Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 31

“You thought she might have been in trouble,” Rita said.

“I think she is still. I think she’s holding back and maybe feels like she’s got to protect herself from everyone and everything.”

“The men will get it out of her. It’s their job now if they’re officially staking a claim,” Roy said then pulled the burgers off the grill, placed them on the buns with the fries, and put them on the shelf. He tapped the bell.

“Although they haven’t made it official. Maybe we need to talk to them, Reagan,” Roy said and then turned back around as Marlena came in to grab the order. She looked as normal as anything. She smiled at them.

“Got two more tables. Are there more chicken specials left or not?” Marlena asked.

“Two more, honey,” Rita told her and smiled.

“Great. I’ll be right back after I confirm they want those.” She turned around and headed out.

“She’s so sweet, and petite. I hope she’s not in trouble, or that she’s on the run,” Reagan said.

“On the run? What?” Rita asked.

“She said she loved it here and didn’t want to leave. It was almost like she was setting me up to not be shocked if that happened.”

“That doesn’t sound right at all,” Rita replied and didn’t like the feeling she had now either.

“If she’s in trouble, then we need to help her.”

“And how are we supposed to do that?” Roy asked.

“You leave it to me. I’ll get her to talk, to come around and see we can be her family if need be. I like her. Hell, she reminds me a lot of myself at twenty-three. We’ll make her see she’s cared for and there’s no place better than Chance. You two talk to the men. Make sure they’re taking their time, and you know what I mean,” she said and raised one eye up at them.

They chuckled.

“You watch that sassiness, woman, or there’ll be hell to pay tonight,” Roy challenged.

“Bring it on, Roy, I can handle both of you, remember?” she teased and went back to preparing more food.

“Oh I recall someone begging for mercy just last night,” Reagan teased her and gave her a slap to her ass. She gasped just as Marlena came into the kitchen.

“Oh, I’ll just come back in a minute.”

“Get back here. She’s my woman. I can tap that ass if I want to.”

“Reagan,” Rita scolded and the men chuckled.

“They can be a handful. But believe me, I’ve got them wrapped around my finger. So do you need those two specials?” Rita asked Marlena.

“Yes, ma’am,” she said and smiled softly.

“You got it,” Rita said and went back to working. She caught Marlena smiling, and Rita hoped she could see the love between Rita and her men. Marlena could have that, too, if her sons gained her trust and helped her to see that they could love her and protect her no matter what. Maybe she should talk to the men, and not Roy and Reagan.

She smiled then went about cooking. She’d get to it later. Give the men a chance. They only made their first move last week. She smiled. Maybe in a few months she would gain herself a daughter-in-law and a grandbaby?

“What’s that’s grin about?” Regan asked her.

“Oh nothing. Nothing at all.”

Chapter 7

Marlena laughed as Danny cursed for hitting his thumb again. She could see it bruising and swelling up as she climbed down from the small stepladder and walked toward him.

“Let me see,” she said and chuckled. He really wasn’t very good at this construction stuff. She reached for his hand.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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