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"If you expect me," Devlin managed to say evenly, "to discuss my reasons for what happened, you're going to have to tell what set you off that last time."

"I should think that would be obvious."

"Tell me anyway."

He was going to make her humble her pride, Jess real­ized. "Well, I . . . I was jealous."

The tightness in Devlin's features visibly relaxed. "Why?"

"Well . . ." Unable to meet his gaze any longer, Jess looked down at the floor and began twisting her fingers to­gether. "I just didn't want you kissing her, that's all."


He wasn't going to give up, evidently, until she con­fessed. Jess took a deep breath. "Because . . ." Her voice dropped to a miserable whisper. "Because . . . I love you."

Until she'd said the words, Devlin hadn't realized how desperately he'd needed them, wanted them. The cold fear inside him dissipated. His heart seemed to swell and melt with tenderness all at the same time. And yet he didn't in­tend to let Jess off the hook quite so easily. "Say it louder, angel. I couldn't hear you."

Lifting her chin, Jessica suddenly glared at him. "I love you, all right? And I couldn't stand seeing you kiss that woman. It hurt. I thought that if you were kissing her, you couldn't possibly care for me."

"Did you ever stop to consider how you hurt me every time you accused me of having base motives?"

"Well, I'm sorry. I was wrong, I admit it! Now are you satisfied?"

Devlin cocked his head. "No."

Jess looked at him in frustration. "What do you want from me, a pint of blood?"

"Your trust would be adequate, darlin'," Devlin said wryly.

"I . . . I trust you."

"Then you believe me when I say the kiss I gave Lena was entirely innocent?"

"I . . ." Jess couldn't bring herself to swallow that much. "It didn't look that way to me."

"That's what trust is, Jessica. Believing in someone on faith, even if all the evidence points to the contrary."

Having no defense, she remained miserably silent. It was true, she hadn't trusted Devlin. She'd always assumed the worst about him, never even giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"I see I'm going to have to teach you the difference be­tween kisses of passion and kisses of friendship," Devlin said finally.

Pushing himself from the door, he strode toward her. There was little gentleness in his fingers when he gripped her upper arms and pulled her against him. His lips, when they descended, were hot and fierce, his tongue thrusting and hard. His sensual assault sent Jess's senses reeling.

His withdrawal was just as abrupt. "That's how I kiss a woman I want. The chaste peck I gave Lena meant abso­lutely nothing."

"You w-want me?" Jess asked, shaking.

"More than I've ever wanted anything in my life," Dev­lin said solemnly.

"That's . . . all she is to you? A friend?"

"That's all."

Jess closed her eyes as a vast relief swept through her. Weakly she leaned against Devlin, burying her nose in the curve of his shoulder. He smelled clean and masculine, with a hint of citrus shaving cologne.

"I thought you didn't want me," she murmured.

Devlin gave a sharp laugh as he rested his chin on her tawny hair. "You stubborn, infuriating hellcat. How could you possibly think that? I haven't been able to keep my hands off you since we met."

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