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Unable to make light of so serious a subject, though, Jess searched his face anxiously. "Are you sure, Garrett? Marriage is what you really want?"

The amusement in his eyes softened, while the tender look he gave her went a long way toward chasing away Jessica's doubt. "That's what I really want," he said hus­kily. "I want you for my wife, Jess. I want to have chil­dren with you and build a life together. I want to fall asleep with you in my bed and wake up with you in my arms. Starting today."

"Today?" she echoed, startled.

"Today, this very morning. I'm not going to risk another misunderstanding before I have my ring on your finger."

"But . . . there's just been a fire—"

"We ought to be able to arrange a ceremony, even with all this chaos."

"But . . . so soon? People will talk if we get married in such a rush."

"Let them talk. Besides, I don't consider it a rash. It's been a whole damn month of torture for me. And the fire will actually give us a good excuse for a hasty wedding. All those homeless families need a place to stay." Still she hesitated.

"Do you really see any reason to put if off?" Devlin de­manded, his tone only half teasing.

Jess looked down at her ruined gown, which twelve hours ago had been beautiful. The emerald silk and deli­cate lace were stained by soot and water, and reeked with the stench of smoke. "You want to get married with me looking like this?"

"I want to marry you any way I can get you," he as­sured her. "Do you really care what gown you're wear­ing?"

Lifting her gaze to his, she gave him a smile as brilliant as the sun that was just rising over the mountains. "I don't care."

"Good." His voice dropped to a seductive whisper. "Be­cause I can think of at least one very pressing reason to hasten the wedding." He drew her closer, making Jess in­timately aware of the painful state of arousal he was en­during. A blush flooded her cheeks for the third time that morning, and only deepened when Devlin added huskily, "No more kisses for you, angel, until we're alone. We oughtn't scandalize these good people any more than we already have."

Reluctantly dragging her yearning gaze away from Dev­lin's beautiful mouth, Jess looked around her to find doz­ens of people watching th

em with varying stages of curiosity, shock, and good-natured amusement.

Devlin chuckled when her blush deepened. "We have only one thing left to settle," he added. "What kind of house do you want?"

"What?" Jess asked, still a bit dazed.

"You told me it would be nice to have a fine house in Georgetown, so I'm building you one. I couldn't start con­struction without your approval, though. I've had several different architectural plans drawn up, but if you don't like any of those, you can choose something else. All the de­signs have three bathrooms and a boiler to provide hot running water."

"Three bathrooms—" Jess stared at him. "You were mighty certain of me if you were going off building me a house, weren't you?"

Devlin grinned his sexy grin. "I was certain of me, sweetheart, not you. I'm good at winning, remember? I wasn't going to chase after you, but I sure as hell didn't intend to let you get away, either. I figured you'd come around sooner or later. At least I hoped to God you would."

When Jess shook her head, he planted a teasing kiss on her nose. "You don't even know when you're licked, an­gel."

"But three bathrooms? I don't know if I want that fine a house." She remembered Burke's opulent drawing room and library. "Burke's kind of place would be too fine for me."

"Nothing would be too fine for you, but if you don't care for it. you don't have to have it. I'll build you a log cabin, if you like."

She gave him a tremulous smile. "It doesn't matter about the house. I just want you."

"I know. That's why I love you." He reached up and tucked an errant tendril behind her ear. "I used to think that all women were mercenary, that wealth and position were all that mattered to them. But you proved otherwise. I'd love you for that if for no other reason. Now. come. We have a wedding to arrange."

Determinedly Devlin released Jess and took her hand, leading her over to where her father waited with Clem and Flo.

"We're gonna get hitched," he announced, mimicking Clem's Western drawl. "This morning, if you can find us a Justice of the Peace."

Clem slapped his knee in glee and shouted "Hot damn!" while Flo grabbed Jess and gave her a hug that threatened to crush her ribs.

Riley waited his turn to enfold her in a loving embrace.

There were tears in his eyes when he held her away. "I just want you to be happy, Jess."

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