Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 15

She looked at him and Mike nodded his head. “Yes, our girl.”

“You staking a claim? The three of you for real? No bullshit?” Parker asked.

“Do I look like I’m bullshittin’, son?” Mike said and Parker shook his head.

“I’ll see you around, Marlena,” Parker said, sounding upset, and turned around and walked away.

“Why did you do that? What did you mean saying those things to him?” she asked.

He stepped closer and placed his hands on her hips. “Settle down, honey. I did what needed to be done. No other men are going to come around and try to snag your attention. Not with my brothers and I around. We waited months to talk with you, to let you know how we felt. We understand that you’re shy, that maybe you had some bad experience with a man before.” Her eyes widened and she stepped back only to hit the back of the trunk. Mike pulled her closer. “Easy, Marlena. Don’t be scared, sugar. You feel the attraction just like we do. We’ll take things slow. We’ll let you get to know us. Let you ask us anything you want. We’re planning on making you our woman. We’re spreading the word.”

She shook her head.

“But I don’t want to be claimed. I don’t want to be your woman. I want to be left alone. I can’t accept this.”

“Why not, sweetie? Did someone hurt you? Is that why you can’t let down this guard you have up and see how sincere me, Danny, and Jack are?”

“Please, Mike, it’s not fair, the way you’re doing this to me.”

He pressed closer and cupped her cheeks.

“Baby, tell me right now that you don’t feel a thing for me and my brothers. Tell me, and I’ll call it off. I’ll accept it even though it breaks my heart and kills me inside. Tell me you don’t feel a thing.”

She stared into those gorgeous blue eyes of his. She felt the tears fill her eyes and her heart hammer in her chest. She never could tell a lie. She definitely couldn’t tell one to Mike and in the damn deputy uniform, no less.

“I can’t take the chance. I don’t want to get hurt.”

“We won’t hurt you. Let us in, Marlena. Let us get to know you and what you’re so afraid of.”

She shook her head.

“Can’t you let your guard down enough to get to know us so we can prove we’re not bad men, and that we won’t hurt you?”

She felt sick, angry that Peter had hurt her emotionally and physically so badly she lacked self-confidence and let him still beat her down even from miles and miles away.

“I’m scared to.”

As she said the words and admitted them she felt like crying.

“Aww, baby, someone messed with you real good. But we’re not him. You’ll see that. Starting right now.” He pressed his lips gently to hers, shocking her. But she didn’t pull back. She absorbed the scent of his cologne, the feel of his masculinity surrounding her, and she let go. That kiss grew deeper and she wanted. She wanted, craved, lusted for more of him, and then she thought of Danny and Jack and she felt the same emotions for them. She was in trouble now. She’d let Mike kiss her. There was no turning back. She might have just made the next big mistake of her life.

* * * *

Mike released Marlena’s lips despite the fact that he wanted more. He’d never felt so good kissing a woman. She was special. He ran his hand along her hip and stepped back.

“Thank you, darling. You pack a

hell of a punch,” he teased, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and lowered her head.

She looked adorable, hell, edible, and his cock was hard as a steel rod against his pants.

He cleared his throat.

“Now about this project you’re going to start. No need to worry, my brothers and I know a lot about these things. We can help you.”

She started to shake her head and he raised one of his eyebrows up at her. “Now, now, don’t be giving into those fears of us hurting you. That isn’t going to happen. We’ll take things slow and each get to know you, and you can get to know us. I can follow you back to your place now to get these things unloaded but then I need to get back to work.”

“That’s okay. I can leave them in the car or get them out myself. Don’t leave work. The sheriff may get mad.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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