Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 8

“Checking on our girl. What do you think?” he asked and caressed her knee. He looked her over, let his eyes roam over her chest and then to her lips.

“You look relaxed, and a lot different than the uniform our mom has you wear.”

“Yeah well it’s hard to keep a white button-down blouse clean, and these flip flops wouldn’t work so well with all the walking I do at work. My feet would be covered with blisters by the end of the day.”

She sat up straighter and Danny stood up then took a seat next to her.

“God, it’s so beautiful out here. It hasn’t changed much at all,” he said, looking out at the water.

She watched him. Danny was very attractive, and had lighter hair than Mike. Jack’s was almost blond where Danny’s was a light brown. Mike’s was dark brown, but the three of them shared the same gorgeous blue eyes.

He wore a pair of blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a tight-fitting light blue shirt. She could smell his cologne. It was something simple and not fancy or overwhelming. It made her want to inhale to get a better scent of it. She crossed her legs and then placed her hands on her lap. They both stared out at the water.

“My brothers, cousins, and I had a lot of good times out here.”

“Really? You swam in that lake? It’s safe?” she asked. He chuckled as he looked at her. God, he’s so handsome. She had to turn away. She felt the warning signs creep up and down her spine. Men couldn’t be trusted. Men wanted to hurt, to manipulate and control a woman. Even the ones who seemed so nice.

“It’s safe, darling. There’s even a natural spring that runs through there. But don’t go in there by yourself,” he warned.

“Why not?” she asked, feeling concerned.

“It’s pretty deep in the center. It’s not smart to swim alone.”

“I would only go in to my waist. I don’t know how to swim,” she said then stood up from the bench.

“Then definitely not alone. I could teach you how to swim,” he said, standing up and placing his hand on her hips.

She shook her head and stepped back. “That’s okay. No need to learn. I won’t go in,” she said and walked around the bench to try and put some distance between them. If felt good to have his hands on her waist. To have him act as though he cared and wanted to teach her to swim. But she knew what he was after. She wasn’t interested.

“Marlena, do my brothers and I scare you?” he asked her. She was shocked as she looked up and locked gazes with him.

“Scare me? Why would you ask that?” she asked. He remained where he was standing. The light from the sun cascaded around him, making him appear almost spiritual, like some savior. Her savior? She shook the thoughts from her head.

“Darling, you

get this look sometimes that clearly displays an emotion of fear. It concerns my brothers and me. What could we do to show you that we can be trusted?”

She ran her hand along the top of the bench and looked away from him.

“I’m sorry, Danny. I think you should go. It’s my day off and I’d like to relax and be alone.”

“Marlena, I’ll do as you wish. I came by to check on that burn and make sure it was healing okay.”

“It’s fine. I even changed the bandage,” she replied.

“Good. You take care of that and make sure it doesn’t get worse. You’re not working tomorrow, are you?”

“Of course I am.”

He stepped closer to her.

“You should be resting. That burn is going to ache a bunch working all day the way you do.”

“I have to work. I wouldn’t leave your mom and dads hanging, Danny. There are no replacements, yet,” she said.

“You’re not replaceable, Marlena. You’re perfect,” he said, and she felt her cheeks warm. She lowered her eyes and a moment later Danny was next to her. He touched her hand, bringing it to his lips.

“You enjoy your day off. Maybe after this week, you’ll accept my offer to teach you how to swim. I’m sure Mike and Jack would love to teach you, too.” He kissed her knuckles, winked, and then released her hand and walked away. She followed him with her eyes as he headed own the path and to the side of her house. She saw the red pickup truck. Different than that Escalade he and Jack always drove.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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