yet she wrapped her legs about his powerful hips and moaned at the delight of sheathing him. The glorious melding of his flesh with hers was a pleasure too fierce to be borne. Sec­onds later, she cried out in savage release and stiffened as hard racking shudders convulsed her, as wave after wave of violent, blinding ecstasy ripped through her.

The fiery pagan climax caught Devlin in its clutches. The wild creature bucking beneath him with such abandon made his body explode, and he poured himself into her endlessly, his own harsh cry joining hers.

Neither of them were sure how much time passed before their senses returned and their breathing settled down to something resembling normal. They lay cuddled together, his body around hers, the lamplight playing over their strengthless forms.

Finally Devlin roused himself to reach up and untie the cords over her head. When Jess gave a soft moan at the rush of feeling that flowed into her fingers, he brought her hands to his lips, brushing the red-marked skin at her wrists with feather-light, penitent kisses. She didn't even open her eyes. Tenderly, Devlin gathered her boneless body into his arms and nuzzled her ear. "The next time I intend to take off both our clothes."

Limp and languid from his caresses, Jess couldn't form a protest. She should be furious with him, she knew, but she couldn't summon the energy. Devlin had won this lat­est battle, yet-she wouldn't call herself the loser. In fact, she could barely remember what they had been fighting about. She could almost fall asleep. . . .

He couldn't even get a response out of her when his hand strayed up to fondle her bare breast. "But that Will have to wait," he said reluctantly. "Right now I'm going to take you home and then find your father. And then I'm go­ing after Purcell. Alone. You're going to stay put."

Slowly, Jess opened her eyes. The heavy sexuality that had brought them together hung in the air, resonating be­tween them.

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